VoK Prompts

4 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 5
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

Valley of Kings prompts for leveling up. NP = Not an official prompt.

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Pride Positions / C5

Prompt C5 - What are the ranks within your prompt? Explain them and what roles they fill (3 ranks minimum, 200 words total minimum)
Word count - 968 / 200
Number of Ranks: 11
Exp: 150

Rank 0: Founder
The founder takes the position of either King or Queen. There is only one, and once they pass away there is never another. They have supreme power over all councils and advisers.

Rank 1: The King
The King is in charge of all happenings in the pride. Every order must be approved through him. It is also his duty to ensure that everyone is safe and all communal resources are divided fairly (i.e., food, fire materials, shelter, medical help, etc.).

Rank 2: The Queen
The Queen can oversee most all matters in the King's absence, including leading any tasks the King gives her. The more personal jobs, such as caring for family issues and skirmishes between lions, are also hers to take care of.

Rank 3: Adviser / Second-In-Command / Right-Hand Lion
This roll helps coordinate events and make sure everything is running smoothly. They filter the King and Queen's matters so everything is prioritized and nothing is forgotten. When the King and Queen are absent they can rule for short periods. Otherwise, they help make decisions whenever necessary. They can also serve as a personal guard to the King and Queen. The adviser can be a close friend of Rank 1, a sibling, a cousin, or whoever the Council (see Rank 5) votes upon if Rank 1 doesn't choose.

Rank 4: Heirs / Prince, Princess, and Sage
These are the trainees of Ranks 1, 2, and 3. They have authority under those ranks and in the order stated above: Sages have to obey Princesses and Princesses have to obey Princes. They are basically equal, in addition to having essentially the same ruling power as the elders.

NOTE: In most normal cases, the male heirs and rulers are above the females UNLESS the females are the bloodline of the previous rulers, in which case the roles are switched. The first cub of the King and Queen is the next Rank 1. If no children are had, then the Council (see Rank 5) votes on a new Heir.

Rank 5: Elders
The elders are simply the older lions who have retired from their working positions. At this point, they are all lawfully equal, but most of the time their previous rank is still upheld in each others eyes. They make up the Council of Lions (with the addition of the above ranks), who together vote on large laws and make sure the upper positions are fair and running smoothly. they can take over as ruler at any time if the majority votes so. They also see too it that the proper rulers are in place. Fieldsman (see Rank 8) are made Elders on the Festival of Graduation during their 7th Year.

Rank 6: Field Leaders
They can be compared to modern managers. They represent their trade when any matters need to be taken to the King or Queen. They see to it that their task is being done, done efficiently, and done well. They assign those under them jobs and positions within their field. They lead all operations carried out by their field. To lions in other fields and unionsmen, they are equals and have no more authority. They go out with their fieldsmen and help with the tasks

Rank 7: Unionsmen
These are the fieldsmen (see Rank 8) in fields that only require one lion. They have equal ruling power to the Field Leaders, but no authority over any fieldsmen. They are not assigned tasks by any form of Rank 6, either. If there is every a shortage of lions in the pride, a different unionsman will step into the postion.
Possible Unions:

Rank 8: Fieldsmen
These are the workers. They are the normal adults. They are assigned a field on the Festival of Graduation (held annually on the Summer Solstice) in their 2nd Year by a weighted vote of the ranks above them that takes place after a series of tests. For some fields, they are then broken into They are the general population.
Possible Fields in order of average number of members (it won't normally exceed these amounts):
Warrior - 12+ (There are six in each squadrant and two squadrants in peacetime. An unlimited number of squadrants may be issued during wartime, using allies and other fieldsmen) - They are the fighters and protectors from all external threats. In peacetime, they may go off with the other fields to work as protectors.
Hunter - 10 (two squadrants) - They seek out and kill prey to feed the entire pride.
Developer - 6 - They use what the scouts have found, the collectors have gathered, and the information provided by the upper ranks about what is needed within the pride. They design and build innovative technologies and replace any old or broken objects.
Collector - 6 (two squadrants) - Collect killed prey, fire materials, healing supplies, and anything needed by the upper ranks.
Scout - 4 (+ Snow Dingos in this Pride) - They seek out new territory, sources of supplies and resources, allies, threats, and possible new pride members, and develop new improvements that can be made within the pride.
Guard - 2 - They are the internal protectors. If anyone is causing trouble they will see to it that they are stopped. They stand guard by the entrance to keep out unwanted trespassers. (These two are normally highly respected and considered Rank 6, as Field Leaders.)

Rank 9: Cubs
These are Rank 6-8's young. They become Fieldsmen during the Festival of Graduation of their 2nd Year. They have no ruling power or authority, but are valued above Rank 10.

Rank 10: Guests, Refugees, Rogues
These are lions from visiting prides, those seeking help from other prides/lions before they are made a Rank 7 or 8 on the Festival of Graduation, or criminals. They have no ruling power or authority. Certified Rogues (caught over three times by the guards for illegal activities and then tried guilty by the Council) have to wait a one-year period and then however long it is until the next Festival of Graduation before being let back into their previous field or union position.

Edit: With the passing of the Rank 1, Rank 2 will fill their position, and Rank 3 will fill theirs. When the top Rank 4 comes of age, they will switch the new Rank 2 and it will proceed as before.