Tetsuya Kobashigawa



6 years, 8 months ago


one of manami’s relatives, one of the very few that managed to escape the human attack on their family. if you asked him, tetsuya would have no idea how he’d survived back then. the war was hectic, something he wasn’t suited for in the slightest. still, he managed to stay on the outskirts long enough, and hang around the company of humans he managed to befriend. he got to working as a server in roadside restaurants, and traveled around as somewhat of a wandering café. business started to stagnate in the late 19th century, and he happened to passingly hear about fogmere, the mythos capital. for the ditzy, carefree tetsuya, it was like paradise.

by sheer chance, he then met his long lost relative, manami. joys were all the more plenty in fogmere, not only was there a booming culinary business, he also found his old cousin again! who knows what else he’ll find?