Journey to the Trinity Tree

4 years, 9 days ago
3 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 28
Published 4 years, 8 hours ago

For the Graveyard of Gods, Envy. For the Isle of Roses, Kina. For the Sky Oasis, Cole. The story of three of the champions who fought to save the goddess who summoned them.

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Day 12.2

"We have to do something." Cole finally said after they all had sat there in silence, Grimm's comment having hung in the air for far longer than he intended. The larger lion stared out at the chaos that was breaking out on the battlefield as some continued to fight while others fled, either to save the tree they'd chosen to fight for or to simply escape the flames.

"What would you suggest? We put out the fire ourselves?" Grimm asked, his voice dry as he looked at his pridemate.

Galilee's glare told him he was probably a bit too scathing in his response. "I believe what Grimm is trying to ask is, what can we do? There's only three of us. What can we do against two armies, or against the fire that is just continuing to build into an inferno? We don't stand a chance, especially if two gods can't even fight off the flames."

"Yeah, we might as well pray for rain." Grimm's suggestion was flippant, but Cole fixed him with a nod. The black lion couldn't help giving him a questioning look as he tilted his head to the side, his tail flicking back and forth behind him. "What?"

"We're going to pray," Cole responded matter-of-factly, taking a seat and staring at the battlefield.


"We're going to do what you suggested. We're going to pray for rain."

From behind Cole, Galilee smirked, as if to remind Grimm that he had caused this turn of events. He gave a resigned sigh, taking a seat on the ground beside the Sky Oasis' Archivist as Galilee did the same. This was at least better than futilely discussing what they could (or ought) to do in this situation. Besides, it wasn't like Grimm actually had to do anything. He just had to sit quietly and pretend to pray for rain (because Grimm wasn't going to waste whatever being that controlled the rain's time by praying for them to rain here) till Cole was satisfie-

"This is pointless." Grimm said, not one to sit and wait around in a pointless endeavor.

He could see Galilee resist the urge to smack her head against the ground as he aggravated his pridemate once again. "Do you have any better suggestions? Something that isn't sarcastic? Do you have any genuine recommendation on what we ought to do to fix this? You don't, do you?"