
Gemline, City of Gods


Gilded gates and platinum plates dazzle the eye, sparkling brightly enough to rival the sun. Spiralling towers accent the castles and mansions that line the streets, criss-crossed by fountains and quaint parks. Orchards of exotic fruit and crops are tended to by an array of Immortal and Demigod ergates and dinergates, who service the city and ensure its upkeep.

This is the City of Gods - hidden away from the view of mortals, dripping in decadence and luxury. Its status as a gilded cage is no secret - with the gods forbidden to convene with mortals, per ex-leader Narke's decree. They are kept hidden by the Quarantine Line, an enormous leyline of magic that shields the isle from prying boats or swimming Ants.

Turmoil reigns, though, with the unpopular Cogito deposing the previous leaders. 

Main Members

Leader: Cogito

Gemline is not a true colony, and thus does not obey typical colony structure. Its populace generally align with their caste's job - ergate gods feel drawn to ergate work - but this is not from social expectations.

They have no allies or enemies, their location a secret. Once upon a time, Gemline collected offerings and sacrifices from the colonies, using these artifacts and gifts to accent the island's natural beauty. But with the advent of the gods' isolation, no one is allowed to leave.

Leadership is not easily transferred; Narke stepped down from the position, and Ihalas was voted out, replaced by Cogito. No one has moved against him yet, but their distaste is clear.

Areas & Territories

Capital: Gemline
Other Cities: -

Gemline rests on a large island, pulled from the sea by magic eons ago. Several smaller islands dot the waters around it, though they are less civilized. Beyond that, ocean spreads for miles, stopped only by the Quarantine Line.

The main city bustles and glows, a glorious and beautiful symbol of godhood. Its riches are second to none, and all of a gods' wants are easily seen to by a small army of servants.

A shimmering, almost-transparent pink wall makes up the Quarantine Line, Sime's life work. It disorients mortals who approach it, finding themselves turned around and missing memories.

coding by   kolo

frag lesser god flameverse ant myrme a flame c s m p profile evenne dominion miniprofile t immortal lacraya v i f l bivve harmonic mag frag o beaut b Seleighe hantel e dragon g r soleil demigod n base pony pegasus main moondown h j alicorn dragonhost shark unicorn iron pony behemoth gladar k wellofcreation dragenmire dullahan underworlder true baby d chellabra chaotic q w harbinger hotdragon rhino throne arcanas wetdragon robot citiesofash pronghorn bee x fusion theisle dolphin kirin u zlimi z favwhore sona drydragon Lesser God giraffe chilopoda babby mag y colddragon seleighe okapi ferrohome glory cadava herald tempdragon lelikki eggshell bat pony whale dewclaw miras peryton ardor pink puppet draunity pygmy behemoth azephssky gray fervor deer yellow pillar wings wisp pony reindeer servant infinity oprofile eurys wasp thehouse zebra OLDPROFILE antelope tentacula lux light gray sheep pokemon serkie dark pink blue onager Purple midworlder Unicorn zorua zombie anthro guardian red earth pony green cow feral coldragon orange Dragon umbreon mermaid uft shaine no design furry wet dragon fragment swan Gray demon dark gray purple