Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 months, 26 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


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I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

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Armin RadiantRaindragon

You say almost anything can offend her, but are there any things in particular that can get her angry? And where did she get the gun from?

He suspected from a young age (probably early teens) but never knew for sure, especially since he was married to a woman for several years and was perfectly happy being with his wife. Afterwards, when he got turned into a vampire and forced into an evil non-human army (and unable to go back to his family for fear of them being killed) he had a lot of time to explore other relationships. He was in a same-sex relationship with a fellow vampire named Rex for some time, as well as some other people. Mostly, it's something he's always known about, but didn't act upon until after he became a vampire.

marina triplethesix

I see that they’re bisexual, how’d they find out? Did they have a potential love interest of the same sex? Or maybe even a same sex partner?

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Hope you don't mind the questions :P You mentioned they are a human hybrid. What are they a human hybrid of specifically? I assume it has to be some kind of animal based on the ears? Any powers or abilities she get for being a human hybrid?

Why is her eye the way it is? The purple (or would that be pink?) one?

What do they eat? You mentioned that they don't like meat so that made me a curious on what kind of meals they will consume? Is the reason they don't like meat is due to the fact they don't like animals or is it something else?

Do you have a idea of what you want to do for her story? Anything small or are you still in the process of trying to figure that out?

That's actually a pretty good question :0 I made Ku into a Shiba Inu because I was interesting in having the Pack members Personas/partner be animals that either originated from Japan or were quite common in. Since I already had a lizard for one of Pack, I decided to go with a dog since Ku's first form is "Kuraokami" and I wanted to play off the okami as I do believe it can mean "wolf".  Now, as much as I wanted to give Ku a wolf form, I realized that's probably not a good thing and settled on a dog XD I specifically chose Shiba Inu because admittedly I'm a sucker of Shiba Inu and I felt one reflected the personality of Adrian when he was younger. That and this character below kinda made me want a Shiba Inu character cough


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Absalom Hayes Guardy

@windhoundz (sorry for the ping but it's been a while, so it seemed like a good idea)

What an aesthetic, what a fun alignment! And none with left beef is A Mood tbh. Anyway.

I gots multiple questionses for you; if that's too many, just pick one.

So I get most of its dislikes... but why lizards?

Was it involved in raising its son? And if yes, what was it like as a parent? Because that must've been an experience for everybody involved... and if not, how much did its son know about his parent?

I kinda really want to know the chain of events that led to it trying to take a bite out of a raw potato. What.

Totally out of left field, but does it have a favorite color?

Don't worry, I can talk about my OC's ALL DAY LONG given the chance :D
Sorry for the late answer though, didn't get it quite finished yesterday and today was a little bit nuts :')
(also that's probably the first time somebody called anything I've ever written 'concise', so... hooray!)

Firstly; can I ask where his interest in botany stemmed from?
-> His parents had a nice big garden and there was generally a bunch of nature around their home - Absalom noticed very early on that gardens change a lot over the course of one year, beyond just "trees lose their leaves in autumn" - plants grow and wither, flowers come and go and they attract different insects... Absalom's first question - as young kids do - was 'why?' and after his parents had no idea about half of it, he resolved to figure it out on his own. Took note of all the changes happening in the garden, tried to remember which insects favored which plants... and then he was actually old enough to learn how to read and after that, there was just no stopping him. So, Baby's First Science, basically. Besides, plants are pretty and green is a nice color.

I can't help but imagine the quiet, unflinching Captain Hayes tending gently to his little plants - does he have favorites? (gasp) does he name them??
-> He tries not to play favorites with the plants (he'd feel bad about that), but there's an ancient scraggly olive tree right in the corner of the garden which he used to read under as a kid - he'd be devastated should anything happen to it.
He doesn't name them, though - mostly because he's pretty bad at naming things. Haven't done the tabs for it yet, but there's an AU in which he has a cat. He named it 'cat'. Just to put things into perspective.

Can I also ask about what makes him particularly enjoyable for you to write?
->That's an excellent question! I have no idea! Well, more like half an idea. Let's see...
First of all, Absalom is very sincere - he may not really advertise his innermost feelings, but cynicism and being cold and broody are foreign concepts to him - ask him about his feelings about his crew and you'll get a five-hour monologue about how every single one of them is 100% amazing; try to poke fun at his little plant obsession and you'll get a lecture on orchids and why they're Really Awesome, No Really.
Writing that can be really refreshing.
Also, putting him into crappy situations and figuring out how to get him out of there again is great fun - he is one smart cookie and trying to keep up as the writer is pretty entertaining. Especially because I get to write Severin freaking out in the background, which is also fun.
Balancing the whole emotions thing is a constant challenge, but I enjoy doing that.
There's more, probably, but How do I Word

(something deep within me TERRIBLY wants to ask about why he has trouble with emotions, and the Mystery Orientation - but that's up to you if you want to answer or not! :'D)
->The Mystery Orientation is pretty easily explained: The fancy magical arcanepunk universe of awesome he's residing in doesn't really do sexual orientation - they kind of view the whole 'gender preference' thing as another extension to 'having a type', along with a number of other cultural differences when it comes to relationships... which makes it pretty difficult to slap a label on 'em by our Real-Life standards. In Absalom's case, he'd probably be some flavor of demisexual anyway, which complicates things further. I figured that trying to explain that entire thing in Absalom's bio would be doomed to failure.
The emotion thing is more difficult to explain, especially because he's got emotions in general pretty well figured out, just not the actual face part - I'd say it's a mixture of natural predisposition, a lack of contact outside the family (which just figured that he was otherwise well-adjusted and there was no need to fix what wasn't really broken) in early childhood, and the fact that it worked out quite well for him, especially later on in the navy. The less you involuntarily grimace at a really unwise order, the less likely you are to accidentally annoy your superior officers. I don't think he's aware that it tends to creep people out a bit. 

ALSO OH MY GOSH on the airship ordeal, in terms of conscience - does Absalom believe that they are sentient? And has he ever had a bit of a 'moment' per-se with the ACV Equinox?
->He knows that Equinox is sentient at least. Equinox understands a fair amount of what the crew is saying but doesn't have a way to answer - but she, uh... generally gets the point across pretty well. Equinox has a tendency to play favorites with the crew, which was what originally started to tip Absalom off, because he watches the crew just as closely as the ship does - and as it turns out, calling her a 'crappy old pissbucket' after a particularly bad night watch is a pretty good way to get your hammock dumped on the ground several nights in a row and have the ship mysteriously hit a turbulence every time you're trying to carry an open container with something gross and stain-leaving until the crew mutters about a curse. After a few months, it started being too much of a coincidence that the most well-adjusted crew members and the best deck-swabbers were sailing much more smoothly than the less hardworking and more foul-mouthed crew members... and from there it was pretty much a matter of "bang the cabin door twice if you can understand what I'm saying". It doesn't quite work well enough to have a proper conversation - the ship seems to lack the mental focus for it (almost like she was, say... occupied with keeping afloat and not dump everyone a few thousand feet onto sharp rocks) - but they're both perfectly able to get simple points across, and they both try to make life easier for the other... though they occasionally have differing opinions on what's best for each other.

FINALLY I hope this isn't too many questions or anythn' - but when it comes to Severin, can I ask about the dynamic of their friendship/relationship? ;A; they sound super lovely and interesting and if you wanted to talk about 'em, i'd love to hear!!!
->No such thing as too many questions :3 I hope any of this is actually coherent, though.
Their relationship - both platonic and romantic - has always been founded on communication - by necessity, since they could only interact by mail for most of it. Usually, whenever something's going on, they talk it out. They don't always see eye-to-eye on certain issues (Severin thinks Absalom's absolute commitment to doing as little harm as possible is stupid when it means constantly putting others first, for instance, while Absalom's not entirely okay with Severin's somewhat cavalier attitude towards fairness. Or the acceptableness of sauerkraut as dinner. Severin's in favor, by the way, while Absalom hates the stuff) but that's okay - they're more than willing to compromise (within reason). The only thing they didn't talk about for the longest time was their feelings for each other - they knew each other for almost half their lives by that point, risking that long a friendship for a chance at romance seemed foolish. Luckily, the crew and the ship had other ideas, and they eventually talked that through, too. They're quite similar in some ways and very different in others - similar enough to make their relationship a very harmonious one, different enough that both of them can contribute something to their relationship. That relationship is also extremely important to both of them: they're very sure about what they want, they took a lot of risks to get there, it's quite frankly a miracle that they stayed alive for long enough to get together, and nothing's going to come between them now. They both firmly believe that good relationships should take work - preferably an equal amount from both sides - and they're very much ready to live up to that.
(they're also both extremely tactile and will cuddle up as frequently as they can, just because they enjoy the physical closeness... so yeah, that's a thing)

Dr. Josh Caine tigeus

[AHH Golly I just couldn't help myself - but Absalom is so lovely!.. I had a few questions about him! ;u;
and also just wanted to say: he's gorgeous, and i love how well written his bio is - so concise and straight to the point, but it still leaves plenty of room for questions and interest! I love me a good, stoic calm character..

Firstly; can I ask where his interest in botany stemmed from? (i am so so so so so so sorry. I am so s)
I can't help but imagine the quiet, unflinching Captain Hayes tending gently to his little plants - does he have favorites? (gasp) does he name them??
Can I also ask about what makes him particularly enjoyable for you to write? ;u; (I ask because I love when people are passionate about their characters - but I also tend to have a problem where I can /only/ write about a couple of 'em well and I'd love to know what compels you!)

(something deep within me TERRIBLY wants to ask about why he has trouble with emotions, and the Mystery Orientation - but that's up to you if you want to answer or not! :'D)

ALSO OH MY GOSH on the airship ordeal, in terms of conscience - does Absalom believe that they are sentient? And has he ever had a bit of a 'moment' per-se with the ACV Equinox?
(I'm so dead on his crew calling him mom accidentally. I love them so much)

FINALLY I hope this isn't too many questions or anythn' - but when it comes to Severin, can I ask about the dynamic of their friendship/relationship? ;A; they sound super lovely and interesting and if you wanted to talk about 'em, i'd love to hear!!!

(SORRY ABOUT HOW LONG THIS TOOK I got super distracted after claiming OTL!!! BUT I LOVE YOUR CHARACTERS AND YOUR WORK <3333)

OH MY GOSH!!! Ahh, thank you so much for the kind words! i'mm so sorry for how long this response took - I may have lost this thread - but you're super sweet and thank you for taking the time to ask! :D
First of all - oh my gosh, right??? I love the trope of Screws-Loose doctors and the like - it's been one of my favorites for years, but I'd never want to get caught up near or with one. ever. |D BUT oh my goodness <3 I'm so glad you enjoy his not-a-mess-mess look, I'm still trying to get it just right.. one of these days!! I'm so overwhelmed by all of your compliments oh my gosh!

SO super good question! He's sort-of fresh out of med school, and throughout med school (bear with me - the education system is rather different in his world!) he partook in a whole bunch of internships, all of them at different clinics! However, he was hired into a big "megahospital" of which there are several different fields of practicion and medicine - he quite literally rules the roost on his team!

AND ANOTHER GREAT QUESTION Thank you for asking! ;u; as my oldest character, it's a bit hard to recollect what exactly was going through my mind, but I grew up with a form of hyperdontia and Was Not A Fan of the dentist - I had an obsession with writing stories as a youngin', and needed a villain, so the idea of Josh came up and he's quite literally been almost the same ever since! (And to continue from that; it's a little bit obvious from this that I am still not a fan of the dentist. |D Josh would be one of my worst nightmares as a real person - granted, i'd probably also be his, too.. too many teeth in the kitchen)
The main changes in his bio and personality are mostly revolved around his surroundings, but he's maintained the disgruntled, mean, villain attitude all throughout! The biggest change I can recall is that he used to actually be a murderer (I wasn't.. very creative) but I grew out of the idea rather quickly!

THANKS AGAIN for the lovely questions - I hope you get some inquiries as lovely as the ones you've asked me!

 Njal Jansen Caine

I don't know what it is about not-so-safe medical workers that makes me love them so much, but I absolutely adore Josh! He's a very interesting character and I love, love his design I'm so weak for this highly specific sort-of-unruly-but-not-really look haha

What kind of place does he work in? Is it like a public dental place or a private? And what started his interest in dental work in general? 

Also, what was the thought that sparked this character into life? Did he change during your design/bio writing progress? And, in addition, what are your own thoughts on dentist, like, in general? I'm asking this only because it's usually really interesting to learn what people's personal stances are to the jobs of their characters! 

The seal originates from the demon realm, and used to be a demon before their "death". I had left Njal's seal finding a little open because he's part of an rp group of sort, but by now I have decided he was tricked into using it, so he didn't really make a deal with anyone or anything - he simply let himself to fuse with the seal, and was then unable to get it out anymore. He didn't know what he was getting into honestly and it was all part of a plan to get a group of boys to work for the villains, not realizing they're the bad guys lol. 

The demon that resides in the seal is actually pretty chill and considered a good guy, but sadly it fell into the hands of those who wish to use it for their own, less-than-moral things lmao. 

Katherine Beladre parashy

Where did the seal come from? Did he have to make a deal with the demon that possesses him, and if so, how did he find the demon?

The idea of wood carving actually came from her aunt! It was more or less a safer outlet for Kath's more, stabby, tendencies. Granted, her aunt didn't account for the fact that Kath might use this skill to make more weapons...

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Why doesn't Lafayette like fish?

this is such a stupid fucking question skskskksskk

-Her nickname is "Kyle the sequel" because cartman gave her that nickname! He picked it because to him mace is just like kyle but female and wears black. She hates it to death. but gets used to it.

-She actually stole the gun from her dad! She stole it for self defense or to scare people who make fun of her! Little fun fact: she keeps in her backback. she used to hide it under her hat but soon changed it.

aHHH thanks for asking that question skskskksk

-oKAY sOO .. Mace would always fight with Kyle almost all the time basically! She started to feel bad for always starting a fight with him. She was also kinda drunk. she decided she wanted to try alcohol for some reason. she then said her apologizes then put her lips together and started to kiss him by accident. She didny realize what she did until the next day!

Hope that answered ur questions uwu

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Armin RadiantRaindragon

How does she get along with the other 'representations'? (I'm guessing not too well with Passion). Basically, what kind of relationships do they all have with each other? And does she have any hobbies/interests?

Armin has done a lot of things he regrets in the service of the evil vampire lord, Sargon, who he used to work for. Most of these things involved killing people or turning them into vampires. One of his most hated memories involves himself and his friend Rex (another vampire) brutally killing a group of people who had gotten on Sargon's bad side. The worst part (in his opinion) was that the people didn't even try to fight back; they knew they were done for from the moment the first of them was taken down. It made him feel like a monster, and he's always regretted doing it, wishing he'd tried harder to talk Sargon out of the plan or to somehow let the victims go free.

But yeah, he has a lot of other memories along those lines. When a group rose up to rebel against Sargon, Armin wasted no time in going over to their side.


You mention that Armin did some things he probably shouldn't have done. So, what's the thing he regrets doing the most?


@ next: pick a character, any character! *gesticulates with folders*

edited to add link to characters, because that's a thing I can do!


Good questions!

Has 0813 ever considered using technology to help him communicate? Like using the notes app on an iPhone?
-> Touchscreens won't react to his fingers, but he occasionally types out things when there's a laptop or desktop PC at hand. Even so, though, he usually prefers handwriting - he can write in his own language and it'll read as whatever language people expect to see due to 0813's general reality-bending thing, but he can't do that while typing. 

 Where did his design inspiration come from,
-> Halloween costumes and the concept of cartoon-y death allegories, except it took a weird turn very quickly. 

 and does the number ‘0813’ have a significant meaning to you?
-> define "significant", lol
It's pretty much a play on words - "08/15" is a german idiom for "average and unremarkable" and one of the very, very few purely numerical idioms I'm aware of, and 13 is pretty much shorthand for creepy weird stuff so I just kinda combined both of that because it's easy to remember and might pass as an attempt at humor if you're generous.