Pros and Cons of dating your OC

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 months, 6 days ago) by Hag

just saw this on tumblr and thought it'd be hilarious to consider for anyone/everyone!!!


so instead of getting asked, just go ahead and post who you're talking about and their pros and cons!

bonus points if your character answers this IC. (cause we all know some of these OCs are huge liars and boasters lol)

 Roan Dolce

OH BOY this looks fun

  • you're his SO now! which means you're probably safe from his pranks. probably.
  • once he gets bored of a gacha game and pulls all the best characters, he'll just give the account to you when possible or trade all his rare items to you. this is 100% a pro, i swear.
  • protective enough to curl his tail around you, let you wear his jacket, or drape an arm around you if someone else is trying to hit on you.
  • once you're in, you're in - even if you don't know about his mafia life, he'll at least have his fellow members help you out or keep an eye out for you if you're going somewhere dangerous.
  • after he gets back from his vacation, he'll have some cool souvenir gifts for you.
  • also willing to buy you whatever you want
  • will cuddle, but he refuses to be the little spoon.
  • unlimited wishes! just, uh, word them carefully.
  • you're his SO now! which means you're obligated to join him in pranking others - even if you don't, he'll put the blame on you or give you puppy dog eyes until you do.
  • even late into the relationship, it's hard to tell what he's thinking. you'll probably never feel like he's fully opened himself up to you.
  • not protective enough to stop you from silly things like tripping. will probably point and laugh, in fact.
  • unless you break up with him first, he'll definitely break up with you at some point or another.
  • goes on vacation sometimes, abruptly and without telling you.
  • turns everything into a competition and will whoop your ass in video games :D
  • he's not clingy, but he will bombard your phone with ":)" ";D" and random emojis just because he can.
  • if you do something to really piss him off, he'll straight-up kill you.
basically don't date Roan.

and as for an IC response: "Why should or shouldn't you date me? Well, why should I date you?"

Lucy waker Zaten


  • guaranteed entry into heaven when you die 
  • lucy has healing powers. no more small injuries! :D
  • she's protective as all hell. 
  • will buy you whatever you want (or steal it for you. bad goddess)
  • will bring you back presents from wherever she just disappeared to.
  • disappears for months at a time.
  • not really a cuddler
  • kinda closed off and doesn't really talk about her feelings that much
  • can't heal colds or serious diseases.
  • bad listener.
bonus ic reaction: "you... want to date me???"
 Cain Sashetha

- Hot enough to burn down a city



Arrow Finches


🐺 very loving and loyal

🐺romantic and thoughtful 

🐺creative personality. always wants to find new ways to make a partner smile 


🐺very intelligent 

🐺pretty boy type

🐺good with money


☠awkwardly quiet

☠when he does talk its normally about insects or taxidermy 


☠unintentionally distant

☠overly protective

☠hard time trusting anyone 

☠doesn't like to go out and socialize with others outside of his current partner.

Koi Mercenary_Ike

This first status. Basically.

 Wyatt Sashetha

- will poison your enemies
-If that doesn't work summon demons
-Gives great backrubs

-Can't read for shit
-Is a temperamental boi
-May or may not have addiction problems :^)
-I really hope you're not afraid of demons