Intern. controversy/Political

This a list of common arguments around the mobian world [UPDATED 20.12.22];

-Chipping mobians who are known to flee country/prison sentences

-Discourse around vandals & extremists who destroy human-made structures or graveyards specifically for human remains. Another part to it, is how harshly to punish them, that gets hotly debated.

-Ethicacy of executions

-Gas-powered cars (hover-cars are a brand but not most of the population can't afford AND use it) 

-Generation supremacy problems 

-If abandoned ruins/buildings left from humans back then should be demolished and replaced with "mobian kind made structures" (also abbreviated to the MKMS movement) 

-If angels and demons BOTH exist (usually 1 group only or none is believed in commonly) 

-If aliens are real or just human-evolutionised creatures like mobians

-If aliens should be welcomed to the earth and given legal documents so they get to live on earth too

-If animal-instictive individuals should be chipped/executed or put under medication or if it's natural

-If exotic mobians by default should be shunned from more domestic-species towns/cities (exclusion and speciesm problems) 

-If fangs from venomous spiders/snakes should be removed at birth

-If human movies/art should be preserved and learned from (most countries want to legalize it as gen-1 presidents nationally agreed to ban it for educational purposes) 

-If humans should be recreated (just like mobians being born from basically lab-testing centuries ago, they possibly wanna bring them back) 

-If keeping human bones & graves is still ethical in the modern-day and age considering, they've become their own complete species instead of only pure hybrids, plus the evolution of such.

-If mobians should be prohibited from living in the wilderness (mostly between traditional/urbanised countries/states) 

-If robotic prosthetics should replace normal mobian limbs (see page about powers for more info)

-If scorpion-stinger tails should be genetically removed in laboratories 

-If species-exclusion is a viable tactic to shake up the variety in species located at cities/towns/countries

-If the world should be dictated by the province-system, via making kings and queens be the animals at the top of the foodchain (some countries already developed this rule and use it i.e. Queen Eliza

-Mythological creatures/folklore beliefs

-Political views in heavy patriotismic context

-The abuse of firefly workers (often hired as light-guides or to work in ungodly hours being something like 2AM/4AM because they're light-sources) 

-The demand for more "perfect mobians" being a terrible evolution 

-Vaccinations for mobians (mostly has to do with mobians who think humans are a downgrade and shouldn't be treated as such) 

-Whether exotic and generic mammals/mobians as a whole should be segregated off, so that no dangerous crimes occur due to it, directed at exotics

-Whether mutations should be allowed via a high price and also the creation of mutated species to be recognized by the public instead of being seen as a "modification" 

-Whether the old schooling system humans made up years ago is outdated for mobians besides history having been already modified