Death-senses (6th sense)

The main characteristic of the angels in my universe, is their deathly-danger senses. 

When they get assigned as their role of a trained protector, they do not get taught about their first emergency-sign on purpose. They are purely activated by instinct and can not be removed or changed. If it is an actually severe emergency, their tutor steps in first, before the rookie makes a mistake. Angels take their duty to protect, very seriously and do not allow failure to occur. 

The angel feels a phantom-pain-like sharp sting, around where their sensory cortex is/used to be. They perceive the death and/or pain that will be caused by their death, approximately *30 seconds, before impact, like an illusion, lucid-dream almost. Once their instinct kicks in, they become uncontrollable, otherwordly creatures, not part of their personality, free of any attempts to struggle against it. This involuntary action they take, is intentionally in their instinct, once they agree to protect someone, as their oath to protect, will not allow them to resist, or decline, out of sheer mental-response. Since an angels's body is not tied to their mental-health, it's a 6th sense, an extension to their flight-or-fight instinct. They fight, to give a chance to flee, for a victim. 

*-Tryna remember the time extension each tier has might be inaccurate but atleast gunna write down dsfklslkf

-15 secs generic

-30 secs elementals

-1 min 30 secs teachers/mentors

Since the Divine-Sanctuary's codex, memorized by any angel by instinct, to prevent any forgetful one to even skip out on that important rule, it is an autonomous process, invoked by instinct, as mentioned above. Attempts to struggle against it, will either demote or banish an angel to the Dystopian Core, punishment by breaking their oath to protect.

Although, that sense can be damaged, if the angel has any % of a demon-infection rate. If the infection takes place located around their head, the instinct fades, until cured of it. 

If said infection makes them fail in protecting someone, the angel is never to blame in said incident, for they couldn't of done anything against it, without help or warning. It is the only exception to punishment.