Ask the character above about their relationship!

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 months, 16 days ago) by hedgemaze


toot toot


You could ask a relationship question in one of the other Q&A threads, but I thought a thread specifically for relationship questions would be fun, and good for developing character relationships! 

In this thread, ask a question to the character a person posted above you in the thread, about a relationship in their life. You'll post IC as a character you would like to be asked about, and edit your post with your character's answer after the person below you asks them a question!

  • The relationships in this thread don't have to be romantic! You could ask about a character's relationship with their sibling, their parents, their child, their dog, their rival, their boss, their worshippers-- you get the idea!
  • If you want the person below to ask about a particular relationship (or give specific options, like either their brother or their best friend), you can specify at the bottom of your post; otherwise, people will ask you about a relationship that's listed on the character's profile. If you don't specify and no relationships are listed, you'll probably get a vague and potentially unfitting question like what their relationship with their mom is, so I recommend having at least one relationship listed somewhere.
  • Questions can be anything: how the characters met, their favorite thing about the other character, silly nicknames, the worst fight they ever had, their favorite memory together, their plans for the future-- anything about a relationship the character has. Try to ask an interesting or thoughtful question!
  • That said-- this is NOT intended to be a low-effort thread. You are expected to look at the profiles of each character you are asking about (at least whatever section describes their relationship or history together), and try to think of a relevant question to their relationship. The only exception is if there really is nothing on the characters' pages to base your question on.
  • This is not a NSFW thread. Questions and answers can be a little bit racy, but nothing above PG-13. There are other threads for adult questions.
  • This is generally an IC thread, but you can answer OOC if you want to or if you need to say something that the character wouldn't.
  • Claim first if you need time to read the character's profile. Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your response! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  •  BE NICE and have fun!    

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All my forum games and threads

Keros xmoriartea

"Have you ever considered not following your father's footsteps? He's your father, wouldn't he want to see you find your own path?"

Keros laughs a little bit and rubs his fingers nervously at the shaved sides of his hair. "Bonu, Grumbar, and I were looking into a plague affecting the city of Waterdeep. As it turns out... Lady Mara's half-brother was behind it. We were at Blackwood Manner as guests for an event and we were looking for proof that it was Bran when I saw someone speaking to Lady Mara. She clearly wanted an out from his advances, so I intervened. Buttttt this noble man didn't like that so he challenged me to a duel, which I won, and Lady Mara thanked me for it. She was very sweet. I introduced myself and we spoke a little, but I let her go. She had dinner to host and I... was.. well, still looking for info on her brother." 

He puts a hand to his chest. "Bran was guilty. We found the proof. He was experimenting on his brother. Plaguing the poorer people of Waterdeep. He set someone after us and then came for us himself. So we removed the threat. Lady Mara... she witnessed it. She saw what her brother was doing and so when the last spell was cast.... she helped us escape the city. Even with her word, we killed a lord of the city. She was the only reason we escaped. She's always been a leader at heart, capable of making calls others might not because it goes against the standard. I respect her deeply. And she earned our trust.

"We received a message months later about troubles in the city and she requested our aid. It could have been a trap. And perhaps with anther noble it would have been, but trust goes a long way. We returned, received little more than warnings for what we'd done prior, and were essentially left to the custody of the Blackwoods. We helped with another threat to the city and Lord Westra, Lady Mara's mother, offered us positions in their service. Agents of the Lords' Alliance. As such, we answer directly to Lady Mara. We help the Blackwoods help the city and much of the Swords Coast. I don't know if I would have accepted if not for Lady Mara. She is a remarkable young woman and I know that some day she will lead her family with the same strength as her mother. It's very hard not to be enamored with her."

Shizuko Iwahara Akeya

“So... Mara. How did you two meet? You also mentioned that she’s, like, your handler or something...? What do you mean by that? But, I assume, like, either way that you love her.”


"Of course I do. I drive them home from school every now and then, even though my parents don't want me to." She sighed. "But, funds are always low. I feel bad that I can't buy them toys or games all the time. I'm really glad that my boyfriend is really supportive and that they like him, even if he can be just like them sometimes." 

Angel userthatisnotauser

"You mentioned having a falling out with your parents, but what about your brothers? Do you still talk to them at all?"

Christine Evelyn Anderson Cliodna

"So..." *bites the tip of her pen, brow furrowed in mild confusion* "You're an...undead demon rat. He's an undead demon cat. My apologies for the lack of originality did you end up dating each-other? What would you say was the starting event."


((I'd not written about them because I didn't know anything about them and wanted it to develop naturally during roleplay. XD Welp, that's that's what this thread is for!))

"My parents? Of course I can talk about them. My father is a lo-(-w-level manager), ahem, is a manager working in the industrial district. He helped his superiors suppress news of worker strikes in his factory, to make sure it ran smoother throughout The War. My mother had been a lifelong housewife, just about young enough to be drafted to the job of an evacuation officer for a few years. She quit as soon as war was over, but still helps out with Womens Voluntary Services on Thursdays. I've never inquired much about what it is that she actually does.

Oh, you want to know what I think of them? They're...swell I suppose. We grew apart after I moved out. The difference between their income and that of Jonathans family was too great for my folks to just...hang about us all the time, you see. I still visited them of course and brought my brothers' children gifts from abroad. Of course it changed once The War started. I helped them through the shortages and they, in turn, have been there for me and Victor now that Jonathan is...gone. My mother in particular was a great help once it became harder to find skilled workers to fix things or tidy the garden - she taught us a lot of domestic skills that I'd normally have considered beneath myself. I do wish my mother would stop judging how I live my life. We fight about my money. Whenever I get something new she becomes...well, nosy. Asking how much it costs or pointing out the more practical ways I could've spent it, as if it was an either-or situation. It's not like I'm denying my family food or shelter by looking good! I've got an image to maintain, even in these tough and troubled times. 

My father has always been closer to Isaac, but we get along well enough. He likes beer, sports and yellow journalism. He doesn't judge my spendings as vocally as mother, but does drop hints that I should re-marry faster if I am to continue my current way of life. My father fancies himself a very practical-minded man."

Kyoko BaskingCrow

"I see you never mentioned your parents, you cant go leaving them out!" Her tail fluffs in anticipation "What were your opinions on them?"

"He, well, he looks so grumpy all the time. That just cant be a happy life! I've gotten him to smile, but only once- he looked so happy. As soon as I pointed it out he stopped though. I dont know what life he had before me but I want to make his life with me the best as possible. It's what he deserves!"

Absalom Hayes Guardy

"Why are you trying so hard to change Chase's opinion of you? Don't get me wrong, I think it's quite admirable, but I don't think many people would try something like that."

"Actually, not much changed over the years - we're still best friends, so there's still the usual long conversations and the joking around and eating dinner together and all that - except now I also make sure to tell him just how much I love him at least twice a day and Severin is something of a cuddle bug, as it turns out, and he's developed a habit of sidling up the me at every opportunity and using me as a pillow, which is actually quite lovely. So, no, there's nothing subtle about it, I'm afraid. According to my crew, there was nothing subtle about it when we were still obliviously pining for each other, either."

Seraphina Elton Nanamimo-Kun

"How do you and Severin interact? do you show your love to him in subtle ways or something else?"

"I say I definitely enjoy cooking with her! but really I enjoy doing everything with her... she's the first friend my age so...."

Peter Sunvaren

"Hello! I've got a question about you and Fraisiel, if you don't mind me asking; what's your guys' favorite thing to do together? Or maybe multiple favorite things, if you guys don't necessarily have a favorite?"

"Oh, Luke? Yeah, we do more stuff than just work on homework together and talk! When we're not in school, there's this nice cafe that we both go to basically every weekend. You know, just us! We always get cake pops; pumpkin is his favorite!...Oh, and he can turn into a dragon, so I get to ride on him sometimes and it's awesome! He said it's supposed to be a secret, though... don't tell anyone else please?"

This user's account has been closed.

"just wondering but, how come you and Cadence are rivals? what did she do that made you dislike her?"

Jaime Peterson Guardy

"So that bestfriend we don't really hear much about apart from his name - Adrian, was it? How'd you meet? What is it you like about him well enough that he's your best friend?"

"I'm not usually into guys, and Gus isn't really into anyone as far as I can tell. I definitely did think about us as a couple once or twice while I was trying to figure out how exactly I felt about him - and, y'know, tried to figure out what the word 'friendship' even really means to me - but quickly came to the conclusion that I don't want or need a romantic relationship with the guy. 

People... ha, well, there's two kinds of 'em when it comes to us: Those who assume that Gus is gay - which is admittedly an understandable assumption - and those who assume we're a couple... which, yes, is also an understandable assumption. Still wrong, though. It comes in handy for the 'investigating magical crime' thing every now and then because 'just two lovers' is way more innocuous than 'magical cop and best buddy', so I don't necessarily mind that assumption. 

We met when our boss dumped us in Gus' flat together and told us that we were roommates now. Which was uh, certainly something. I really didn't like him very much at the beginning, he was... weirdly skittish and generally odd and it confused me because that was not what I'd have expected a vampire to be like. But then we spent more time together by necessity and I started to understand him and his weird little peculiarities. Piece by piece, I got little glimpses of all the fun aspects of Gus as a person. His love for all things fluffy and domestic. His insistence on looking "proper", and how that apparently includes black turtlenecks and purple goddamn blazers. The sudden realization that he essentially died when he was about my age and didn't really know how human adulting works any better than I do. His obsession with finding inaccuracies in cheesy period dramas. His complaints about Twilight, for crying out loud. And eventually I started to understand the "why" of all of it and... well, at that point I couldn't not be his friend even if I'd tried - and I had no reason to. Gus is an amazing friend and the best roommate imaginable, if you don't mind a living room that looks like it belongs to a frillier version of my grandma... but I still think IKEA is the height of stylish interior design, so I guess I don't get to complain about weird living room choices. 

We talk about everything. Literally everything. That's the beauty of it, really. We've seen each other at our worst and our best, there's nothing we can't talk about at this point. Which, mind you, doesn't mean we always agree, because we really don't. It doesn't matter, as long as we get where the other one's coming from. That said? Music, literature and TV shows are our favorite topics, pretty much. We both seem to have a slightly ironic weakness for buddy cop shows, crime fiction, and historical shenanigans. We also talk about history and fashion, occasionally. And the job and our social environment, as one does. Occasionally politics, but Gus likes to do that at the breakfast table after reading his newspaper, and I'm barely awake enough to remember my name at that point, so having a discussion on Gus' level of eloquence is totally out of the question.

All of that should explain why we're so close - also helps that we both like forming a handful of deep friendships as opposed to having a lot of more casual friends. And, y'know, we've learned to trust each other with our lives, so that helps, too. And we're both cuddle bugs with no sense of personal space - it's hard to keep someone at an emotional distance who's physically draped all over your legs like a bony blanket while ranting about Jane Austen."

Snow Shoe RustHeart

I love platonic friendships, not everything needs to be romantic and there needs to be more relationships like with Jaime and Gus!  However, is there any particular reason they haven't considered being together?  Have they ever thought about it or is it just totally not on their mind at all?  Has there ever been a time where people just assumed they were a couple? How did they meet and what is it that makes them so close? What kinds of things do they do or talk about?  What are their common interests?


"Malik has some kind of problem with everyone it seems.  He doesn't like me because I am too soft to be a leader in his eyes.  He's irritated that a small, blind tunneler is a higher rank than he is.  Although I think at the end of the day he would hate anyone in power in the pack because it isn't him in charge."

Justine Kelly LunaBell

"Do you know why Malik has a problem with you? Have you ever tried talking it out? or do you believe it's a total lost cause?"

"Gosh it was a while ago. We met a little after I ... died? Sure. They were just the first ones to be nice to me. And never. They're drastically different. Cujo prefers his hair like"chic bedhead" while Zol's keeps his neat. Also their styles are different. Their eyes are slightly different shades of blue too. Oh and Zol is just a inch taller than Cujo. I think I've lived with them long enough to tell the difference. "

Kayto Dohmalore

When/how did she meet the twins?  Has she ever gotten the two confused?


How is it like living with royalty? What were your first impressions of the King and Queen, and how do you feel about them now?

(IC) "It is....weird.  It is very weird."  She says, after a moment of thought.  "And at first, of course they were intimidating!  I have hardly been around upper class people at all and now I am living with royalty.  I did not know why they would take me in!  They said to me it was from shame at that...slave dungeon.  For it existing in their country at all.  But that sounds like bullshit, yes?  I was wary, but I had no where else to go, other than back to my husband who put me there to begin with.  No thank you."

"Now, I am less wary.  It is still very weird, but the Queen and King, they seem to mean what they say.  I am not sure how I am meant to act."

Archer Driscoll Kirbygal

"How is it like living with royalty? What were your first impressions of the King and Queen, and how do you feel about them now? "

"What's the thing you love the most about Dallas? What about the thing that peeves you the most? What do you think about the constant teasing and has he always been doing that even before you were boyfriends?"

"Hm, it's hard to say just one thing... but I guess, I kinda like the way he smiles a lot. He gets this large grin on his face when he's excited about something, which Is usually often, and it just feels... contagious. I think that's a good word... haha. I think it's... really cute ^^;  Oh but one thing I'd say is a peeve is just... how...uh, extremely forward he can be... especially when he comes to visit me at work.... "*blush*

*coughs* W-well anyway, the teasing... it seems to happen a lot more often after we started dating... n-not that I dislike it... but... I guess some times it feels a bit much."