Roundup February - New Prompt!

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Desperish

Monthly Roundup February 2022

This is relevant for March, so we’re including it in the February roundup!

 Starting the second week of March, we will be celebrating Anathema's birthday for a whole month! Look forward to story prompts, an exciting event, a brand new faction, an addition to our shop and (most exciting of all), brand new coding for our Toyhouse website! 

Delays on the coder's end mean that the new codes won't be ready to unveil until the end of our event, but we are so excited to start Anathema's second year with a fresh, user-friendly face, new content, and lots and lots of giveaways. 

Thank you for spending a year with us! There is so much more in store! The creativity of this group is something else and we can’t wait to see what’s coming.


To celebrate the anniversary and encourage as many people as possible to join in the fun, we are now offering the player's choice of a Summoning Circle or Two Stat Tokens to everyone who refers a new member to Anathema, through the month of April! 

If you refer someone, have them mention you when they submit their first character; once that character is accepted, we will take you and let you know you can claim your choice of a Summoning Circle or two Stat Tokens from the shop! Hooray!


Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.  

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for March!
To see the rewards for February's prompt, click here! 


Every new month brings new faces! Lets give a warm welcome to the wonderful new characters accepted in February below.
(if any have been forgotten, let staff know and we'll add you to the next one!)




table HTML by Eggy




🔸 March 2022 Story Prompt:

Your character is in a place that frightens them. Wherever they are and however they got here, fear is taking hold. As their eyes search their surroundings, growing frantic for an exit, for safety, they catch a glimpse of a door where one had certainly not been before.

The door can't be real but it is vivid, clear in their mind, clearer almost than the reality around it. It eats light and sound with its gravity. It hums at their approach. Your character is too terrified to touch it.

When your character sees the door to the Ley Lodge for the first time, what do they feel?

  1. I feel like the door will help me escape my fear. Your character receives -1 Cost. If your character already has 0 Cost, you may choose to take +1 Corruption instead.

  2. I feel like the door is locked, and has trapped me. Your character receives +1 Corruption.

  3. I feel like something is going to come for me through the door. Your character receives +1 Power.

  4. I feel like I have passed through this door before. Your character receives +1 Discipline.
Soon after, the door disappears before your character's eyes, and takes the danger with it.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. Responses to this prompt should be done individually, one character per response.