Journey to the Trinity Tree

4 years, 9 days ago
3 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 9 days ago

For the Graveyard of Gods, Envy. For the Isle of Roses, Kina. For the Sky Oasis, Cole. The story of three of the champions who fought to save the goddess who summoned them.

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Day 1.2

The portal had appeared, and Nasaba had immediately called a meeting. Plenty of lions were stepping forward to volunteer to go through. Almost every Soldier threw their name out as an option, and even a few others, like Kusafiri and Cuore, offered to go through and see what was going on. In comparison to all of the other volunteers, Kina knew she didn't stand a chance, especially when her father was the one in charge of picking.

So, she took fate into her own paws.

The portal was to be left alone till tomorrow, when Nasaba would announce who would be going through to represent the Isle of Roses. But in the dark of night, when no one could see, Kina stepped out from her den, creeping to the portal's edge and staring into the swirling mess.

"I'm sorry, Father," she said, glancing toward Nasaba's den with just an ounce of regret, "but I feel it calling to me. I need to go." Taking a deep breath, she stretched out a paw, hesitating just before it touched the surface.

Was this right? Kina would be going out against her father's will because of a feeling in her gut. If anything happened, she had no way of knowing if her pridemates could come and save her. She assumed they would be able to put together that she had crossed through, but there was no guarantee that they could do anything about it. What if someone else was meant to go? Would Kina be ruining everything by choosing to become the Champion for the Isle of Roses, even if someone else was meant to be their representative?

"No, I will not think of that," she whispered to herself, looking up to the sky for a moment and praying to the ancestors that they would help her with what she was about to do. That they would smile on her and bless her, and that they would stop her if she was being led astray in the choice she was making. Satisfied, Kina took a deep breath before looking back to the portal, a new determination settling on her. "This is what I am meant to do," she said, and with that, Kina stepped into the portal, her goodbye to her pridemates getting lost in the cold night air and falling on deaf ears as she disappeared, the portal fading along with her.