The Dystopian Core (Basics)

The "Dystopian Core" is located in the earth's core, where demons and lovecraftian creatures reside in.

Either angels send down people, who committed atrocities, despite vowing peace, or failed their objectives, committing to a sin of sloth.

More often than not, some demons just get born by people having a belief that they exist, therefore creating them out of fears and nightmares.

A demon's basic appearance may be based off parents, personality*, species and appearance.

Every demon that gets born, has following basic features:

-Horns (Form, shape, color do not matter, ∴ influences design)

-Wings (Homolegues to their own forearm limbs, some demons's wing(s) are missing if they didn't have arm(s). )

-Tail (form, shape ,color all do not matter)

-Claws (∴ influences design, can be feet /(&) hands)

-Multiple eyes (position do not matter, * influences design)

There are 7 main species of the demons that are assigned to their most higher-ups of princes.

-Lust (Now called Desperation) 



-Sloth (changed to its original name, being sadness/depression, apathetic kind, I do not use the name sloth.) 




Their actual names do not get mentioned by demons lower, or under ruling of them, meaning only the siblings themselves, call eachother by name or families, close to them, being under a more royal/higher rank. 

They're the ones that populate the Dystopian Core the most.

There are many more princes and various other demon gods in the realm, caused by worshippers and beliefs that create more demons every day.

Some demons get born in hell by comets falling from their hollow cave-like shafts. 

Demons are immune to fire, lava and various other hot temperatured-locations/objects, however, demons still have a weakness:

-Low temperatures

-Bright Light

Both of those cause the demons, to weaken and stiffen up. Since demons live far underground in dark and hot caves with temperatures of up to 6.000C° (or 10.800F° to my dear Americans!), they are very sensitive to bright lights, causing varying degrees of after-effects aswell as cold temperatures. 

Demons instincitively panic when they get in contact with light/cold temperatures, causing them to either fight or flee depending on their varying aggression and personalities.

Demons are able to take control of someones body or share a body (either willingly or un-willingly) with their host, such are considered "hybrids". Some demons like it, others don't, some kill the host they fused or possessed, if it were to happen to them in order to gain freedom and return back to the Core. if a mobian gets possessed, they have the ability to travel down to the Earth's Core, with no problems. A mobian is in an "unconscious" state when possessed, if the demon gets exorcised or defeated, their mobian nature will return. If mobians aren't fully-possessed, their are conscious, yet their demon counterpart is the host of their body, while their mobian part is the host of their mind.

Depending on how much they practice their demonic abilities, various demons can do varying spells or perform special actions others can't;

For example, normal demons only have claws, horns and their sharp teeth to defend themselves, while demons with higher skill-ceilings have the ability to summon flames, pentagram portals, grow more limbs and obtain possible attention of the 7 demon princes to get promoted even further.

Some demons might look more deranged, older, bigger, or way more different in general,  it mainly depends on if they've been born in hell, are "hybrids", injuries in their previous lives or if they were summoned and amalgamated with someone.

Demons are able to be seen by everyone.

The slightest of touch from a demon will infect an angel, as their blood does not correspond to their bodies, consisting of air and dust, it's like molasses to an angel, as the blood of demons is very thick and black, which comes from rotten blood, it causes the molecules in an angel's body to fuse and pull in more, until an angel is entirely taken over by their blood. The more it mixes with the angel, the less of a chance there is for recovery for the angel. Depending on the angel, they might convert over to a deadly sin or to an undefined demon, having no big sin to it.

The color of a demon's body, will tell their deadly sin.


-Red/Orange for Wrath and Greed

-Orange/Yellow specifically for Pride (not only, but a majority are orange there's still exceptions)

-Greens/Turquoise for Envy or Sloth

-Fuchsia/Blues for Desperation & Gluttony

-Greys/Black are for angels that've been sent down or assigned to no deadly sin

If a spirit instead of an angel gets infected, usually it flips their personality upside-down but they can be exorcised to turn back to normal and to move on. (e.g. a kind person/spirit immediately turning jealous or violent/rude)

(Examples of demon characters: Hunny | Zack)