


1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Aurelia

(Aurelia Aurita, also known as the moon jelly!  This is the animal she was named after, as well as the inspiration behind her color palette.)

Nicknames: Moon / Lia

Species: SeaWing

Color: Her base color is a light, arctic blue, with a pale (almost white) underbelly, and sky blue top scales.  Her SeaWing frills and bioluminescent scales are both the same shade of light pink, and her wing membranes are a gentle gradient between pink and white.

Patterns: Her patterns are very minimalistic, with the white of her underbelly traveling up her face a bit to cover her lower jaw, and her top scales traveling down her legs a bit, ending at her knees and elbows.

Body Type: Short and bulky (normal for a SeaWing), with softer, more feminine build.

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 17 (biologically speaking, but she is technically over 1,000 years old.  She is not immortal though.)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (although she is no longer interested in sexual or romantic relationships)

Romantic Orientation: Heteromantic

Disorders: PTSD and clinical depression

Introvert/Extrovert: She used to be an extrovert, but now that she lives in the modern world with new rules and standards, and no dragons who are still alive to remember her, she has become very secluded and skittish around others.  She’s still an extrovert at heart, but it takes a lot to get her out of her shell.


-Complete silence when she’s alone (it’s okay when she’s with others)

-Feeling trapped or contained (extreme claustrophobia)

-Animus magic

-Aragonite (her former captor)

Personality: Before her time within the locket, she was always extremely optimistic and easy-going; always surrounded by friends, and generally the life of the party within most social circles.  Her show of affection was to playfully tease and make fun of her friends, who would do the same to her in return, which would never fail to make her laugh.  She could definitely be considered girly, and would love to dress up to go to parties and get-togethers just to have a good time.  Once she met Aragonite however, her personality very slowly (almost unnoticeably) began to change.  She was sad more often, missed out on a lot of social gatherings, and she wasn’t hanging out with her friends as much as she used to.  In general, it seemed like she was loosing interest in almost everything she used to love so much, and her friends began to notice.  After Aurelia located the problem (Aragonite), she was convinced to break up with him in order to get her life back on track.  Unfortunately for her however, Aragonite was more dangerous than she could’ve ever imagined, and in his first public display of animus magic, he trapped her within a locket so that he could keep her at his side forever.  Once inside the locket, she was unable to escape, and she very quickly lost the will power to even try.  Constantly accompanied by her abuser, and forced to live forever as her friends and family grew old and died around her, it didn’t take long before Aurelia slipped into a deep, inescapable depression.  Even after Aragonite left, those feelings didn’t go away, and she would have constant nightmares of his face; blaming herself for not being able to see it sooner, and doing nothing to prevent it from happening.  When she finally escaped her prison,  she expected all those negative emotions to disappear, but they didn’t, and that made her confused and upset.  She continued to have nightmares, and she felt scared around almost every stranger she came into contact with.  She’s trying to get better, and with the support of Knot, she’s slowly integrating into her new, unfamiliar life, but she’s terrified, and doesn’t have a lot of confidence in herself anymore.  She hopes that one day things will get better, but first she has to find the courage to pick herself up and get the help she needs.


-Dressing up

-Board games

-Swimming deep underwater


-The beach

-Being with friends


-Feeling out of control

-Extreme cold

-Squid (they’re creepy)


Occupation: Former jeweler (currently unemployed)


-A simple band of pearls and gems wrapping around her horns. (Formal occasions)

-She used to enjoy wearing all sorts of adornments around her neck, but now she refuses to even touch a necklace.

-A pretty seafoam-colored shawl with sapphires and pearls strung into it to connect to her wing tips; waterproof to allow for usage under the sea. (Formal occasions)

-Bands of pearls and gemstones wrapping around her wrists and ankles. (Formal occasions)

-Two pink Pearl earrings in each ear.


Father: Sculpin

Relationship with them: She and her father were never super close, but she loved him nonetheless, and wish she could’ve been closer with him before she left.

Mother: Shore

Relationship with them: She and her mother had a very positive relationship, to the point where Aurelia sometimes forgot that she was her mother, and not just a good friend.  Shore had a bad feeling about Aragonite from the start, and Aurelia wishes she had listened to her.

Friends: Seabunny, Cuddlefish, Carnation, and Knot

Relationship with them: In her former life, Seabunny, Cuddlefish, and Carnation were her absolute closest friends, and she hated even the thought of leaving them for extended periods of time.  They were as close as siblings, and she loved them more than anything.  Knot on the other hand is currently her only friend now that she is out of the locket.  In terms of personality, he is completely different from any of her past friends, as he is extremely shy and introverted, but she takes care of him like a mother would, and they spend almost every waking hour with each other.

“Significant Other”: Aragonite

Relationship with them: Aragonite was her former partner, and they really did love each other at first.  Somewhere down the line though (presumably due to the corruption of his animus abilities), he became manipulative and abusive towards Aurelia, to the point where, as she was trying to leave, he enchanted her to live within a locket to remain at his side forever.  Now that he’s gone, Aurelia is extremely resentful of the orange and blue SeaWing (although her absolute grief over the situation makes it difficult for her to muster a lot of anger for him most days).

Enemies: Aragonite, and Knot’s bullies

Relationship with them: It should be obvious at this point why Aragonite is listed her, but Knot’s bullies are a different story.  They’re just mean dragons, but Aurelia absolutely despises them, probably more than she does Aragonite (which is completely unreasonable, but she has an easier time being mad at dragons who hurt the dragons she loves compared to dragons who have hurt her, even though their crimes are on two completely different scales).

Rivals: Seabunny

Relationship with them: Seabunny was one of Aurelia’s best friends when they were alive, and they competed in pretty much everything.  They loved each other though, so it was a very positive rivalry.

Intelligence: 8/10

Strength: 5/10

Speed: 4/10

Physical Health: 7/10

Mental Heath: 4/10

Vitality: 9/10

Strategy: 8/10

Quick Thinking: 10/10

Charisma: 10/10

Deception: 3/10

Backstory: Aurelia was a Nobel SeaWing who was born ~1,000 years prior to the first arc (and during a time where I imagine pink to be a more common color among the SeaWings).  She fell in love with a retired soldier named Aragonite, who was secretly an animus.  As time went on, Aragonite became cruel and manipulative, and so naturally, Aurelia decided to leave him.  However, he would not let that happen, and in his first public display of animus power, he sealed her inside an amulet so that he can keep her at his side forever.  Over the years, Aragonite was so corrupted by his powers that he seemingly forgot that Aurelia even existed, and threw the amulet into a box for safe keeping.  Later on, he presumably passed away (or was otherwise never seen again), and the amulet was lost for a very long time.  When it was rediscovered, it was passed around a lot, first by a SeaWing peasant, then by some nobles, then the queen herself, then lost again.  Years and years went by, and Aurelia was still trapped inside the locket, begging for freedom, until one day, she was found again, and given away to a young SeaWing named Knot (present-day).  Knot was nervous and generally just a social outcast, even among his own family, and he would often speak to the amulet about all his worries whenever he felt like he had nobody else to talk to.  Aurelia began to grow very attached to Knot, so much so that when she heard some of his bullies talking behind his back about jumping him after class, her will to protect him managed to break her spell.  She immediately explained to Knot who she was, and that all she wanted to do was protect him, and he happily accepted her friendship.  Aurelia has a lot of trauma built up because of what she went through, but her desire to protect her first friend in over 1,000 years helps to keep her grounded.  She takes care of him a lot like a mother would, and she hopes to one day be able to forget about her past and live out the rest of her life in peace.