Living outdoors/indoors

Simply stated; Mobians are 2/3rds animal. 

They can choose, wether to live on a more humane standard or more on the animalistic one. 

If they live in normal suburbias/houses, they operate by postal-codes, streets and such. The norm as we know it. Domesticated animals, tend to flock toward this safe, sterile lifestyle.

If they live in the wilderness, they have to do most operations public services would, manually by themselves, though, they have the freedom to choose still. A few live in burrows, caves, giant nests, underground mines or tunnels, plus ocean or up in the sky. 

They are allowed to dig houses, so long they register it's theirs and provide a picture. If such hasn't been done, they pose a risk of getting robbed of their living space, with no repercussions toward the home-invader. Due to this law, approximately 10% of crimes across the entire population, have happened in such burrows or caves, the criminals not being charged for the home-invasion, though still for murder or harassment e.g., giving them less jail time as consequence. That law is criticised by protestors, but politicians don't plan to change this rule. Wild mobians tend to be dominated by carnivorous- or wild/exotic species in general.

Some choose to live in hyper-modern cities, constructed by modern-time technology invented by mobians, for them, it's different. Since drones and robots do most of societies's work there, all they need, is to register their name, so long they consent and sign a contract, that robots are allowed to track, identify and find them. Paranoid and technophobic mobians living in such cities, usually deny it for example needing to do everything manually, just like wild-mobians. A majority of technophobes stay out of these "cyber-cities" and live rather normal-city lives or wild ones. 

There's a last group, that choose to live in ghost-towns or abandoned buildings, still left by humans, catacombs, cathedrals, mines, entire cities left by them. More-often than not, rodents dominate that lifestyle. The aquatic counterparts, tend to live in Atlantis-like nautical cities, left by mermaids. Some live in giant shells. 

All mobians, coined terms for such lifestyles;





All of these slang terms derive off a different lanugages as we know them, words mashed with others.