Hi! So if u clicked/tapped on this u might wonder where all the stuff is..! Annd It's WIP so far xD

I only recentely found out how to actually edit worlds finally oops

If u want an """early access""" to the WIP pages I'm writing feel free to request a membership n leave any time xD

Welcome to my world!

Please keep in mind, that this world is purely only based off of the Sonic universe. I always felt it was a little too under-utilized for truly interesting facts like certain Sonic games including normal humans in it and certain Sonic games just having no humans at all beside Eggman. Such questions kept me up at night back then...So this lore mostly exists for myself to calm my constant theories and ideas down, LOL. Plus I added seedrians & anthros to the mix. I just love the concept of human evolution going south in terms of us pressing the panic button and going "FRICK GO BACK!"