Journey to the Trinity Tree

4 years, 8 days ago
3 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 21
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

For the Graveyard of Gods, Envy. For the Isle of Roses, Kina. For the Sky Oasis, Cole. The story of three of the champions who fought to save the goddess who summoned them.

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Day 10.2

After the initial shock that came from having the portal close without being able to accomplish what she set out to do, which was first and foremost to get Kina back home safely, Maji was able to be calmed. Kina pulled her off to the side, wincing as she accidentally brushed her back against a low hanging tree branch. The way it brushed against the claw marks on her back was completely unnecessary; she did not need to deal with that pain right now when she was already dealing with a frustrated Maji.

Few things terrified her as much as Maji. She had always been one of the bravest Soldiers is in the Isle of Roses, and arguably one of the toughest, so Kina had always admired her, but it was the sort of admiration one gave a deity. Whenever the black and brown lioness saw her, she could feel fear welling up inside her. Something about the way the Soldier carried herself, the presence that she had about her, was confident and terrifying.

"Tell me everything," the long-maned lioness said, taking a seat under a tree.

Kina followed suit, nodding stiffly. So, as quickly as she could, she told Maji everything, including the bizarre feeling that had called to her and caused her to enter the portal in the first place. At this point, it was just nice to see a familiar face (especially since she hadn't been able to find Cole since the last battle and she was trying not to think about the implications that held), and Kina didn't even care what reaction she would get after the whole story was told. She just wanted it to all be out there, because it was so nice to actually be able to tell someone about it (especially after not really talking with Cole about everything that was discovered).

She thought she was prepared for any reaction...but Kina wasn't expecting Maji to disagree with her.

"What do you mean, you trust the goddess?" She protested, not even realizing she'd stood up as her tail swished back and forth in agitation.

"Why would the portal drop you all off there if it wasn't her doing?" Maji pointed out. "And why would she summon you if she didn't need your help?"

"Maybe she did summon us, but she lied about why!" Kina argued in annoyance. "That's why the god of decay called us to him, to correct the lie."