Journey to the Trinity Tree

4 years, 9 days ago
3 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 9 days ago

For the Graveyard of Gods, Envy. For the Isle of Roses, Kina. For the Sky Oasis, Cole. The story of three of the champions who fought to save the goddess who summoned them.

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Day 3.3

"Cole," he responded, hissing in pain as Kina did her best to let her lean on him (which wasn't completely possible, because Cole was certain he'd be too heavy for her).

"I'm so sorry, Cole," she repeated, obviously distressed over the injuries she had caused him to suffer. "I saw some medics this way. They have supplies specifically for fighting against these...these things, and I learned a little bit about how to apply the medicine. Come on, I'll help get you sorted while we wait for them to be able to check you out officially. Think of it as my thank you for the help and as my apology for not doing something to stop them...and for being angry that you got involved. I'm just so desperate to prove myself, but now I've just gone and botched it because I froze up and you got hurt and- I'm talking too much, aren't I? I'm sorry, I ramble when I'm nervous..."

Kina trailed off as they approached the nearest medic station, chuckling awkwardly. Cole just smiled tiredly at her. It was endearing, her nervous rambling and apologies, and despite being a little frustrated that he got hurt because she didn't do anything, he couldn't fault her for freezing up. She definitely had never fought in a battle of this scale before (after all, he hadn't either, and that wasn't even a full scale attack, if his hunch was right), and Cole couldn't blame her for panicking. Besides, she made up for it by finding the nerve to take out one of the remaining creatures. He would forgive her; she deserved it.

"Thanks," he said, sitting down as she went about grabbing some poultice to put on his wounds, his tail idly swishing back and forth behind him.

"Like I said," she responded as she finally found what she was looking for, "it's the least I could do. It's my fault you had such a bad injury anyways. This is probably going to sting, okay? I'm super sorry about that, but it'll be better in the long run, right? That way it doesn't get infected, and it should heal up nicely so you don't have a scar there, cause that would mar your handsome face, not that scars aren't attractive, cause a lot of the time they are, and- oh my gosh, I'm rambling again. I'm so sorry, I'll shut up now."

Cole just chuckled again as the embarrassed lioness set about tending to his wounds, only hissing a little as she applied the poultice to his wounds.