The Divine Sanctuary (Basics)

The "Divine Sanctuary" is located in the earth's atmosphere, where angels, gods, pets and godly creatures reside in.

Hierarchy as follows;


An Angels's basic appearance may be based off parents species and appearance altogether. They are known as autonomous beings of the cosmos in Mobius to some, who believe in them. Mortals don't know much about them, other than that they protect the earth, by person, by nature and by their pure existance. Those who don't believe in them, wouldn't be able to encounter one.

Every angel that gets born/returns, has following basic features:

-Horns (Form, shape, color do not matter, ∴ influences design)

-Wings (sprout slowly as a second pair based off of the arm limbs, some angels's wing(s) are replacing their arms if they didn't have (an) arm(s). )

[Wing patterns/colors/smybols/type depends exclusively on species and their hair>fur>marking/2nd fur color] 

-Feathers (Sprout from ankles and wrists, can replace tails if they were missing) 

-Multiple Halo types (position do not matter, dependant on type of death, ex.; murder, suicide, natural disasters) 

-Markings dependant on death and/or injuries. 

There are 7 main species of the angels that are assigned to their most higher-ups of princesses.








They're the ones that populate the Sanctuary the most. Either an angel has multiple or only one virtue, many can overlap. The more virtues, the more respected and holy you will be considered. 

There are many more princesses and various other gods in the realm, caused by worshippers and beliefs that create more angels and gods every day.

Some angels get born in the haven by permission of the council. 

Angels are immune to objects and people, however, angels still have weaknesses:

-Hot temperatures


-Energy drainage

-High wind areas

Both of those cause angels to weaken and turn to dust. Water is a special weakness of theirs, if they get in contact with it, it'll make their bodies fall apart depending on the amount and on what body part they get hit on. If they completely drown, it'll take months to heal back up and when they do, they are either in the sanctuary or in their graves, resting. 

An angel regenerates faster, if they receive candles, flowers and personal objects/items they had a personal connection to, they regenerate especially fast, if they get to see a person they like/love, visiting their resting place and of their grave is taken care of well. Though there is a risk factor when an angel is resting; The partner they were supposed to protect is back to being susceptible to death, being completely unprotected. If the target they're protecting requests them to rest, they have automatically permission to do so, since the person will be aware of their absence. An angel also will not be punished nor be forced to step down, in case their duty as protectors have failed, midst rest, as the blame cannot be automatically also pushed onto them, they will have an alibi, as rest is necessary and of high-priority to an angel, once depleted of energy or eradicated, until they are able to return to their duties. 

Angels also have the ability to possess and object or a person and share their body, thoughts and memories with their host. Generally, it'll give a normal person the advantage of flight, gain more strength and move faster. If an angel and a person stay fused for too long, the angel will permanently stay amalgamated together with the person, both not being able to die, unless a demon takes their life, turning the person into a demon and the angel in turn, dying. 

Angels modify the DNA in someones body in order to cooperate with them, so they tend to not possess people too much, in hopes of accidentally blending with them, causing them to turn slowly into the angel in question. 

Depending on how much they practice their angelic abilities, angels have the possibility of being assigned to a natural element. There are 4 main ones:





Both water and earth together are essential to the angelic sanctuary. 

The water element angels, are able to clean cursed crystals and jewelry. They keep the gems/crystals in their special concoction of water, that they fuse to their body and then release back out, sprouting from their backs. Those angels can sense corruption and evil intend the best. High winds are for them, the biggest weakness. Water element angels have a higher immunity against water but also can die from it, if they're not careful enough. Water element angels are highly respected, as mastering the ability to cleanse corrupted energy takes immense power and the mastery of water to accomplish. Water angeks replenish the earth with fresh soil and new rocks/crystals whenever they descend down to the earth. 

The earth element, gives the ability for angels to roam the earth freely without needing to return to the sanctuary, they retreat mostly to places that have a high amount of rock/metals/crystals. These angels can sense the rocks in the earth and dig the most smallest hole to get to them. When they own them, they go out of their way to protect the sanctuary by placing crystals around the sanctuary, leave crystals in the clouds to decrease strength for invading demons and give them to water-element angels, so they can re-seal or clean them, giving them the property of absorbing demons and/or keep a person far away from doing evil deeds. They are the most immune to hot temperatures, yet their biggest weakness would be low air in those caves for their bodies to stay stable.

Plants/Nature element angels give life to the earth. They make sure to cleanse plants of malicious bugs and/or keep them safe from plant-diseases. They tend to have plants/flowers growing on them, to give back pollen to other plants by using their own energy. Plants element angels also give parents a chance to keep their children safe, plant angels are mostly responsible for guarding children. Plant angels tend to have the most tender personalities. Their biggest weakness would be high temperatures. Angels and mobians who believe in them alike, respect those angels for keeping the earth alive. 

Air element angels have the least respect out of all elements. They keep the air clean, cleanse air of pollution and air element angels tend to take care of older people. The air element is considered the most basic element, but it keeps the earth alive by providing fresh air whenever they fly or float accross the earth. These angels are the most dustiest in their "body", causing people to sneeze more often if the angel phases through them. Air element angels tend to keep people the most alive near situations like fire and drowning, yet their biggest weakness is water. They provide more to the earth than the angelic realm. If they master their powers although, they can create clouds and create high-speed winds. 

For example, normal angels only have feathers, wings and a halo while angels with higher skill-ceilings have the ability to own 2 halos to look after even more people, special elementar abilities corresponding to their element (e.g water-bending, rock manipulation, unusual fertilizer for plants), grow more limbs, own more wings for faster and safer flight and obtain possible attention of the 7 angel princesess to get promoted even further.

Angels look like their best memory of themselves, being the age where they felt the most happy. Many remember adult, teen- or childhood. Only a small amount are older. Depending on if an angel has been born in the sanctuary, they cannot descend down to earth without bonding with a host they will be assigned to. If the angel has mastered their ability, they will be assigned to a new angel instead, to train and watch after the angel. 

Injuries and death affect markings, angels who are born in the sancutary, do not have markings. 

Unlike demons, angels cannot see themselves in a mirror, photograph or reflection properly. They can only see their hands, irises & pupils, applied to their respective POVs, unless an already-in-sanctuary born angel. Normal people cannot see them at all in mirrors, photos, reflections, etc. 

(Examples of an angel character: Marco | Theodore)