Insults & Biases



1. The practice of showing bias and/or distaste toward communities of certain species. 

Example sentence; 

"Damn, Tom sure is taking his sweet time with delivering that pizza to the customer. Typical slugs! They only know how to be slow. I hate slugs so much, I should've hired a lizard.."

(Subject: Lizard) 

2. The act of insulting one based on ones species. The roots of those sayings stem from humans. (see more on humans in this article;)

Example sentence;

"I can't believe it. You couldn't be any more clumsier, than a normal yak already is! You buffalos are EVEN worse!"

(Subject: Yak) 

[Source: The public, free online-dictionary, Earth-Mobius Edition.]

I know, title might be confusing but this includes common/general insults based around humanity and specism AS WELL as a look into sociatal biases and influences.

When mobians are referred to as: Feral/Animal; 

Most take it as an insult, since they're still partially human. As much as mobians see themselves above humans, to insult them as animals, is like telling them, they are limited in intelligence. Mobians like to be seen superior than humans and better than them, which causes most normal things to sound like insults to them, despite still being partially animal. 

Avoid using the word humane around them;

As mentioned above, mobians have a superiority complex, simply over their evolution. They prefer being called empathetic or down-to-earth instead. (Avoid using down-to-earth for anyone NOT from Earth, aliens will also see it as an insult.)

Insulting certain species that are commonly looked down upon such as spiders/mosquitoes/wasps:

While not legally regulated if you were to berate one, there IS a protection law for them, that requires, you respect their species by not inflicting harm on them DUE to species. If you mentally hurt them or physically, you get punished by a misdemeanor charge if reported. This law is in the same category as birds requiring protection. This is a global law, with a few exceptions twisting and bending certain rules, primarily caused by bias and/or corruption.

Stereotypical insults;

-Slow as a slug 

-As lazy as a sloth

-As busy as a bee (can be seen positive, is not all the time by the bee communities) 

-As dangerous (to be around /) as a lion

-As fast as a cheetah

-Crocodiles/alligators/hippos are not to be trusted to get too close

-Being a "sheep" (minimized to be a domestic-dominated species they're not, VERY insulting)

Expectations that come off as Stereotypical & offensive by species:

-As quiet as a mouse

-As fast as a cheetah

-Giraffes have trouble with doors & buildings

-Bunnies/moles/meerkats/worms ALL live in tunnel-caves

-Fish/pigs reek w/ a bad smell

-Insects are noisy

And etc. Etc, I could list many more examples, but then we both would be here for several days. 

Instead, have an expansion on the concept of societal bias and workplaces about it;

By example, some bias listed;

-Domestic species get accepted more easier into generic jobs than exotics or sea-animals. 

-Exotics always are more pointed and to be found in creative communities such as art, music, writing, etc. Whilst domestic species get over-shadowed. 

-Rodents & insects get accepted much easier into dangerous/extreme jobs, such as i.e mining underground, working in tunnel-services, digging-sites, construction-workers, etc. Abuse is commonplace for them.

-Mammals from colder climates are expected to work in officelike settings and primarily serve as professionals. It usually results in them being taken overly-serious and accepted literally anywhere. Arctic mammals especially enjoy the privileges. 

-Sea-animals work great as community- / societal based work, such as garbage-collectors, community-service charities, gardening, clinics, etc. Some jobplaces flat-out refuse to take them in, due to the fact, that most of the time sea-creatures lack noses or can look frightening, without trying to be. Those sea-creatures usually have to open self-made businesses. Said self-made businesses have a hard time accepting mammals due to that fact. 

-Avians almost always are primarily in airlines and/or working in any travel-related or- logistic based job.