Art as a whole + Human Remains

Title is confusing: Basically what remains of knowledge & culture about humans & all the artforms and how they're being handled.

There's mobian movies/literature/art/photos and also that of humans. 

-Any human-made material, is used as a basis on history of evolution and how mobians came to be. It purely depends on school and region, segueing to;

-Some countries or states forbid human materials from being of legal possession. Certain mobian politics (see pages about common arguments), get in the way of politicians, needing to ban them or being pressured by peers, in order to "protect" mobians from judgement, due to their supposed "backwards evolution", according to science papers and researchers, that experimented with animal genomes towards humans early on, to turn them into early-mobians (kemons). 

-Human memorabilia is kept by certain generation-long surviving families. Some donate it to museums, others hide their heirloom, to continue secretly passing it on, knowing how extremely valuable those objects are. 

-Books and movies with humans in them can be bought by the public, except for some exceptions, being movies from the 80's/90's, that are impossible to replicate and restore, due to technology having had advanced too far, in order to know, how to rebuild ancient things like walkmens or video cassette players. 

-Yes, paintings get restored of humans BY MOBIANS nowadays. Every generation deteriorates the paintings though more and more, as everyone is an animal. Noone is really sure, what humans nowadays would've looked like to them. It's mostly a mystery. 

-Some mobians, due to regional and sceptical circumstances, don't believe, that humans existed at all. 

-Some mobians are interested in humans, seeing aliens as predecessors to them, asking them, if they've ever seen humans, but only a rare amount truly have. Seedrians and mobians are the closest thing, you'll ever be able to trace back, to a human. 

-A majority of mobian-books are reprints of human work or re-imagines of their movies, done with mobian actors, leading to the population increasingly becoming unaware of humans.

-Some towns/cities, graves, statues and houses have been also left behind by humans. These towns, tend to have REAL-OLD* technology. 

*Refers to a non-written page yet, about mobians liking the 90's aesthetic but all is modern instead of real retro items. More about human-objects will be written another day. 

-A small group of mobians are fascinated by humans and their culture, which could cause them to create illegal copies of human history products, if they're overly enthusiastic about it.