February 2024 Roundup

Posted 2 months, 7 days ago by anathema_rpg


February 2024 Roundup

Spring has come, marking its arrival with wet and misty mornings and sunny afternoons. Excellent weather for farmers and townspeople alike, just in time for the annual Feast of Flowering. Celebrations are a little hurried, and perhaps not as elaborate as they usually are, as people are still reeling after the celestial drama that took place recently.

Busy times are ahead for Ivras’ farmers: planting and tending and making sure everything is prepared for a season of flourishing growth.

For nobles and townspeople, the social season is starting—time to update one’s wardrobe to follow the latest fashions, get on top of the latest gossip, and of course eagerly, hopefully, await invitations to the inevitable soirees, banquets, and receptions that will be held in the Patrons’ favor.

In other news, Anathema has now turned 3 years old!!! 🎉✨🎇💖Happy birthday to us! We’ll celebrate all through March with giveaways and fun things ahead!

🌌 event: celestial echoes

The celestial curtain falls, and cosmic legends once again fade into the darkness of space.

The skies may have returned to normal; the candles have been put out; reverent gatherings may have dispersed—but the stories of this singular event will be told for a long time to come, and the ripples have spread across Ivras.

Check the bulletin for story prompt rewards and the new badge!

📜an urgent warning to the public

It is currently advised to not drink or use water from a stretch of the river that runs to the west of Namarast. An uncommonly large amount of dead fish has been reported floating on the surface, along with a strange oily-looking substance.

Researchers and scholars from the Order are there to investigate, as the phenomenon may be magical in origin. In the meantime, the public is urged to not use water from the river in the specified area. If you or your community is affected, please contact your nearest Order office to obtain the help of a licensed Water Mage.

Out of the Sunless Jungle comes news of a poisoned river, and more remarkably, tales of flickering lights that disappear when one comes too close…

🔶 rule addition: AI ban

We have added a new rule to Anathema:

  • Do not submit AI generated art or writing to Anathema, neither as a finished work nor used as a base or component of the finished work.

Basically, any AI generated art or writing, whether it is submitted as-is or used as a base or component in art or writing, is not allowed. We haven’t had this happen—at least not that we know of—so this is more of a cautionary measure. Keep on being awesome 💖

🔶 new invite url

Due to an influx of bots and suspicious accounts joining, we have finally changed the invite url to Anathema’s Discord server!

Make sure to not use the old one (who knows where that might take you), rather use the new one:


Invite your friends! The more the merrier 😁 If you refer someone, both you and your friend get 50 gold when they submit their first application!

📌 notes and reminders

Is your character suddenly no longer listed in the TH World?

That’s probably because you at some point listed them for sale or trade, putting a price on them instead of their name! Characters who are for sale get removed from the world. If you change your mind, please let us know and we will re-add them!

Scribble Swap Etiquette

When playing the Scribble Swap game in the Discord Server, make sure you don’t claim unless you are able to work on your piece now, as to not hold up the game. Don’t claim and then go to bed, for example!

Likewise, if you are taking a long time to finish, make sure you post a WIP in the swap channel so the game can continue.

✨ march 2024 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. You are allowed to submit collaborations and roleplay as responses to the monthly story prompts, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for March!

To see the rewards for February's prompt, click here.

🧾 seeking player-made story prompts!

Players are invited to submit their own story prompts for all Anathema players to enjoy! These prompts are open for two months at a time, and anyone can reply! Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. You are allowed to submit collaborations and roleplay as responses to the monthly story prompts, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for February/March!

If you have ideas for a prompt of your own, send them in via Modmail on our Discord server!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 february's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of February 2024:



March 2024 Story Prompt:

The Feast of Flowering marks the Ivratian new year, and alongside the public festivities and offering to the Patrons, many people hold more close-knit, familial gatherings, celebrating the past year and the year to come.

Archon Miriam has expressed concerns over the event and questioned its appropriateness, but most people think there is plenty of reason to celebrate after the long, cold winter, and the recent dangerous, but successful, monster hunts.

How does your character celebrate this year's Feast of Flowering?

  1. Continue with the feast and dare someone to make a scene. Chaos is an agent of progress! Your character earns +1 Corruption.
  2. This could be an opportunity for voices to make themselves heard in front of all of Ivras. Burn the effigy and bring on the big party! Your character earns +1 Power.
  3. Privately, together with a few loved ones. Your character earns +1 Discipline.
  4. They don’t. It’s an old Mage tradition, and in the current political climate, best not acknowledged at all. Your character earns -1 Cost. If they already have 0 Costs, you may choose to give them +1 Corruption instead.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

February/March 2024 Player-made Story Prompt:

Proselytizers of all kinds...

Across Ivras, for a multitude of reasons, charismatic individuals peddle faiths and ideas to the people. Whether polite or rambunctious or funny or dour or rude, these missionaries and itinerants spread concepts and spark debate wherever they go, or face the boredom of the masses. Here is a (noncomprehensive) list with some of the faiths and religions one may come across.

Your character has a run in with one of these missionaries. How do they respond?

  1. They listen attentively to what the missionary has to say.Your character earns +1 Discipline.
  2. The debate with the missionary.Your character earns +1 Power.
  3. They find a way to get back at the missionary for daring to bother them. Your character earns +1 Corruption.
  4. They ignore the missionary and head on their way. Your character earns -1 Cost. If they already have 0 Costs, you may choose to give them +1 Corruption instead.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.