Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 months, 16 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


  • Please try to ask an interesting question!
  • Nothing too sensitive here, please. If you must post something sensitive, use a spoiler cut or make the text and highlight color the same. There is another thread for NSFW questions.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

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 Luther sunnyshrimp

why does jaire not go by his full name? is it just a nickname-like preference, or is there something more to it? also, can he speak sign language? aand now that he's in the circus and Some time has passed, what would he do if he saw his father again? has his relationship at all changed since then?

 to the person below, you're free to ask questions about any of my other dainties aside from vernalis if luther doesn't inspire anything!

you're good!!

i kind of like to spite my OCs, sometimes, and i felt like it would be fun to have luther get the exact Opposite of what he wants. which is to be left alone. so there's nothing better, then, than being surrounded by people who Pray to you every day and leave shit at your doorstep! originally, luther's intent with the cult was going to be Greedier-- i wanted to have him act like he didn't like the cult, but secretly manipulate them to get some stuff that he wanted, but i decided i just didn't Feel that? i'm preeetty active in the dainty chat and everyone was making cult dainties so i wanted to Get in On That but i decided nah!

as for your second question, they probably are functioning on some reverse psychology-type logic! if they worship death, maybe he'll spare them for longer or grant them immortality because he's impressed by their devotion/give them a better afterlife, or something? that's something i have to think through more thoroughly! 

Tabitha Knight Mochagatari

I gotta say, how did you get the idea for Luther to be worshipped by the cult he's followed around by? I ask because it's kind of unique for the personification of death to be worshipped as such in fiction, rather than some other probably more malevolent deity or something. ^^" Also, what exactly do they want from Luther so badly? (Apologies if these aren't the best questions ^^")


I FEEL KINDA BAD THIS ISN'T NEARLY AS DEEP OF AN ANSWER but sorta yes and sorta no. I don't have all the episodes for Flesh and Blood planned yet but in regards to Tabitha's strength, I put that comment mainly to show she's a "doesn't know her own strength" kind of person and tends to destroy things accidentally, simply for jokes. (Further supplemented by her rather intense anger issues.) That said, I wouldn't be surprised if she did end up making an existing conflict worse with her lack of restraint XD

With what material I currently have for the cartoon: she once tried to stuff Henri's clothes with poison ivy to prevent her from going out with Monty, but failed because she didn't remember what the leaves looked like and ended up using regular leaves. Among other things, at least.

Smiley PicklePantry

It says under abilities that because she doesn't have as good a grasp on her powers as her siblings she's more destructive without intention. Does that mean there have been times when she's actually made situations worse?
Also, "she has a very childish mindset and tends to resort to elaborate schemes to dispatch her perceived enemies, often through rather comical and ineffectual means." What's one of the most comical methods she's used?

Technically if he were to get injected with the same serum that turned him like this it would completely nullify everything and turn him back to normal; it'd definitely take away his powers but there's no telling if his mind could be saved, although ever since spending time with the Milkman he's been able to control his blood thirst.
His parents died in a car crash. He was in the car when that happened and was in a coma for three months. His grandmother died of old age.
He's nearly been killed by a certain cop before but barely managed to escape.

William RadiantRaindragon

Is there theoretically any way Smiley could return to his original state of being (AKA Richard Wright), reversing the effects of the elixir?

What was the reason behind his parents' and grandmother's deaths?

As a criminal, has he ever been caught, or come close to being caught?

He wouldn't have 'moved on' in the ghost sense since he has no idea how to do so (or even if it's possible), but I think things would've been a little different. For a start, he wouldn't have felt the need to leave his homeland to escape the bad memories (since as he's been able to stop horrible things from happening as a result of the baron's secret) and if we're talking about a situation where everyone can see him, then he probably would've stayed with his family and friends at home. William actually didn't make a conscious decision to come back as a ghost; it just happened, and to this day, he doesn't really understand anything about being a ghost, if there's any way to end his existence, or how he became that way.

Chance White Thanaturgist

What would William have done if he would have been able to warn everyone of the baron's dark secret? Would he have moved on, or lingered still?


v I was wondering when someone would ask that! They're not human at all. At least, not anymore. They're just in the human folder mostly to catch people off guard (and none of the other folders really fit them anyway) However, what exactly they are will probably be revealed in time. for now it's fun to keep people guessing.  As for abilities, they're mostly just hard to kill. Not immortal by any means, but they can take a few more hits than you'd expect out of them.

Noel Harvey RawrMeansLoveYou

:oo Chance is so interesting!!! I’m slightly curious because you mention nonhumans in their profile, are they fully human themself? Do they carry any interesting abilities?


Ah yes! Actually Noel and her brothers come from a pokemon fansetting, basically a world my friend sort of created that draws influence from the idea of Pangea by combining all of the regions into one super region. Noel herself was actually the result of a Pachirisu Gijinka and Landorus so!! 

The ears thing? Honestly it was just a design choice really. The siblings all sort of have something, with Winston he’s got the general tail/ears of a Pachirisu but more Landorus inspired coloring, Flint has ears more like Landorus(supposedly) but more Pachirisu insprited coloring, and Noel takes influence from both but doesn’t display any nonhuman traits. Alignment is....tricky really, because while looking into it I’m still stuck about her;; She honestly does tend to do what is good when she’s able, but it conflicts with her ideas of retribution often times. If things had turned out different in her story she probably would have been a hero(and very likely will get a redemption arc), which is why she’s Neutral Good. She cares about law and regulation insofar as it doesn’t conflict with her personal freedom excessively, and doesn’t needlessly kill or maim. At her heart she’d make a great hero, but sadly a grudge drove her to a more radical side and likely heightened her more undesirable traits. ^^

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Black Star Sapphire Jellysideaccount

After reading the very nicely written bio, I have come up with a few questions: 

  1. She is so violent, her violence started at 6, was this because of where she was raised?
  2. Has she ever had a moral dilemma? 
  3. Does she fear anyone? If not, anything?
  4. What inspired her design choice? and the eye?

Where did you get the idea for her to be able to hear nearly anything? It seems like a really cool idea and apparently it's not common with Sapphires, so I'm naturally quite curious about it. - Thanks for asking! When coming up with the concept of Black Star, I had one piece of paper left and a vague idea. I wanted her to be an off-color, (which means she isn't normal, she's defective. She doesn't have powers.) but replace her normal power with something that is odd, filled with possibilities. So, after a lot of thinking about how it could work, I gave her the best hearing.

Also seeing that her role is listed as Spy, that made me really intrigued; who is she spying for, and who is she spying on? How long has she been spying? - She spies for her Diamond, who is worried about her sister court. their leader is named Raw Diamond. Who is plotting to attack them, or just pull some random scheme for power. Black Star has been spying all of her life.

And why is she quiet; is it due to a life experience or has she always been that way? Also I'm assuming the fact that she requested a Pearl to be made without a mouth to be related to that; if it isn't, I wonder what the reason is. - She is quiet because of her power. If she hears too much close to her, it messes with her and can drive her mad. So she has created a silent environment for herself. With only designated hours for her court to speak.

Thank you celestiials!


@GalacticKarma (I don't know much about SU, so sorry if I got anything wrong!)

Where did you get the idea for her to be able to hear nearly anything? It seems like a really cool idea and apparently it's not common with Sapphires, so I'm naturally quite curious about it.

Also seeing that her role is listed as Spy, that made me really intrigued; who is she spying for, and who is she spying on? How long has she been spying?

And why is she quiet; is it due to a life experience or has she always been that way? Also I'm assuming the fact that she requested a Pearl to be made without a mouth to be related to that; if it isn't, I wonder what the reason is.

Ask about anybody here; the only exception is Lore since her bio is a huge WIP
(also please ping me!)

EDIT: I can’t answer right now due to school but I’ll answer asap!


Aside from how she currently feels towards Eous (also, how do you pronounce that? E-os?) and how she doesn't bring the latter up, what else does she feel towards Eous?
I think Eous's name would be pronounced as "ee-OHS" if that make sense? That aside, Celeste does feel remorse about the whole war between her and Eous; for some reason, Celeste doesn't want to go through and make peace with her sister. I think this has to do with how he doesn't want to come off as "weak" in a sense?

What were they like as kids?
Before, they were really close; sometimes Eous would taunt Celeste, but it'd always just be in a playful way, with no real malice. Sometimes Celeste would be an annoying younger sibling towards Eous haha :') Basically the trope Vitriolic Best Buds but applied to siblings; "she's a little bastard but she's still my sister" to sum it up.

Is it possible for Celeste to hold onto a god's power forever, if she chooses to do so?
While she technically could, it'd be very draining for her.

Stereotypical god duties aside, such as governing the world, does she have any specific jobs that are unique to your lore or universe? Also, are there any other characters she is particularly close?
For now, she does attend these meetings that involve all the other world leaders; she also was kind of seen as a representation of Suirin (the creator of the world she's in) but due to Celeste's behavior during the war... she's no longer seen as Suirin's regent.



For Celeste!

Aside from how she currently feels towards Eous (also, how do you pronounce that? E-os?) and how she doesn't bring the latter up, what else does she feel towards Eous? What were they like as kids?

Is it possible for Celeste to hold onto a god's power forever, if she chooses to do so?

Stereotypical god duties aside, such as governing the world, does she have any specific jobs that are unique to your lore or universe? Also, are there any other characters she is particularly close?

Thank you for the questions! The reason why she has Korean names in her profile (or Chinese, or Japanese, depending on other seraphim) is simply just based on her location! In the eastern continent, these three east Asian languages have become dialects with Mongolian being the fourth, and Old Seraphim who relocated to the eastern continent for whatever reason settled in different places, so they picked or were given Asian names from the dialect of their region.

Leraikha somehow found herself in a sort of therapist position, and I also don't think she's very good at giving names, so the people in the southern region - whose dialect is what we would call Korean - just called her Mogja (plus -nim suffix) meaning shepherd. Other Old Seraphim such as Zaleos who have integrated better into society have more 'human' names like Sanjou Kansetsu. 

Basically this continent works with something akin to Japanese being the common language because it has less tonal values and is easier to say, and the written language being Chinese characters. So when written, everyone's names will look the same, but will have at least 4 ways of reading it depending on where you live.

Her rapier is a reference to Bishamonten, the god of war. 

I didn't really design it as a meeting point, it kind of just happened. The Old Seraphim have always been side characters, in the original story that started all of this, only one or two were going to be actually explored and be involved in the plot, but since they were the one who led the Rebellion, it would make sense for there to be other seraphs too. Originally the story was going to be set in an Asian setting but I didn't like that, so I scrapped it for a more western layout. That's why all the seraphs came from a 'western' God, but I couldn't let go of the whole Eastern thing so I just made it a separate continent that exists within the same universe of this story, and about half of the seraphim made it their home while the other half stayed on the other side.

But anyone who goes to the East sort of develops an alias or finds a name to use. People who don't go there at all won't have one. I have another seraph that doesn't have a profile here called Phenex, and he is exclusive to the west. He just goes by Phenex and no other name.

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Walter Harvey Caine

circlejourney I swear I tried to be less predictable about this but we all know I Really like Felix and I'm pretty sure he was the first character I really interacted out of your ocs, so I couldn't resist. 

What would you consider a particularly defining moment while he was growing up? A specific moment that really defined his character or changed him in a fundamental way, for better or worse? Has he ever had a lie so that it would make him feel genuinely terrible about it? And the obligatory "what inspired you to create this character and what kind of things were you thinking about while designing him" because I'm a sucker for knowing the behind-the-scenes stuff 

Also sorry this took me so long, I got so into reading his profile again and appreciating your writing style that I got distracted by my love 

Rose - What gave you the idea to make him a vampire who's incapable of aging?

A vampire stuck in the body of a child isn't anything new: both Moto Hagio and Anne Rice have done it, although I'm mostly familiar with the former depiction. I have been playing around with similar states of immortality and stunted physical development in the past though, so I wanted to explore around a character who not only looks like a child, but also stays as a child. Granted, Rose acts like a precocious preteen a lot of the time because I can't just ignore life experience, but I like to think it's because his brain doesn't develop, and we know children's brain structure simply isn't the same as it is with adults. Also, I like to think he represses a lot too because he's socially treated as a child by everyone, so he is never even forced into that natural role where children are gradually given more adult-like responsibilities and are expected to act more like a grown up. 

But yeah I just wanted to see what I would do with the kind of concept I was intrigued by

Teru - His trivia section mentions that he used to change his appearance frequently, but eventually settled on the preferred form he uses now. Is there any particular reason why he chose this appearance? What does he like about it? Also, what does his name mean/where did you get it from?

It has a lot to do with the fact he was originally part of an RP group, and as I used him I got more comfortable with him and through me learning more about him he started settling with one form. In-canon, I like to think it's because Teru met Hannes and his other friends, and through these interactions learned more about himself and his individual likes, desires and ideals. His appearance is based loosely on a young man he saw once, who also happens to be another character of mine called Yuuma, although I haven't posted him online really. Teru really liked his hair style in particular and copied it. Aside from his hair, he enjoys the flexibility of his body and thinks he looks fairly attractive and is happy with that

His name is a play on a Finnish called called tervaleijona (tar lion), as I originally wanted to put him in the gay dessert anime RP group. It's just terva (tar) being forced into a Japanese spelling, and I took Teru from there! 

Walter - How does he feel about his blindness? Does it bother him that he can't see, or has he grown fully accustomed to it by now? I also noticed that he and Rick are close friends - how did they meet?

I think it's like... such an integrated part of his life he doesn't really think about it? He doesn't actively think "gee, I'm blind", it's more about "damn, it's so noisy here I have hard time focusing on navigating around" or "god I wish people would stop thinking I'm also deaf". He's been blind for longer than he hasn't, so it's really something he lives with and is accustomed to interacting with things through it in his own ways. To Walter, a problem bigger than the fact he can't see is usually other people's bad attitude and inaccessible areas that don't take blind people in account, I think. 

He and Rick met at school through Leon, whom they both were acquaintances with before! 


I'm going to end up asking about multiple characters, since I love your OCs and I can't pass up this opportunity. XD I hope that's not a problem.

Rose - What gave you the idea to make him a vampire who's incapable of aging?

Teru - His trivia section mentions that he used to change his appearance frequently, but eventually settled on the preferred form he uses now. Is there any particular reason why he chose this appearance? What does he like about it? Also, what does his name mean/where did you get it from?

Walter - How does he feel about his blindness? Does it bother him that he can't see, or has he grown fully accustomed to it by now? I also noticed that he and Rick are close friends - how did they meet?

Eldritch wasn't inspired by anything from Adventure Time since I've never watched it - I think his design was more inspired by generic ice kings/ice beings in general. Originally he wasn't supposed to be related to ice, he was just the king of the mirror plane, so his original design wasn't ice-based. That came into it later on when I redesigned him and actually started using him again.

For the gang's names:

Crowley's name was literally just the first name that came into my head as I was drawing him. It felt right, so I ended up keeping it.

Colin - His was just meant to be a generic human name, there's nothing special about it aside that I liked it.

Naraka - He was named by someone else so I can't be entirely sure, but I heard it means 'Hell'. This was suit Naraka given his fierce appearance and his personality.

Crowley's air of confidence is definitely faked, at least partially. He IS a confident person, but a lot of the time, he plays up his confidence so that others won't think he's weak or notice his hidden insecurities. He enjoys acting tough and has become so used to this 'facade' that he doesn't even realise some of it is faked. His jealously is the one thing that usually makes it obvious to other people, because he can't hide it when he gets jealous.


King Eldritich- He serious reminds me of Ice King. I can't help it, hehe. Were you inspired by Adventure Time? 

Crowley Lockwood- What is the origin of the names of him and his gang? They're pretty unique names. Also if he's confident, but also easily jealous does that mean his confidence is fake on some level?

For me look at someone from this folder:

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