Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 months, 10 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


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  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads


I'm starting to really like this thread hoho

For Heiki: Explain how exactly he went from culinary school to being a hitman? I mean, I understand he fell in with the wrong crowd, but what exactly did they make him do? I'm honestly imagining a Shokugeki no Souma but gone wild. Does his family know about his job, or does his husband at least suspect? What do they think he does if the answer is no? Do you have plans on having the organization/boss backstab Heiki?

@kitsutea Thank you for the questions! 

Kinda! Leraikha is just like any demon. Demons can choose to look human, they can put on a sort of shell that can be broken, and behind that shell is their “true form”. The same applies for Old Seraphim, except that shell is harder to break. Once that shell is off, she can simply just look like a regular wrath demon: long arms, long horns, hooved feet - regular wrath demons just have a tendency to get mad for no particular reason.

She just has it worse. Instead of having that kind of simple trigger, she can deteriorate really quickly and her personality just completely 180’s on her. She becomes this behemoth scary monster of a being that bears almost no resemblance to her usual side. But yes, that is what she became after she Fell, before transisitioning and settling into a more compact wrath demon form.

All Old Seraphim are Fallen, they were participants in the Great Rebellion led by the first seraph and consequently banished from Heaven. Leraikha is simply a seraph that fought for her newfound beliefs and was punished for it.

‘Good’ and ‘bad’ is subjective. Angels can be bad and demons can be good. She is still technically an angel, but she’s also a demon. All of them are stuck in between, but she is classified as a Fallen. It is possible to throw aside that ‘sinful’ side, which another seraph managed to do, but he had to remove his former identity and become a secluded monk for a long, long time - Leraikha is trying to do the same in a different way but it would take her even longer. They just have different amounts of willpower, but I don’t actually plan on her being able for achieve the same.



For Leraikha, is her "other form" the wrath demon that she became when she Fell? What caused her to Fall and have such a great change? Is there any way for her to turn back around and be good again, leaving the wrath demon part of her behind? Does she switch back and forth or is she definitely fallen now?

This isn't a question, but it's super interesting how she sees death as mercy now ~


That's a really good question! Lysandra is really talented at making people question what they believe in, both because of her tragic backstory and her conviction in her new beliefs, so gaining her second tail was related to converting someone who was originally extremely pious towards the heavenly deities. I don't really have the specific character created yet that she corrupted, I can't decide on what sort of species I want them to be yet, but I definitely want the corruption / conversion to be quite dramatic! The sacrifice / ritual isn't necessarily related to the deed nogitsune need to do for their next tail, it's mostly for communal purposes to help create bonds between followers through shared experience.


I hope that I haven't missed this on her profile, but I had a question about Lysandra. You mention that nogitsune earn their tails through some great deed to the dark goddess or some sort of sacrifice. Since Lysandra has two tails, have you decided what it is she did to earn that extra tail? 

Choose anyone you'd like! Preferably someone who doesn't have a lot of questions already! [Make sure to read the Q&A sections first!]

It's a silly thing but i've always been proud of her black lab coat. It's not something I see very often in media since scientists usually just wear white ones. I'm quite proud in general with her backstory especially, I think it's probably one of my favorites out of all of my Jury characters. There's just so much potential there and that's probably the reason why I started writing more in depth about her upbringing. 

If anything, in the future I want to make sure she still seems like a real person and not just a straight up evil woman. I mean, she's awful and terrible but I think it's important to show that awful and terrible people are still human. Fuko's just very far gone and has succumbed to levels of darkness that most can't stand because of morality. 


What would you say that you are/were most proud about in regards to Fuko's creation and what, looking back on it now, do you wish you could have gone back and tried to either stop or change early on. Be it an aspect of her design, personality, what have you? 


okay i cant believe u hadnt faved her but vardah ! i love her 

this is kind of a lame question but ! has vardah ever had a pet? what's her favorite type of animal - her bio said she likes lizards, does she have a favorite kind? has she ever considered an emotional support animal for ptsd?


its mostly the same i just need to rewrite it :'D but im chronically lazy so i just have that notice up kindaof as a reminder to myself like 'hey...... rewrite this'

affiliation does grant conditional immortality, as legends are unable to die by age or natural means - only able to be killed . for the long gap in between when saph was human and when she came back to life, somebody else was kyogre. whenever the current emissary is killed, a new one is chosen, and if theyre dead, theyre revived which is commonly the case. the 3000 is her technical age, she'd really be like ..... 180~ if the amount of time she was dead wasn't counted. i think i shouldve clarified that she wasnt a god before she was revived and the kyogre at the time was just like . peacefully chillin and not getting into Drama . i guess it's a bit like zombies except when they come back to life they got like sweet god powers and responsibilities

the game i played was alphasapphire/sapphire hence my creative naming so groudon.......... uh........ isn't... really relevant at all and i just go with 'groudon is just chilling in the pmd world hiding from all the drama in hoenn already'
because BOY the other two ? drama queens. emmy and sapphire used to date before the whole god thing happened but emmy was revived only like a year later as opposed to 2000 ish years later. emmy is a lot more in the loop about old stuff because she was there, and i can imagine she would know az and not like him very much since he was the one who invented infinity energy. emmy does 'hibernate' a lot because immortality and being alive for that long is tough, man - which has vastly effected the region and draconids at times and it like... almost ended the world once

TLDR its kinda like a relay race except when one legend dies arceus just throws a dead person who associated with that legend via religion in the ring to replace them , because divine intervention does whatever it wants i guess?? this turned out as alot more rambly than i thought ggyugegbsuy

Tevyn Dohmalore

Your 'legend affiliation' page says it's old/outdated information, but like, that seems like a cool concept & i'd love to hear more about it/what it's like now that you've developed it more??  

That's not really aimed at any specific character tho so i will lock in on Sapphire:  Does their affiliation status grant them immortality or is she special in her age?(does she know any other does she get on w/ groudon's....Does she know Az).  Do they all tend to go into long disappearances like her?  If not was anybody worried about the lack of a kyogre/what effect did her absence have on the region?  Or was somebody else kyogre while she was just.  Dead???  Are all of the legends zombies like that?

(Side note all ur lil pixely avatar images are cute af) 


WHOO BOI.  Tev's first go at romance w/ Tobi really fucked them up relationship-wise...although it's hard to know if it's specifically something Tobias did or if Tevyn just is naturally a fuckign Yandere.  

I might need to rewrite Tev's profile, I was being p flippant & dumb when I did it & having reread it I can see how it could confuse a person.  Tobi accepted Tevyn back into his life in the form of a housemate, they're not in a romantic relationship atm! Tevyn is very much trying to get it there but Tobi is less interested in that than just having someone around who likes him & will do his housework.  Makes him feel like slightly less of a loser(I mean he likes Tevy he just is done w/ them romantically & would rather just be friends but doesn't wanna actually explain his feelings & would rather lead them on than risk pissing off the one person in the world who actually thinks he's cool).

Tevyn,, isn't dumb?  They could probably tell exactly what was going on if they weren't aggressively ignoring it in favor of just chasing the dream of having a storybook romance & living happily ever after w/ their beloved & 2.5 children.  They kinda spent their early years secluded in the woods w/ their parents & then they rejoined human society @ about the same time they were doing puberty & have kinda just been obsessive about sex/romance(specifically sex/romance w/ Tobias) ever since & I guess haven't had a real reason to sit down & try and figure out who they are outside of the lens of someone's other half,,,

"Things are going as well as one might expect" is meant to mean just, poorly.  Because these two are assholes & wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it bit them on the ass.

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Shane strikes me as a really friendly dude! But! Does he have any enemies? People that don't like him, or pp he doesn't like!? Is it hard to make him mad at you? 

Any of these nerds please

A bit wonky! They still loved each other as father and son but Ros always felt.. A bit jealous of his 2 min older twin brother. He always had the feeling that his mom and dad liked him more (as he got all the privileges but again, this is because he's the oldest of the two. Too bad Ros) They had a big fight about a heritage (Ros' grandpa was eh.. Dying, to say the least, and he had some BIG cash, and Ros who was a priests student at that moment,  was on the edge of being promoted to acolyte. Which meant that he had to sacrifice his "earthly bounds' (His ties to a family )  to make that transition, which also meant that, once he became a full pledged acolyte before good ol' gramps died, Ros wouldn't get ANY of the heritage.) SO YEAH.. a bit wonky
His biggest famous act was him doing some escape artist shenanigans. Getting out of robes and handcuffs (tricks that eh.. Helped him in his 'future job')

And his fav book is def Romance in Porttown   A book about a prince, that's also a doctor, that traveld from a far far away land to marry a princess, but falls in love with the princess her maid and Oh no, the forbidden love triangle

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Waife Dohmalore

For Kiana: Who built her shrine?  How many people worship her/visit it?  Does she go out of her way to help those who pray to her?  Why is she worshipped?(did she do anything specifically/is she patron of anything in particular?)


Mantis lady,,,,Actually does not have a name yet, because it takes me like 3 fuckn months to name anyone.  And I call it her Main form because she's technically capable of shapeshifting, but it might as well be her only form.  In her own words: "Why mess with perfection?"

Chance White Thanaturgist

Does Mantis Lady have a nickname or name people call her or does everyone who talks to her just call her mantis lady? Since you mentioned her main form is a preying mantis, does she have any other forms that she enjoys to take?


It was a gift from their boyfriend! He made them both matching ones, and it's a sort of reminder that even if they're apart, they're still together.

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Lumirel fuelli

Why do Ashton dislike humans? Is it because of some (unpleasant) past experiences with them ? 

Also, when and why did he start making potions? 

Anyone here!

I'm sorry for the late response aaaa I forgot I posted here ;; But this is actually a super interesting question, tysm!

I'm sure representing the concept of God as a character must've been a bit of a unique challenge, and I was wondering how you went about deciding on all Her features--appearance-wise and in terms of personality traits such as being a fan of art and music, and not liking attention. Are any of them related to any actual history or religious concepts?

Well, tbh, Lumi is a much older character (in meta, but also in universe) than let's say... Michel and the gang, so She was created before I actually started to be super into theology. Sure, I revamped Her after, but Her basic concept stayed the same: God who's a actually a little (angel) girl, haha-

Appearance-wise, back in 2012, I preferred to make female characters over male ones (and my preferences seem to have switched around 2015 whoops), so the FP was mainly meant to be female, including Lumi. So She was bound to be a goddess of sorts. However, most of the goddesses I could think of in media where very adult-like and mature ones (and sometimes pretty sexualized lmao, which I hated), so I decided to do the contrary! My God-like figure would be a cutesy little girl in a frilly pink dress c: Her clothes were also mainly influenced by the fact that She lives in a very snowy area haha, and Her winged crown thingy is supposed to be a nod to Jesus' crown of thorns- without the thorns of course, since it wouldn't really find with Her overall aesthetic (and I didn't want the ref to be too on the nose either) Oh and the eyes everywhere are a pretty common symbol and angels and God too, so all FP angels have those on their clothes :D

Lumi's love for art and music is pretty... logical imo! I didn't think much about it, the fact that, being a demiurge, She would love creative stuff was pretty obvious to me when I started to develop Her! I can picture Her drawing Her creations before actually... creating them; however, since She's technically a child, She isn't very good at it, so She prefers what other people do! (that's also an explanation of why my universe is that cutesy lmao; it was mostly designed by a little girl in a frilly pink dress)

The fact that Lumi doesn't like being the center of attention came later, when I wanted to link all my projects and characters in one single, coherent universe. I had to fit Lumirel's lore with Michel and the gang's lore, but it wouldn't really work if I followed the traditional relationship between the Abrahamic God and His angels since... The place than angels take in my new unified universe is too big (it's kinda the Council of Angels trope at this point) compared to the usual "God is the only ruler" stance on this, ha- So I had to play with the trope again... I sat down and thought a bit about it to find a logical, coherent solution, and here we are!

I hope it answers your questions (and that you will see this since I'm pretty late lmaoo)!! c:

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