Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 months, 16 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


  • Please try to ask an interesting question!
  • Nothing too sensitive here, please. If you must post something sensitive, use a spoiler cut or make the text and highlight color the same. There is another thread for NSFW questions.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads

Ronové muwi

Has 0813 ever considered using technology to help him communicate? Like using the notes app on an iPhone? Where did his design inspiration come from, and does the number ‘0813’ have a significant meaning to you?


Kind of both! He was forced to turn into a demon but this was the result of his choice in actions. Like his siblings he rebelled against their god and subsequently fell. He can’t be classified as a sin demon per se, but he is the closest to a lust demon. You can say he’s one of the first of those kind.

Kove moryonenn

How did Ronové become a demon? Was it forced or a choice?

Currently, Kove wouldn't want to start their own family, because they know they would be constantly worrying. In the future, they may become less anxious and consider it.

Chance White Thanaturgist

Would Kove ever want to start a family of their own?

EDIT: v Despite their influx of pink, they're very partial to yellows in particular. Though they're usually fine with wearing any color besides dark blues and purples.

 Saiko Raikone jellyfishstars

What other colors would Chance like to wear? It seems like they mostly dress in pink haha

Naraka RadiantRaindragon

I see he's a retired assassin. How long did he do this job for, and at what point did he decide to stop?

Is there a particular reason he likes cats so much?

Also, I read that after their parents' divorce he and his sister both went to live with their mother. Has he spoken to or had any contact with his father since then?

The way things are now, his chances of giving up alcohol are pretty low. He's just not self-motivated enough to do something as big as that without any prompting. He does WANT to return to the military, in fact it's one of his greatest dreams, but he just doesn't think he's capable of it. With support from friends and family? He could do it. But he's not getting that kind of support from Crowley, who thinks Naraka's alcoholism is hilarious.

For Ethereal, I'd say her biggest development was the moment when she learned that all people are equal. For most of her life she was taught that only the nobility matter and that commoners are expendable. Eventually she came to realise for herself that that wasn't true.

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What is Alduik warden of?  Are there many other sapient creatures around(like, who calls his the warden/old one, who gave him those titles).  Does he have a community around him that he acts as a wise elder for or is he just some weird cryptid-like presence slumped over in the back of a cave somewhere that teenagers on a dare go looking for or what?

(also, why has no one given him a big heating pad & a bottle of bengay to soothe his achey everything >:O )


how did this demon come to being? 

A few world things to set up this explanation:  The Belles are basically a police force/old-west-sheriff type of group, they keep the peace in Belvite, which is a quasi-lawless town on the borderlands between two fae and human territories.  

A long time ago it was kinda,,,a rough place to be, mostly populated by criminals/other types who have reason to pick up and move to the middle of nowhere.  The Belles were founded as a protective force against the fae originally, to keep people from being taken/go and look for them if they couldn't do that.  Over time they had an honorable reputation to them and people would just come to them to settle disputes as a third party & they morphed into general peacekeepers.

Having that kind of power and influence started attracting just, shitty people to the job, and over a bit more time their ranks were overrun with the sort that abuses that power to get what they want, or just be abusive assholes with no repercussions.

It caused a lot of unrest in the community, especially in those groups most targetted by the Belles as a result of prejudice.  There was protest & demand for change, which was really only met by more violence on the Belle's part & a refusal to see a problem on the part of the Belles' friends/people who just, were lucky enough to not be constantly targetted by people who were supposed to be protecting them.

One of the leaders of the protest ends up mysteriously dead while jailed.

Coincidentally, Vengeance shows up that very same night and makes a huge bloody mess out of every Belle that had accusations made against them.  And probably made a little 'Don't make me do this shit again because I will' speech & peaced out until it inevitably DID Have To Do That Shit Again.

Is it friendly with other demons? 

Vengeance....Isn't really friendly with anyone?  It's either murdering you or not interacting with you, there's not a whole lot of in-between.  Which I suppose makes it friendlier with demons than the average demon tends to be?  But then again it is a summoned demon(rare for one of its age), and kinda programmed to just do the one thing, so it doesn't really have the mental faculty to be territorial vs a naturally-birthed demon.

Orca-design aside, what else inspired the creation of Vengeance? 

It was initially a version of my boi Maverick in an AU where he carved a summoning array into his own flesh while he was imprisoned & summoned a big angry monster with the remains of his energy upon his death to just fuckin slaughter his jailers/oppressors.  I liked the idea enough that I wanted to keep it but didn't want to have it be Maverick's actual story so I just made it its own character!  That's why they share the red/blue/black color scheme, and I've associated Mav w/ angry cannibalism since his inception so the decision to just give Vengeance a mouth full of pointy flesh-rending teef and no other facial features came from that.

also, Fuck The Police™

Also, why does it like peanut butter LOL

It's ambiguous whether it's its own person or if there are fragments of the protest leader's soul inside it?  It likes peanut butter because they liked peanut butter.  I don't remember why I decided specifically on peanut butter as the common ground between them?

muwi - how did this demon come to being? Is it friendly with other demons? Orca-design aside, what else inspired the creation of Vengeance? Also, why does it like peanut butter LOL


Enyou has a really loving relationship with his family! Sort of a standard family, but they didn't want him to just leave their home for land. I think they would be proud of what he's doing now ;v;

darkrai omg sorry I never responded to this <DFGnjre

Caspian "Cassie" Windsor sunnyshrimp

what kind of relationship does enyou have to his parents, if any? does his species have strong parental bonds? and what inspired him to travel? (lov him btw.. cries)


good question! the ingrained nature of caesar’s culture kind of predisposed him to a weird worship of the arts! he cherishes them more than anything- and finds artists to be the inkslingers of the thing he cherishes most, if you will. he’s calculating and precise, but.. maybe not for the things he likes. if the person’s talent or personality is otherwise unfitting for caesar, he’ll cut them out no issue, but he spared the artists because he sees them as messangers of besutiful things (beauty is an intimate topic to him LMAO it means more in his eyes than what it implies!)

but this is a good question! caesars a bundle of complexity and i could go into more depth but your brain would fall out of your ears if i did

 Aajia Dhalarni Whiona

I find it intriguing that a character who's so ruthless and logical values artists to the point of sparing their lives above others'. What's Caesar's rationality behind that?

Interesting question! I think that above all, Aajia is "married" to her desire to deliver justice. She does want a relationship, and she's ultimately a loving and dedicated person, but she would need to find someone who understands that her life goals come first. If she settled down in a relationship, she likely wouldn't mind adjusting her career path so that she could stay in one place and be with her loved one more often - but she wouldn't be willing to entirely give up on helping society and/or keeping people safe.

 Eli SierraMist

Does Aajia ever wish she could settle down and have a proper relationship? It says that she can't because of work, so will she ever stop and settle down, or will she remain "married" to her job?

((Feel free to ask Andrei, Haru, Nanuk, or Colette if Eli doesn't inspire you lol))

Dixie ThatOneWow

 @deerdad I'm curious... Why does Eli have such formal manners towards people he doesn't know. I know several people who have good manners, but Eli seems to be taking it the extra mile. Why?

Also, if you ask me a question, please ping me, or else I'll forget.:P


Usually, her clients have a specific method for her on how they want their marks killed, but Dixie's favorite way to kill is poisoning them, due to it being the easiest way for her! Also, she doesn't leave anything because she likes to be anonymous as much as possible. 

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123penguin64 I'm kind of curious about Aidan. How did losing his hand affect his cello playing? Like, did he want to give up? Was he able to pick it up fairly easily or did he struggle with trying to learn to play with one hand? 

(Also, another thing that I'm curious about... is Shane based off of Shane Dawson? I noticed a few similarities when I was reading his page, but I'm also thinking it could just be coincidental). 

Any of my characters are good. 

why does jaire not go by his full name? is it just a nickname-like preference, or is there something more to it? 

It's just a preference 

also, can he speak sign language?

Currently no, but I've toyed around with the idea of having him learn. 

 aand now that he's in the circus and Some time has passed, what would he do if he saw his father again? has his relationship at all changed since then?

Their relationship hasn't really changed over the years. If he were to see his father again, it would probably be a bit of an ordeal for him. He's still really afraid of his father, and he'd probably just panic and freeze up. In the current timeline of his story, he's no longer able to speak with his father, but over time I think that he'd be able to move on from everything that's happened but he'll always have that bit of resentment towards his father.