Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?

Adding on from what Isoprene said, Papes has a huge crush on Lausac, but will immediately deny if you ask her about it. Alexandre and Coye are definitely together, and they've likely done the thing but that's irrelevant anyway. Iorano and Velinar have been best friends since childhood, but neither will confess to the other mostly out of fear! God they're so gay for each other it hurts. Nikolai is a new one. He... had a wife. She passed away from illness. He's not in a relationship now given his current situation, but I'm sure he wouldn't be opposed to being in another one!

And then there's Missingno and Luca. I've recently retconned the parts of their backstories that explain how the met, and i'm actually planning on tweaking that a bit but masically Missingno's the real pokemon equivalent of satan, not Giratina. Luca is supposed to be the equivalent of a Seraph of Arceus. At the time they met, they were supposed to be enemies, as Luca was on Arceus' side. Of course a lot has changed since then, and Luca's gone from being "Seraph" to being the equivalent of a fallen angel for falling in love with Missingno and choosing to protect him instead. Natch this means Luca's cut off all friendly ties he had with the higher-legend pokes.


Like I mentioned a page or two (or three?? listen i'm not keeping count) back, this week is catch-up week! If you've been meaning to answer some questions or hop in for the first time, from now until next Monday (2/22/16) is the perfect time to do so! I won't be asking any more questions until then, so that way you can answer anything you missed at your leisure without having stress about getting further behind. Not that you have to answer every question, of course, but for those who want to this is a good opportunity for it!

If you're already caught up on every question (or just every question you want to answer), then this is a good time to expand on answers or re-answer questions with new characters in mind! Or you can just kick back and do whatever. Follow your heart!

I finally got around to making a Pastebin account, so now I can edit the Question List without making a new one each time. Basically, that means it's up to date and you can use it to find questions that you missed or just want to answer again! Have fun!


I didn't realize how many questions I've missed until now lol.

Q29. Which OC of yours is the least punctual?

Surprisingly, Jinx isn't very punctual. She tries to be, but she travels through time so often she kind of loses track. Willow always opens her shop late. Roan and Spelin are always late when the rest of their group calls for a meeting.

30. Which OC of yours is the most responsible?

Brooke is responsible for her whole crew. Finn is responsible for the whole ship. Both of them handle it pretty well.

Q31. Which of your OCs is the youngest?

Lady is definitely the youngest at eight years old. Koenn and Joy are both twelve, also.

Q32. Do you use tags? If so, what do you tag? If not, why not?

I use tags. I tag my characters by gender, the universe they're in and their species.

Q33. Which of your OCs like to cause trouble the most?

Jinx likes to cause a bit of trouble sometimes. She likes pranking random people. Berri likes to start arguments for no reason. I guess John Smith counts, because he tried to take over the world once.

Q35. If you could meet one of your OCs, who would you pick? ...But this time, they know that you created them and you've put them through everything they've gone through (or at least allowed it and didn't retcon it), for better or worse. If your answer is the same as the last question still, how do you think your chosen OC(s) would react to the knowledge that you've been controlling their life to some extent?

Jinx already knows I've been controlling her life, honestly. She doesn't care.

Q36. If you had to be stuck in one of your stories/universes, which one would you pick? Which one would you least want to be stuck in? If you only have one, how would you feel about being stuck there?

Although it would be cool to be stuck in Arcadia, it's pretty dangerous. Colerth is also kind of dangerous for humans. I think I would like World 000 the most. It's peaceful when no one in the town is causing any trouble and everyone there is pretty friendly.

Q37. Which OC of yours is the worst with technology? If none of your OCs live in a world with very advanced technology, who would probably be the worst with it if they did?

Arcadia doesn't have much technology, but Willow and Claire would probably be the worst with it. They're both kind of clumsy. Add that to their curiousity and the fact they are easily impressed, you have a recipe for a computer-exploding disaster.


Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest?

Barring my actually mute character... Maephis, for sure. Clauste finds him and he, uh, he thinks that Maephis is actually mute as well for the longest time before Maephis actually says something. He just doesn't have too much to say.

Q61. Which of your OCs is the loudest?

Possibly Gaskin oh boy does he not ever stop... with the noises. He's always asking things and even before he learned how to talk he was always just making sounds at everything. Xun also never shuts up HAHA. He's really annoying and, since he's small, he's always trying to make himself heard. He's also evil so. There you go. That just makes the loudness worse, as opposed to Gaskin who is so excited over everything.

Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?

Oh boy.

Well, barring my boys (and one girl) who I intend to be the stars of their own romancey choose-your-own-adventure(/bachelor/bachelorette) visual novels... Yes. SO MANY OF THEM ARE IN RELATIONSHIPS. I'll try to arrange them according to series. Lito and Senji get into a relationship with each other which is a little... complicated?? Because Lito's a golem and Senji's a, uh, dead person. Lito's also painfully oblivious about so many things because he's just a babby golem and Senji isn't really a patient type so he often snaps at him, but Lito's just so ??? and unbothered that they're a perfect... match? More-or-less?

Alum and Dio are a thing. Actually they're actually kind of a sad couple, considering that Dio's suffering from so much radiation that he spends all the time hallucinating and if anyone says otherwise, he can snap. Alum looks out for him, but Dio actually does just as much looking out for, because someone needs to keep Alum from getting too gloomy.

Tonyx and Maayan are eventually a thing-- Maayan saves Tonyx's dumb ass and Tonyx just goes full love at first sight mode but he's a clumsy stupid seal merman and Maayan's an extremely jaded octopus who's got quite a few years on him so it's a rocky road.

Yiska and Demese are already a couple when their story begins... it just kind of happened. Yiska ended up fascinated by him and followed after him in his journeying and Demese was like "welp". Later on in their story, Demese wonders if Yiska's the reincarnation of his dear friend... (he's not)

Berydel and Mero are just a rly stupid couple... Berydel says dumb things when they meet and Mero storms off in a huff but, after that, Berydel can't stop thinking about him. Mero only ever acts tsun around him, it's hilarious, otherwise he's an eccentric, energetic weirdo. And then Sachi and Naquisae have a thing going on where they're both just pining for each other but neither of them say it. Sachi thinks that Sae can do better than him, so.

Luceme and Lial are friends at first and Lial actually helps set Luceme up with another butterfly dude he's been pining after since forever... but Luceme's all "what is going on why am I not happy" and ends up realising he actually loves Lial who's loved him for a while but didn't say anything because he doesn't think he truly has anything to offer Luceme. Lial has very, very low self-worth. HE CARES A LOT ABOUT LUCEME THO, he'd do anything for him.

Maye and Venga eventually end up together, but not without some trouble ahead of time. Maye ends up falling for him first and Venga's drawn to him but he's all "nah this guy is a kid I can't" so it's a lot of Maye having to take the reins and show Venga that he means Business. He has to break out of his quiet shell for this one, Imma tell you that.

Aisuma, Gable and Nilak are one of my OT3s yesssss. Both Nilak and Gable fall for Aisuma and they confess to him but he turns them both down because there's no way he could pick one of them when he cares for them both. They have a talk together after it and decide that they won't make Aisuma choose, if he wants both of them... listen, if you are turning into a monster, you might as well have two boyfriends. I've also written some drabbles/short stories starring them... Rawlor and Quarto eventually get together, but it's a lot of Rawlor pursuing him because Quarto's like THIS GUY SEEMS LIKE HE'S LOOSE which Rawlor... is... but the more he finds out about Quarto, the more he wants to get srs with him.

Deming's this put-upon government worker who finds this mute guy on his doorstep one day and finds out later that Sigme is just Too Pure and ended up tricked by like... everyone. So he takes him in and Sigme's totally got the hots for him but it takes a while because Deming is a blockhead.

Gaskin's that aforementioned loud one... he and his creator Cat will eventually get together... but it takes a while... Cat has to overcome all this guilt shit first. Meanwhile Gaskin's just like oozing love at him at every turn. I'm almost done... Usartas gets with Chesh, who's the hardworking servant of a demon prince and not the main character. I DEFY CONVENTIONS. Relgr'rem argues and talks most with Usartas, but Chesh just ends up getting Usartas's attention. Aaaand finally, out of characters who I've been pondering for this, there's my last OT3, Clauste, Maephis and Belve. Both Maephis and Belve crash (by themselves and in a spaceship, respectively) into some of the land on the farm he lives on so he's like "oh my god" and takes them both in. I'm still debating if this will go romantic route or not, but I'm like 80% sure it will.


whoops i forgot to catch up to my own topic... Well, okay, it's less that I forgot and more that I got the cold from Hell and lost all will to do anything requiring effort. But there'll be more catch-up weeks, so if you're like me and didn't catch up even though you wanted to you'll have plenty more opportunities in the future! I'll probably have them every other month or every 30 questions or something along those lines.

Q63. Which OC of yours is the most prone to illness?

Basically, who's got the weakest immune system? Who gets sick the most often?

This one's actually kind of hard for me, since most of the OCs I have up here at the moment are members of species who don't get sick, or at least get sick in a way that resembles human illness. I guess I'd probably go with Kanon! Everything about him is frail, so it feels right that his immune system isn't that tough, either. If there's some kind of cold or flu going around it's pretty much a guarantee that he'll get it. Whenever he does get sick, his brother Silliman totally overreacts and steals like 50 gallons of chicken noodle soup while simultaneously threatening a bunch of doctors to magically cure Kanon. Silliman doesn't really get medical science, but he tries. It's the thought that counts.

EDIT: third row... we're in the big leagues now


5inthemorning question 420: which of your ocs blazes it the most. coming in like two years

Q64: If your OCs were in a video game, what genre would it be?

Couldn't pass up making question 64 about video games! You can go by story/universe, by all of your OCs combined, whatever you want!

Adoptverse would totally be a fighting game, probably revolving around some tournament to claim the planet. Crossroad Fantasia could probably be a billion different genres, but whatever it is it'd definitely have to be open-world. It could probably work as some kind of MMO?? Decadence would probably only work as a VN or a cooking gamePoly Hell and VN are both planned to be VNs, but you probably guessed that by the latter's perpetual placeholder name. :^) Poly Hell could theoretically fit into other genres too as long as there's a lot of dialogue, but VN's concept heavily relies on it being a VN. It makes sense in context.

Hell College I usually imagine as being either being a Disgaea sort of game (mostly because they both have similar tones and themes) or an Etrian Odyssey kind of game, especially seeing that there's a labyrinth to go through and everything. Lilesque lends itself to the action genre, but honestly I usually think of it being a really damn huge VN where you can play as literally every Tested. Boy golly would that not be fun to code!

SYOL and its spinoffs as well as RPG Hell parody a lot of RPG concepts and themes, so naturally they'd be RPGs. Except that I usually imagine them as being more like Disgaea or Etrian Odyssey instead of standard RPGs. listen i really like disgaea and etrian odyssey alright



Sindbad would be in a a game like Saints Row or Grand Theft Auto. Because racing is their passion. B) So is wreaking havoc. [Action Adventure, Racing]

Daemien is all for skateboarding games like Skate or Tony Hawk. Including music games like Guitar Hero and Rock band as long as there are drums to rock on. [Platform, Music, Rhythm]

Charlie could totally adapt to sneaking games like Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, and any other games that involve not getting caught and being a pacifist. If not, then I guess she would lethally neutralize an enemy. Maybe once. Or more. [Stealth, Action Adventure]


@Jintxo i hope if there's one thing this thread teaches you all about me it's that i can never pass up the opportunity for a good pun or some other form of wordplay/referencing B)

ALRIGHT real rushed questioning because i'm in geography club right now and probably shouldn't be on my laptop but

Q65: Which OC of yours does the most reading?

inspired by how i spent this morning getting extremely lost in my campus' library (so many many), hence why i didn't drop off a question earlier. based on what else has happened today, expect future questions to involve the wearing of pants being considered unusual, trying not to look massive hordes of geese in the eye as you walk through them while they squawk and fly around you, and not getting some lemonade because you'd feel weird getting up after you already sat down. please look forward to them