Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
|| Q51 || Q52 || Q53 || Q54 || Q55 || Q56 || Q57 || Q58 || Q59 || Q60 || Q61 || Q62 || Q63 || Q64 || Q65 || Q66 || Q67 || Q68 || Q69 || Q70 || Q71 || Q72 || Q73 || Q74 || Q75 || Q76 || Q77 || Q78 || Q79 || Q80 || Q81 || Q82 || Q83 || Q84 || Q85 || Q86 || Q87 || Q88 || Q89 || Q90 || Q91 || Q92 || Q93 || Q94 || Q95 || Q96 || Q97 || Q98 || Q99 || Q100 ||
|| Q101 || Q102 || Q103 || Q104 || Q105 || Q106 || Q107 || Q108 || Q109 || Q110 || Q111 || Q112 || Q113 || Q114 || Q115 || Q116 || Q117 || Q118 || Q119 || Q120 || Q121 || Q122 || Q123 || Q124 || Q125 || Q126 || Q127 || Q128 || Q129 || Q130 || Q131 || Q132 || Q133 || Q134 || Q135 || Q136 || Q137 || Q138 || Q139 || Q140 || Q141 || Q142 || Q143 || Q144 || Q145 || Q146 || Q147 || Q148 || Q149 || Q150 ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

Ha. Let's see. Limiting myself to characters I've actually made profiles for...Firebrand's name is the only canonically meaningful one. The deer in his world tend to give their kids HARDCORE intense-sounding(?), often descriptive names in hopes that it will inspire them to grow up fierce and self-sufficient - or, failing that, make other people second-guess harassing them. Maybe wolves won't eat our kids if we name them Oblivion and Warstrike. Firebrand was named by a politician who lived in a small town, and who figured he ought to pick a name with "fire" in it because what else are you supposed to do with a bright orange screaming baby.

Some of the others do sort of have meanings behind them, though. Andraz went without a name for a really long time. I eventually ended up using a corruption of the Greek word for "man" because he's just. That guy. That one dude. Him. Pearce, meanwhile, has a giant sword which she stabs things with. And a doll. A whole lot of my characters' given names are either common names based on their parents' personalities or randomly generated syllable combinations, though.


keep almost forgetting to drop off a question before i go to class whoops

Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest?

This can refer to both the volume of their natural voice and/or how often they speak in general, if at all!

This one goes to Zosime. They don't speak very often, and when they do it's just in short phrases. They tend not to raise their voice very high either, so often times even the person they're addressing has a hard time hearing them. Kanon is also pretty quiet, thanks to his shyness.


I waited a week to do these :')

Q54. Which OC of yours is the most greedy?
Mimi probably in a general sense. He's greedy for knowledge, which is how he became a demon, he's greedy for power which helped him become a fairly powerful demon quickly.

Q55. Which of your OCs have the hardest time controlling their anger?
Really, this child can't keep himself under control, he is very quick to throw punches and fight. His attitude is usually not taking shit from anyone and punch them in the face when they insult. He's quick to anger and doesn't even bother with trying to control it.

Q56. Which OC of yours has the simplest design? Who has the most complicated design?
Simplest might be Collin, hoodie and jeans man, thats it.
The most complicated might now be Ishra, six arms where they each have different amounts of muscle and structure to them and six horns as well.

Q57. How do you decide birthdays for your OCs (if your OCs have birthdays)?
They usually come up randomly, if I get a new one I might go by zodiac cause what else to do about it?

Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?
All these questions are for Collin I swear
Collin again, he might not admit it, but he loves dancing more than most things, he's oddly good at it as well.


Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

The closest to any representation is probably Mimi, short for Mimicain, mimic, ect.
I will usually look up names for this and that, usually don't mean too much.

Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest?
Voice wise, Willa is very quiet, her voice is small and she has trouble raising it really, even though she talks all the time.
Adie doesn't talk much though, but Mimi is next to silent at all times simply out of the annoyence of being around others.

Man, I always feel bad about not typing out essays :') I need to learn how to gush about my children better



Q40. Which OC of yours is the most argumentative?
Actually, I have no idea what it means? :( someone who get involved into disputes ? Or someone who is opinionated and uses lots of good arguments ? I have no idea, my dictionnary is not clear about this....

Q41. Do you have any adopted OCs?
Yes I do. They are a minority as I tend to create all of my OCs by myself but I started to buy some designs a few monthes ago. However, none of them were truly characters, they were just designs (they had no personality, backstory or even names).
I bought Diey's feral form on Deviantart. I do not know, I just wanted a cool anthro character and thought this bunny may be a good one. Then I asked a friend of mine to draw his anthro form (for a payment on a sim-game). And it just looks awesome.
I bought Elijah as well. I asked on a thread if anyone could do a lion character for me, and I got this awesome boy (for a virtual payment as well). He is my most developped bought character for now (his profile is not developped but the character itself is, and I roleplayed him already).
I also bought Galico, a closed-species, from the person who designed Elijah. He looks so cute and awesome.
Also have some designs I just bought but have not done much things with yet.... Like Wilfried, or this dog, this anthro, and this creature (will be in the same universe than Diey and Galico).

Q42. How do you choose which OC(s) of yours to feature?
I featured Amadeus because it was the only one to have a semi-done profile.... But now I have no idea who to feature, so I guess I will use the random thing among my favourite characters? (btw thanks for having explained how it works).
So, I will do it right now and feature Amadeus, Arthur and Wes because they have the more complete profile.
I will feature Eden too when his profile will be a bit more completed... but he will probably be the last done I will do because there is so much about him...I just do not know where to start. I may add Elijah as well, and maybe Shiro when his profile is done, and Esteban when he has art ? So yeah I guess I will just add my favourite or most interesting characters when they have at least a semi-profile.

Q43. Do any of your OCs sing?
Well, Amadeus sometimes sing in the shower? Elijah sings for tribal celebrations. Beside this, no, they don't. I do not have any singer character.

Q44. Do any of your OCs play an instrument or otherwise make music?
Elijah participates in some celebrations in his pride, mostly religious things. He things and play percussion instruments. Amadeus and Arthur both learned to play piano and violin but they do not play much any more.

Q45. Are any of your OCs dead, planned to die, or have been dead at any point (even if only briefly)?
Lots of my OCs are dead, but they are not on ToyHouse, as they are dead.... But actually tons of my characters are dead for different reasons... Either they died of their old age, or they got killed, or got an accident, some of them killed themselves....
Among those who have a profile, some of them actually are from the previous generation. Like, for my lions, I have several generations of characters, so, the first generations are dead at the moment where the newest generation is here, but I may play this world at several states of times then I can go back to the older generations (where the newest are not born yet). But technically, at the actual times, Audren, Askeros, Anael, Iezel and Mituns are dead.

Q46. Which of your OCs' looks are the most deceiving?
I think most of my characters fits their appearance... Yeah, I do not think any one is much different than what they look like.

Q47. Which of your OCs have the most regrets?
I may answer this one later because, gosh, so much things to tell here, it will take pages.

Q48. Do you have any OCs who have radically changed from their original concept?
Things that happened to my characters are never erased, they are the same person from the begining. One of them has changed a lot personality wise but it is natural evolution, a maturation he gained thanks to some help. So, yeah, Eden went from the shy, whinny and full of complex kitten to the self-confident, proud and a bit contemptuous guy. But this is not a "concept" change neither... Nah, no one changed his concept.

Q49. Do you have any OCs who have had their designs radically changed from when you first conceptualized them?
Alnitak once was almost black, like, a leopard with so much spots it almosts looks like a black panther but actually still have light areas. But he ended up being the most normal leopard ever instead... (well, just a bit darker and reddish).
Diey was bought as a feral jackalope and is now an awesome anthro deity :D (see pics in his gallery)
Malédice once was fully white with black eyes... I just changed his ears and eyes to give him a little personal detail.... Yeah, this is really not a "radical" change but....yeah.
Wes went from ultra-thin to strong and stocky. And became uglier with a big nose and a squareish jaw.
Okay, none of my OCs had a radical change.

Q50. Which of your OCs like to answer questions about themselves the most?
I already tested this with some memes, and Alastyn and Eden hated it. Arthur, however, loves to talk about himself and being the center of attention then he loves to answer questions about himself. Amadeus does not hate it neither.

Q51. Do you have any joke characters, or at least any characters who primarily serve as comic relief?
Not a true joke but Maledice was brought into some human roleplay in the only aim to have fun, messing with others and driving them crazy with Maledice's dumb behaviour. People are so used to talking animals they were sure Maledice is a talking and intelligent dog. When they met him, they seriously were like "hello dog, I assume you can speak?", so, when the dog started to jump around them barking, coming forth and back with insistance, they assumed he had something important to show them... But nah, he just wanted to play making them run all over the town in the middle of the road, blocking every car. And every one who ever tried to adopt this dog ended up throwing him out of the window after he destroyed everything in their house. Yeah, no, he's not the biggest joke ever, but he was really fun on this forum!

Q52. Which OC of yours is the most lustful?
Arthur, definetely. Actually, most of my characters are not interested in sex at all (either they do not have genitals, they do not have any sexual desire, they are too young for sex, or they are waiting for mariage), but Arthur has enough interest for sexual intercourse to counterbalance them all. He is addicted to sex. Men or women, one or several, with or without toys, naked or in disguise, he will do everything, everywhere, at any time. He just can not control his lust, he is addicted to sex like some are addicted to alcohol. Oh, wait, he is actually addicted to alcohol as well.
The problem is that Arthur is not single. He has a boyfriend. But his boyfriend is not interested into sex and is rather inhibited. He likes to have formal, tender sex sometimes, but would not accept anything that is out of the "usual tender and romantic position). He would not accept to have guests in his beds, he would not accept toys or even another position. So, of course, he can not satisfy Arthur.... Then Arthur still looks for some "amusement" outside.... He can not help.
Wes likes sex as well but I would not say he is lustful...

Q53. Which OC of yours is the most envious of others?
Many of my characters are rather the overly confident kind of guys that think they are better than other then they can not really be envious...
Around the ones that are not confident and are aware they have close to nothing, there is Amadeus, but he is too good to be envious... well, I guess none of my characters are especially envious ?

Q54. Which OC of yours is the most greedy?
Some of my characters are close to their coins but this is mostly because they are rather poor, like Amadeus who can barely make ends meet. Eden, Maeda and Kaoru are rather skinflint but they are not greedy, as they just does not like to spend their money but would not try to make more or to get from others... Well, looks like my OCs are not especially greedy neither. Skinflint but not greedy.

Q55. Which of your OCs have the hardest time controlling their anger?
Eden is usually really, really calm, mostly expressionless, and it is really hard to make him angry...but if you ever does... He may become truly agressive and hateful. Hopefully he is physically weak then he would not be able to physically hurt you, but he may use mean words. He may say things he would regret afterwards, because he can get angry for nothing and say things he should not say. He just does not control himself anymore and can act stupid.
Alnitak is really moody as well and can suddenly bite you just because you said something wrong. And if he really is angry, you should find a good place to hide, because he may eventually kill you.
Diey is not often angry, but, well, when he does.... He is a deity, then his angst can be really, really dangerous. He is the kind of god that may just thrown an entire town just because he got bad mooded by some mortal. So, I guess he would have one of the worst, being unable to controll his anger to the point he may kill dozens of people and then regret it... like "oops".
But beside my OCs, there is one of my OC's "pet", or rather Wes' Pokemon. His Sekhmet enters in deep and uncontrolled rages where she may just rip off some human to death, and her trainer really has to look after her to make sur she does not randomly kill someone. But this is because some bad team manipulated her mind (see Pokemon Colosseum's story, this game includes Pokemon whose mind have been "closed" and they may suddenly become really agressive without being truly conscious of it. It is not much showed in the game but it is often mentioned then I decided to develop this a bit).

Q56. Which OC of yours has the simplest design? Who has the most complicated design?
Actually, almost all of my OCs have very simple design, because I actually does not like complex designs. Most of my OCs are meant to be normal humans living in a normal world, then I wanted them to look like normal humans, like the ones you would cross in the street in your everyday life. They are not excentric or attention-seeker or teens with weird emo looks or whatever, then they do not have bright pink hairs or weird clothings, so, yes, all of my OCs beside maybe my deities have really simple designs.
So, none of my OCs have a complicated design because, as said, I do not like them. Even if they were natural enough to fit in my universes but just had weird clothings, I would not be able to connect with them or even like them. So, the less simple would be Diey, maybe, because the spots are annoying to draw?

Q57. How do you decide birthdays for your OCs (if your OCs have birthdays)?
Not all of my OCs have birthday... My humans does, but not my animals or anthros (while I may decide of a birthday for my anthros later). For some of them, their birthday just was like an evidence, like "this guy obviously is born the 17th of January". Eden is born the same day than me because he was based on myself at first (but we both changed in different ways, as he was created 7 years ago and we both evolved a lot, then he does not look like me that much anyway...).
I would not use zodiacs or anything because I do not believe in your personality depending of your birthday date.

Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?
Arthur likes to dance. The "nightclub" kind of dance.... So we won't talk about talent here. But that's it.

Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?
They do not really have special meanings, they often are names I love for a reason or another.
Alastyn, Alnitak, Amadeus and Eden were names I wanted to use for a while.
But the most creative one obviously is Diey. I had no idea of a name for him, so I just looked at his reference, trying to get an idea and...the file's name was something like diey3226541ap.jpg. So here is how I chose his name. Amazingly creative, isn't it?
The only one that have a true "roleplay" meaning is Kaoru, whose name means "chapter". You can probably guess why I named him that way.
Also, Mephialtes was named this way because it contains "altesse" which means "highness" in my language, and the mix between "mephi" (from "Mephistophelian") and "highness", and it suits my character really well.
And there is Mituns... god, do you want to know how Mituns was named? Okay, so. Mituns is from a simgame when I am breeding lions and such. I had a king, Audren, and a queen, Krolowa. They had a daughter and, oh, genetic surprise, she was albino. I named her Weisen, because this is the name of my human albino OC (Amadeus Weisen). She had an albino daughter too, and I named this one Deus, from Amadeus as well. Deus had two daughter, and I named them Amadei and Amede, which are variations of Amadeus. Amede had a daughter, I named her Phileis, because Amadeus is the latin version of Theophile, I just kept the "phile". Then Deus had a son, but I just could not find things around Amadeus anymore.... or could I? Well. Amadeus means "loved by God". My mother's online name is the french traduction of "loved by God"... so, close enough! Can I do something with that? Nah, I don't. But I knew her password on a website she used to use (I can tell it because she changed her username and password since), and it was GottMitUns1965. Okay, this lion will be named Mituns. My names are just so random....
Oh, there is Malédice, maybe. His name is a mix between Maléfice (evil charm) and Malédiction (curse). Because he actually is cursed. (this is not his true name, he actually has no name, this is just the name I chose myself for him but he actually never heard of it)

Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest?
Alastyn, definetely. Just try to get some words from him! He does not talk, and if he ever does, it will be of a very low volume.
Alnitak is not especially loudy neither because he is a leopard, and beside some "grrrrrrrrwar!" when he is bad-mooded, he does not make such noise, as he does not speak, and does not bark, meow or whatever an animal may do....
Kaoru does not talk much neither. Actually he will never say anything if you do not ask him something. But at least he answer when you talk to him. But with a very low volume, you may have an hard time trying to understand him.
Diey and Galico (and probably the other deities from the same universe that will be done) are not much talkative neither, because deities does not talk to humans (humans does not deserve to hear their voice), and they do not like each other the will avoid each other.... then they just have no one to talk with. Sad life for a god =')
Maeda and Shiro are not much talkative neither... Well, I guess I could put all of my OCs in the same room without the crowd being too noisy.


Seiden Yeah, someone who's argumentative is someone who gets into a lot of disputes. They tend to have strong opinions and will frequently argue with those who have differing opinions.

Q61. Which of your OCs is the loudest?

Definitely Yenzhal. Most people don't think much of it because he's a college professor who teaches massive rooms of students at once, but even when he's alone his voice is incredibly loud. It's just naturally deep and booming, and while he can certainly lower his voice he seldom sees any need to. Which is sort of ironic, considering he hates noisy people. Though, in his case he mostly just hates people who talk a lot; people who have loud voices but don't speak often - much like himself - are fine by him.

Kameila comes in a close second. She doesn't really have an inside voice, and when prompted to be quieter or to stop talking entirely she just gets even louder. She talks when she wants and for as long as she wants, and no one's gonna stop her!


.....Isoprene, don't tell me you read all of what I posted, seriously? xD 
Well, thanks a lot for the explanation, I will edit this ! 


Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?

Sierra, as I mentioned in a previous answer, dreams of being a music star. Not only does she love singing (and will sing spontaneously when inspired), but she is also given to dancing spontaneously when she thinks she's alone. I don't think it's her passion like singing is, but she enjoys it. I like to think she really enjoys such things as DDR as well. x)

Missy is a pretty normal gal with no particular dancing talent, but she loves going to parties and dances where she can relax and let loose. For someone with no dancing training, she's pretty good and people like to watch her.

Finally, Krisina also likes dancing, usually when someone is watching. She'll most often dance to seduce or enchant others, giving herself an exotic, sensual persona, but she has been dancing since she was a little girl, so she really enjoys doing it on a personal level as well.

Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

I very rarely choose names based on meaning; I usually pick a name based on whether I like how it looks/sounds, and whether I personally associate it with a certain feeling/idea/theme. That almost never has anything to do with the name itself, but rather it is based on past experiences. In addition, a lot of my names are made up, and have no particular meaning in mind.

The closest I could find sorting through my characters are a number of my WoW gals. Cerylia's name took a long time to find, and the site I originally discovered it on claimed it meant "sea bird." I have not found any other source that corroborates this, so it may be made up, but that is why I chose the name in the first place (in addition to liking how the name sounded and looked). Blood elves in WoW are associated with phoenixes, so the bird imagery seemed fitting. I've even tried to incorporate this meaning into her backstory (she was born by the sea).

Sajataria's name was made up in reference to Sagittarius, the constellation and zodiac sign of the hunter. She is a hunter class in game, so it definitely fit! I just changed it to make it a more feminine name. Likewise, Lycaea is named after my favorite animal, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), whose scientific name comes from a king in Greek mythology who was cursed with a wolf form. I thought it was quite appropriate for a werewolf gal, and again just changed the name to be more feminine.

Finally, Shekina's name comes from a Hebrew word for "dwelling," specifically in relation to the holy place where God dwelled. The name itself attracted me because I like to use K sounds in my orc names, but thought the word overall sounded very pretty. When creating her backstory, Shekina's name still means "sacred place," but supposedly in the fictional in-game language of the orcs; she was named such by her parents to show how special she was for being born to them while they were in captivity. She symbolizes hope for them. As she grows up, Shekina becomes a strong yet kind and mild-tempered orc, a result of the discipline and training she endures to become a monk. In this way I think she lives up to her special name.

Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest?

Novy is definitely the quietest of my characters; her difficult life so far has caused her to choose silence and become afraid of loud voices and sounds. She doesn't like talking unless she really has to, and when she does, it is in very short sentences and in a soft whisper. Fortunately, she has recently met some kind new friends who she feels comfortable around, and has taken to talking above a whisper, for longer periods of time.

Kimberly is another quiet character of mine; her story is similar to Novy's in that she also has suffered trauma in the past and has chosen to become mostly silent in response. She isn't timid like Novy is, however, and isn't afraid to speak her mind when she is passionate about the subject.

Saatian is probably another of my quietest characters. He has very strong psychic powers, able to use telepathy and pick up the thoughts of others, so he is quiet simply because he sees no reason to talk. He also tends to fade into the background, as he has no drive to be assertive; he simply lets his sister Koyasha lead the way and do the talking for him.

Q61. Which of your OCs is the loudest?

I don't actually have a lot of loud characters... but I would say definitely Kazea. She's not constantly talking or anything, but when she does talk, she does so loudly. She is accustomed to being the boss and giving others orders. In addition, she overreacts dramatically and loudly to things, usually in an attempt to express her feelings and garner support from the people around her. Goblins in general are very exaggerated creatures, though, so she really can't help it. It's in her blood. xD For a goblin, though, she probably seems relatively quiet since she likes to ponder most things before responding. Gets that from her father, who is super thinky and keeps to himself. ^^;


Seiden I always do! My main motivation for making this topic was to learn about other people's OCs, after all!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I hope the pulsating heart beings from the forsaken Valentine realm bless you all with chocolate today! That's what Valentine's Day is about, right?

Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?

This can refer to romantic relationships, sexual relationships, friends with benefits, etc. Anything that's a step above platonic is fair game for this question.

I'll answer this one later, but it might take a while so I figured I'd just get the question up since I'm already a little later than usual as-is!


I admire you. And I feel a bit awkward knowing you are reading my shit (honestly I answer to this because I love talking about my OCs even when nobody listens, I was sure nobody would read), but at least I don't do it for nothing ?

And have an happy valentine day as well! :D 

(I'll answer the new questions tomorrow)


Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?

half of these are going to be charahub links but WHATEVER, shout out to Papes and memeduchess (and exuro if he had an account here) bc your donuts are in here

Aedi and Orange are both dating each other, as well as a third salad person named LeFleuris. In story canon Orange and Lausac are at least sort of dating by the end, as well. In RP canon they're not quite as close and Lausac is fervently denying he has a crush on Papes instead.

Barazia's home story is a VN called "I've Somehow Found Myself in One Hell of a Love Polygon", which is about a college student named Marron and his wacky sitcom mishaps in Hell that result in him dating a bunch of demons. Barazia is one of many romanceable options, but he's also romantically interested in several other characters and can end up dating pretty much anyone. Or everyone! It's not called Hell Poly for nothing, you know.

Bonnie and Zhirael are both dating and probably couldn't be more in love if they tried to be. Charity is Unholy Christmas Mischief Girlfriends with Holly, and together they bend the universe to their whims!! Euanthe is Unholy Regular Mischief Girlfriends with a half-demon named Breccia, and together they plan to bend the universe to their whims eventually!! Hadris and Monaz used to be in some sort of close relationship, but some Things happened and Monaz decided that it would be for the best if xe wasn't so close to Hadris, much to Hadris' disappointment. Memen - who was the cause of the Things that tore Hadris and Monaz apart - is in a relationship with Aeran Luscon, who betrayed Hadris after he left him in Memen's prison dimension to presumably die. There's more to the story than that, of course, but the long and short of it is that instead of Memen killing him they wound up hitting it off over their mutual hatred of Hadris.

Hattie is kinda-sorta dating a succubus named Vizelia Viviendela, though she doesn't really talk about it. Vizelia flirts with her, Hattie replies with unimpressed mutterings, and then they'll just suddenly go out on a date or make out or something?? Vizelia is clearly interested in Hattie, but Hattie's true feelings for Vizelia are kind of ambiguous and stuffed under layers of apathy.

Umbra has been denying her feelings for Ignis for like, 7 or 8 years now, buuut they're pretty much in a relationship. Though it's been kind of long-distance considering that Ignis got himself locked away into some prison realm that he can't leave or contact people outside easily from within... not that she thinks he didn't deserve it, but it'd be nice if he broke out. Seraye has been dating Exuro for a little longer. That was my first OC ship that still has any relevance today!

Dicro is kind of a weird case because he's interested in an ever-increasing number of people and a lot of people have expressed interest in him, but he's not really officially in a relationship with anyone?? By the time Hell College rolls around he'll probably officially refer to Ansaiele as his girlfriend (albeit while tugging at his collar and looking away while his face turns red, because he's Dicro), but otherwise he hesitates to pursue or act on his feelings for anyone out of anxiety and a lack of self-worth.

thyx isn't canonically in any relationships yet but that won't stop the fanthyxion

man if i had even just the characters i have on charahub up here this would be like 5 times as long... the oc shipping never ends


Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?

For once I can't talk about Jinx in this one because she's not in a relationship lol.

Anyway, Day and Izra are in a relationship. Anima and Willow are a thing too. Chev and Hystery I will ship forever! Hades and Felicity are in a secret relationship, because Felicity's a princess and Hades is an assassin. I don't even know why Caelin and Finn started, but it's a ship now. I posted some sketches on dA today that show the ships in action!