Support Conversations

4 years, 10 months ago
6 months, 10 days ago
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Entry 9
Published 6 months, 10 days ago

Mild Violence

A collection of Fire Emblem-style conversation scripts between various characters of mine, showing how their relationships develop as time goes by. Each pair of characters will have three conversations (C rank, B rank and A rank) in one story.

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C Rank

Owel: Um, Mr Alscher? Could I ask you a quick question?

Fred: You can. Also, I told you that you don’t need to call me that unless you want to. Which, I assume, you don’t.

Owel: Yes, um, force of habit. I’m sorry.

Fred: What is your question, Owel?

Owel: I’d like to learn more about… being a vampire. You’ve mentioned that vampires can transform into animals and speak with their minds. What does that actually… mean?

Fred: The things you speak of are called shapeshifting and telepathy. The former allows you to turn into other animals, at will – within certain limits. The latter allows you to send messages to other people that can be heard only in their head. A completely private form of communication.

Owel: I see… And are these things that I could do?

Fred: I don’t see why not. The majority of vampires can use these powers, though some are weaker than others.

Owel: Can you?...That’s probably rude, I’m sorry--

Fred: Yes, Owel, I am capable of both abilities. Would you like to start learning how to use them yourself?

Owel: Could I do it? I haven’t even been a vampire for very long.

Fred: You have been a vampire for four weeks, which is more than long enough to start practising, though your powers will likely grow stronger with time. How does tomorrow afternoon sound?

Owel: …Yes, that sounds lovely. Thank you, Mr… I mean, Frederick.

B Rank

Fred: Well done, Owel. It seems that you’ve mastered the basics of shapeshifting.

Owel: It feels very strange, suddenly turning into a bird. I expected the process to be more… painful?

Fred: Shapeshifting should never result in physical pain. If it does, let me know immediately.

Owel: I will. Perhaps I could… try telepathy now?

Fred: You ought to drink some blood and take a short break first. You have probably exhausted yourself from practising all afternoon.

Owel: Oh, you’re right. I am a little tired…

*They move indoors*

Owel: Mr Alscher, while I drink this… Could I ask some more questions?

Fred: Yes, you can...

Owel: Why have you been doing all these things for me? Letting me stay in your home, teaching me all these skills, explaining things I need to know. You’ve gone above and beyond, but you say you don’t want anything in return. I don’t understand.

Fred: I did it because it was the right thing to do, Owel. I am not heartless. When I first saw you, you were alone in the streets with your child; you had few supplies and nowhere safe to stay. Aware that Shacklestone can be a dangerous city for the unwary, I took you in. I have no ulterior motive, I can promise you that.

Owel: If that’s really all there is to it… Then thank you. Thank you for giving me and Warden a chance. We probably owe our lives to you.

Fred: You’re welcome, Owel. I am glad that you have somewhere safe to adjust to this new situation. But you don’t need to stay here indefinitely. If you ever wish to… find a home for yourself and Warden… I can assist you in doing so.

Owel: Thank you. But at the moment, I think I’m happier staying here. As long as it’s no trouble, of course.

Fred: And I am happier having you here, at least until I have taught you what you need to know.

A Rank

Fred: ...No, that won’t do… Maybe…

*Owel appears*

Owel: Frederick, is everything OK?

Fred: Everything is fine, Owel. I am simply working on the draft of one of my story projects.

Owel: It seems like you’ve been writing for a long time…

Fred: I do have a tendency to get absorbed in my work. Once I have an idea, I prefer not to stop until I have fully committed it to paper.

Owel: Maybe… you should think about taking a break? I don’t mean to tell you what to do, it’s just that… you look tired. And your back must be stiff from sitting like that for so long.

Fred: I would prefer to finish the current chapter. It shouldn’t take more than an hour or so.

Owel: That’s a while, Frederick. Why not stop for now and return to it later? Or even tomorrow? You’re bound to work better if you’re well-rested and not in pain.

Fred: *sighs* I suppose you have a point. I can write some notes to remind myself of where I was, and resume properly in the morning.

Owel: That’s a good idea.

Fred: Why does this matter to you, Owel?

Owel: I care about your wellbeing, of course. You’ve always supported me, so why shouldn’t I support you in return? Isn’t that what friends do…?

Fred: You consider us friends, Owel?

Owel: I-is that a bad thing?

Fred: No, not at all. I merely assumed that you were staying here out of convenience and wanted to leave as soon as possible. I did take you in and provide for you, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you enjoy my company.

Owel: At first, I was actually a bit scared of you. Even now, sometimes I get nervous… It’s not your fault, it’s my history. But after being here for nearly four months and getting to know you properly, I do like you. You’re the most kind and generous man I’ve ever met. I still can’t believe that you haven’t asked me for anything in return.

Fred: I am surprised to hear that, but it’s a welcome surprise nonetheless. I try to be a good person, Owel. I never wanted you to be afraid of me. And if you consider me a friend, then I consider you one as well.

Owel: I’m happy to hear that. Have you finished writing your notes yet?

Fred: I will be done in a moment. I just have to jot down some ideas so I won’t lose them.

Owel: Good. It looks really uncomfortable to be hunched over that desk for so many hours.

Fred: I appreciate the concern, Owel.