Captain Davy Roberts



1 year, 2 months ago


Name: David Roberts

Origin: Last name inspired by Bartholomew Roberts

Nickname: Davy Roberts (formerly Captain Davy Roberts)

Origin: Inspired by Davy Jones Locker

Species: Tiger

Fur Color: Blue

Patterns: Black tiger stripes

Blood color: Red

Eye Color: Orange

Body Type: Big and bulky

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Physical Age: Adult

Birthday: May 31st

Physical Disabilities: Blind in his right eye.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Romantic Orientation: Prefers females

Mental Age: Adult

Introvert/Extrovert: Ambivert

Habits: Falling asleep in undesirable locations


-Being away from the sea for too long

-Disappointing folks

-Being killed for his crimes

Personality: As pirates go, Davy’s actually pretty relaxed and easy going, which leads many in his crew to dismiss his authority.  However, those who have been around him long enough have learned to both love and fear him.  He can be vicious in the face of danger, and repeated disobedience to his commands are punished severely.  But overall, he’s the type of guy you can sit down and have a nice chat with.




-Talking to folks

-Fixing things




-Letting people down

-Unjust judgement

Occupation: Pirate (former British Navy Captain)

Religion: Christian


-He wears an eyepatch to hide a horrible scar caused by a knife being plunged into right eye by an angry sailor, which blinded him.  

-A large leather captain’s hat (when he was in charge).

-White tunic and a black leather overcoat given to him by his father figure, Dara.

-Black poofy pants

-Tall black boots with large golden latches


Father figure: Dara Bays

Relationship with them: While Davy didn’t have an actual father growing up, he still grew up with a strong parental force in the form of Dara the white tiger.  He was the pirate who introduced him to the lifestyle and taught him everything he knew.

Mother: Laura

Relationship with them: She had him out of wedlock when she was very young, and she worked all day just to provide for him.  She sadly died of illness before her time.

Friends: Vitani, Hiroshi, and Ricker

Relationship with them

Vitani: Especially in comparison to Vitani, Davy is a very open-book type of person, but these two are surprisingly close despite their differences in personality.  When he used to work as less of a pirate and more of a Navy force for the military, they used to talk a lot, but now they have fallen out of touch.

Hiro: When Davy first lost his crew, Hiroshi (otherwise known as Hiro) was the first to join his new team.  Hiro is his right-hand man, and while their personalities are very different (with Hiro being a lot more snappy and short-tempered) and with Hiro being significantly younger than him, they still get along fine and both want the same things.

Ricker: compared to the other two, Ricker and Davy know each other the least, but they definitely have the most in common!  As soon as they met, they became very quick friends, and Davy enjoys visiting him whenever he can (which also gives him an opportunity to meet with Vitani as well considering Ricker owns a Tavern in that area.

Enemies: The British Navy (and other governmental organizations who want to hinder his progress)

Relationship with them: WIP

Mental State: 10/10

Physical Strength: 8/10

Speed: 2/10

Strategy: 9/10

Health: 5/10

Quick Thinking: 7/10

Manipulation: 1/10

Backstory: I’ll be fleshing it out a bit more later, but basically when he was a kid, he was sort of a half-pirate who stowed away on ships and stole things from folks just to get by, but as he grew into a young teenager, a white tiger named Dara Bays noticed him and decided to take him under his wing and train him in the ways of the sea.  Later on when Davy was almost an adult, Dara passed away and Davy sort of inherited the ship as well as the crew by default.  As a result, he spent most of his early years traveling the seven seas in search of treasure.  However, one day once he was a fully grown adult, he and his crew were captured by soldiers and imprisoned for a short period of time.  They recognized that while he was a huge thorn in their side, he had potential that they didn’t want to waste, so they decided to train him to work in the British Navy.  He still acted as a sort of pirate, but more so to raid intruding ships and protect their shores.  However overtime he began to recognize corruptions in the system and decided to revert back to being a flat out pirate.  This resulted in his crew abandoning him, loosing his ‘Captain’ title in the process, and having to start from scratch.  He’s currently working on rebuilding a force to be reckoned with.  (I also plan on making him literally die somewhere along the way.  Don’t know why I want this to happen so badly.)