


1 year, 1 month ago


Camilla: Natural short hair, cute accessories, low-cut clothes, big shoes.  Sunflower mask.

Camilla is a transgender young adult female; heterosexual. Originally named Cameron, Camilla was assigned male at birth, but she always felt drawn to things that would generally be considered feminine.  Her parents were extremely strict however, and did everything in their power to control her life and shove her in a box.  As she got older, she tried to rebel, but the leash only got shorter as a result, and she was beaten down both physically and emotionally.  She met Griffin whist still in high school, before fully coming to terms with herself, but after meeting him and seeing how incredibly happy he was with his own identity, she become comfortable enough to come out as transgender to him, and he immediately helped her to escape her bad home life and live the way she’s always wanted to.  For the first year, she was basically a runaway, and hid in Griffin’s apartment as her parents searched for her, but by the time she was 18, she was legally allowed to live on her own, and was finally free. Camilla is an extremely artistic individual, and strives to make a living off her work one day.  She hand-made all the masks she and the others use for their “extracurricular activity”, and she is a prolific graffiti artist in their neck of the woods.

“Sunflower” as they are known to the public, is another one of the 9 Redland Vigilantes.  Being a prolific vandal all throughout the city, their signature sunflower marks every location in which they’ve killed; creating far more crime scenes than is physically possible for police to investigate on their own.  Often seen alongside “The Devil”, a much more violent individual within their group, Sunflower assists in kills more often than they initiate them themselves.  Much like “Happy”, they are also known to mock their pursuers, though usually in the form of offensive graffiti rather than through physical gestures or conversation.  Sunflower‘s weapon of choice is a metal baseball bat.