Journey to the Trinity Tree

4 years, 9 days ago
3 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 24
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

For the Graveyard of Gods, Envy. For the Isle of Roses, Kina. For the Sky Oasis, Cole. The story of three of the champions who fought to save the goddess who summoned them.

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Day 10.5

When the portal opened once again in the Sky Oasis' camp, Grimm had been in the middle of a negotiation with Galilee. This was not their first meeting with each other. Then, Law had contacted her, and at his friend's behest, Grimm had spoken with her, the Prince's goal being for Galilee to give Grimm some training. That experience had paved the way for the two lions to become friends, and since then, they had frequently spent time together discussing plans and the like. This time, Grimm had been discussing what to do about a nearby pride growing suspicious of the few supposedly rogue lions they had seen in the area - which they had told Grimm on one of his trips through while he was selling some goods that he may or may not have stolen to pose as a shopkeeper - and how to keep them from looking and finding the Sky Oasis.

That conversation was cut short when Law popped in to tell him, saying that he had to go through and see what was going on. He was considered the back-up for Cole, and after the Archivist hadn't stepped through, Law had fetched him. Galilee followed after in curious confusion, listening intently as Icarus spoke to the entire pride, and then specifically to Grimm.

"Please, try to find Cole. We aren't going to assume the worst yet. It hasn't been that long..." Icarus trailed off, and Grimm nodded, not wanting the half snow leopard to have to finish that statement. He knew how deeply Icarus cared for every member of the pride; they all knew. The Sky Oasis wasn't just a pride; they were a tight-knit group, a found family, and even if Cole was quiet and often kept to himself, he was still a part of the that family.

"Wish me luck," he said with a nod to his pridemates before stepping through the portal, tilting his head to get some of his hair out of his face so that he could see more clearly.

Before he could do anything (like process this new world he was standing in), someone bumped into him, and he was sent crashing to the ground. He groaned, sliding out from underneath his assailant, but when he turned around, he found himself face to face with Galilee.

And on top of that, the portal they had just crossed through had disappeared without a trace.