
11 months, 16 days ago


Archie: Rarely speaks, borderline antisocial, privately extremely passionate and goal-oriented in regards to his work, but this most recent mission has been an incredibly conflicting experience.  At first he really didn’t care about the devils, not even after he saw for himself that they weren’t the monsters his people had made them out to be, but seeing Otto come out of his shell and so clearly fall in love with the viridian culture is what made Archie determined to put and end to their mission.

Personality-wise, not much changes between Archie’s human and “devil” form.  He is a quiet rule-stickler in any environment, and even amongst the more outgoing culture of the viridians, he isn’t the type to make friends.  However, Otto’s drastic personality change lit a fire in him, and as devils, the two very quickly fell in love with each other (though if he’s being honest with himself, Archie already liked Otto before, but he had never considered pursuing those feelings beneath the needlessly strict laws of their homeland).  Archie realized his priorities had changed from “complete the mission” to “make Otto happy”, and he’s currently working to somehow foil their own plans discretely to accomplish this.