Ask a question to the above person's OC

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Amvira varkarrus

So it'll go like this: A person posts a question to the above user's OC. Then, after a new person posts a question, the first person edits their post to have an answer.


Something like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

then Person A edits their post so it's like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?
No, I absolutely could not take Goku on in a fight, have you seen that guy?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


EDIT: Try and ask questions that lead to the development of characters!

EDIT2: Cant believe this needs to be said, but make your posts legible!!!!

EDIT3: Also. Read the person's profile before you ask a question!
Follow these rules or I'll implement a banlist!


I'll edit this post to include a response to the next person's question, once somebody posts!

(re: "Do you enjoy sitting in a garden to relax?")
"A garden? Pfeh! What kind of pansy-ass garbage is that? Lemme tell you how I relax! A warm, musty couch, some snacks, and video games! Hah!" ((But to be honest, she might enjoy just lounging around under a tree on a hot day))

Jet Northwind PicklePantry

"Huh, you're a bit of a wildcard, aren't you? Tell me about this organisation that took you from your first one. You know, the one that helped you learn speech and such. You know who they are? Or why they took you? Did they take anyone else?"

"You know those kinds of videos where the villain, say, taps someone's arm and that exact spot turns black then starts spreading? That's kind of how Golden Touch works. It spreads like that but with the effects of, I guess, Medusa? You kids still know about her? It turns people into stone, only gold. Better stone. I've used it on plenty of occasions. Plenty of people want to stop the big, bad corporation. Well they end up becoming good pieces of art work for me, or an even prettier profit. They won't turn back unless I let them, or if I'm forced out of my Full Form during that fight. I don't know how they are while stuck as those golden statues. I bet it's like being in a coma, probably. Now do you have anymore questions or not, because time is money and I don't want to spend either of them on you."

Malmal Chaobare reinapepiada

(OOC) How does your golden touch work exactly? In what situations have you used it or would you use it and for what purpose?


"Ah, yes- Well, a lil bit. We're all trained to shift into our respective dragon form since wee kids to avoid the pain, but I don't recall it being painful at first either... I dunno, maybe if I did it for the first time as a grown ass adult it would be different." she ponders. "Either way, we don't shift entirely at will- like, of course, it's willingly, but it's not like you're standing over there and you morph into a dragon in a blink. Or in a couple of seconds. We usually need to summon a couple of circles to call on the energy that will allow us to take on this form. When we were little, our parents did it for us. Later on, we learned how to do it ourselves. It doesn't take long, really, but it's a reason why I have a small one up here." she taps her forehead.

Beckett GalaxieAuLait

"How does turning into a dragon work? Is it painful? It seems like it would be, but I don't know."

"U-umm..." Beckett started. It'd been so long, he had almost forgot where he had read the idea. "It was a while ago... But I'm pretty sure that I read it in a story. A girl filled up a jar with paper stars, and got a wish. Based on what I read, I guessed that the jar held about one hundred stars, and she ended up getting a relatively small wish, so I decided that if my wish, for Allison to come back, was to be granted, I would need more stars because it's a bigger wish. So I chose one thousand stars, maybe one day I'll reach my goal. No, not maybe. I will. I need to get Allison back."

Electra ChickieDee

Scribble, scribble. So where did the whole idea of wish granting stars come from? It must've come from somewhere, right???

Scribble, scribble. Oh yeah, tons of times! Mostly people who get mad at me for following them lol!!!! One time I even accidentally followed someone into some sort of fight! It was pretty wild! But usually the most that happens is a scolding. Don't really get why they'd get mad though. Oh well!

Rose Caine

Have you ever ran into trouble or scary people while following some stranger around? 

"Sometimes, yes. Usually many family members suspect something, but very often they're hesitant to believe it and they stick to me because I'm part of the family - and I really appreciate that, I feel like a real part of the family. I have had some families where one of my step siblings have guessed what I am and I might have been able to strike a blood deal with them (really, doing their dishes is a small price for the blood they give me!), but a few times there have been sibling who would rather chase me out of the house than accept me. A couple of times one or both of the parents have also realized what I am, but have either pretended not to know or been nice to me about it, but I have eventually had to leave those families as well, because children are supposed to grow. 

I once had a family who tried to get an exorcism on me, but obviously it didn't work and I escaped soon after. It's not a very... comfortable memory though." 

Jettison Crowe Mochagatari

"E-excuse me for asking, but...have any of those human families you lived with found out what you are before you left? Have you told anyone before?"

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Geometer Cleare GalaxieAuLait

Do you have any clue why you have the powers you do, especially the involuntary ones? Are you glad you have them, or do you wish that you didn't? 

"My greatest dream? I've never really thought about it I guess... But I think I would like to be a moth someday. If I could finally transform, I feel like I'd please Claire and I'd probably be happy too. Being a moth finally would probably let me feel free, and happier, I hope. But... I'm too sickly to even consider it, and even if I wasn't, I'm scared that the transformation would hurt. So I guess just dreaming is okay for me, for now."

Marquis Shank TheLadyAnatola

"What is your greatest desire or dream? How attainable do you think it would be, and have you done anything to try and make progress with reaching it?"

"Oh, well the region where most Aaquanixien sea monsters live is pretty far from here. Those waters are very treacherous, not only because of the sea monsters, but the currents and weather in general, so I can't say I've ever had a reason to go out there yet. I don't have extensive knowledge on the subject, but I've always thought their people were very interesting. Their culture is obviously very different than that of primarily surface dwelling Aaquanixie, such as myself. I think it would be best for us to keep apart in general to avoid dangerous conditions or conflict with them, but I don't see anything wrong or nasty about them. Of course, I was raised in a rather strange family..." He chuckles quietly to himself. "I remember when my younger siblings would compare our father to a sea monster at times... he could be rather frightening. I suppose being so used to a household where aggression and violence is quite normal has dulled my sensitivity to such things. To me, the Aaquanixien sea monsters don't feel terribly different aside from size and appearances."

Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

"What are your thoughts on the...nastier...side of the sea monsters?"
Knowing too well on his fair share of watery blues...

"I don't have much in terms of what adults call "Leadership skills". Of course Zidane has saved the world before but he does appear to know how to keep a ruckus in check or stop people from infighting. Someone who can direct a group of motley friends through the toughest of times is one hell of a feat to pull off.

Me? I would certainly panic if such a situation would arise. I can keep a cool head for 1-2 people but managing 7-10? VERY unlikely. Besides, Zidane grew up on our homeworld, I was chucked into a space station. I guess local knowledge really helps too!"

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Cameron West PicklePantry

"You can master all sorts of weapons, huh? Which one's your favorite so far, and why?"

"Fire's only good for short-term stuff. These people regenerate fast, so the minute that fire loosens up they'll be back fully healed. And I can't exactly keep the fire going for the rest of my life. Nah, just get a jar of acid and put what's left of them in it. The acid will constantly eat away at them at a speed that matches their regeneration, so they're essentially stuck like that, and you don't have to worry about changing the acid or keeping more. Besides, if I ever need more then I could get some from my dad."

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ophelia melchior

"Regarding your abilities, may I ask - do you transform involuntarily at a certain point, like a werewolf does at a full moon? Or is it completely under your control?

"You see, child - the celestial rankings in the divine realm are dictated by acts of competence, for the lower rankings at least; for greater ranks such as seraphim, one would have to perform an act of selfless bravery, and earn a reputation for it. If my memory serves me correctly, I was first declared as seraph about 400 years ago, at least. I saved my mentor's life during a duel between her and a fallen angel, known as Nox - one of the most deadly and powerful beings across the three realms at the time, wreaking havoc not only on the Protectorate, but the Spires of Aether, where the godly beings resided. Of course, celestial beings are not physically able to turn on their superiors - I was of equal status to the fallen one, despite not matching them in strength.. I believe I was a hair's width away from having my throat sliced open whilst administering the blow."