Journey to the Trinity Tree

4 years, 8 days ago
3 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 22
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

For the Graveyard of Gods, Envy. For the Isle of Roses, Kina. For the Sky Oasis, Cole. The story of three of the champions who fought to save the goddess who summoned them.

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Day 10.3

"Where's the proof?" Maji shot back, getting to her paws as well. "The only proof I see is the god of decay attacking, and attacking first. You claim the goddess is trying to upset the balance and end death, but to do that, wouldn't she need to destroy the god you are now defending? That would make the most sense. Instead, she has just brought champions to fight for her, heroes that could help protect her from an army intending to destroy the vessel she is housed in. She never told any of you to go to the tree; from what you've said, she didn't even tell you there was another tree. Perhaps that wasn't to hide the truth of her motive, but to ensure no one went about skewing the balance because they wanted to try and protect her by taking out the source of her enemy. Maybe she's actually trying to ensure no one accidentally upends death by destroying the god of decay."

"Maji, that's inane. That makes no sense!" Kina protested, scowling.

"Then why aren't you offering any argument against what I'm saying, Kina? Tell me, where is your proof that the god of decay has been honest with you?"

"You have no proof either!"

Maji snarled a little. "Are you even listening to a single word I say?"

Kina's tail whipped back and forth at a faster pace. "You've been here for all of, what, five minutes, and suddenly you're the expert on everything? Everything you know you only know because of me. How can you be the one in the right here?" Baring her teeth, she snapped, "If you know so much, why don't you go to the goddess of life and protect her yourself?"

"Maybe I will."

"Good! Do it!" Kina's blue eyes narrowed in challenge as Maji looked at her, her face almost unreadable. "Go on. Go! If you're such an expert on things here, then leave, and we'll see at the end who was right. I can look after myself just fine, no matter what my father thinks, and I'll prove it!"

Maji looked at her long and hard from behind her long hair, and then, without a word, turned and walked away through the trees. Kina watched her go, panting, before taking a seat again. She had sent her pridemate to the other side, to the enemy. Had she done the right thing?