

Ruler: Fei Chanxin

A land overwhelmed with light during the day and during the night, one would think they would need to learn to fight the light. But, the architecture of the region & its magical technology are specially designed to allow inhabitants to still be able to have a proper circadian cycle. Not only does Lumiphare provide energy & light to the rest of Aephiria, it also provides insight for the other regions to base on for their own regions. It is known to be the capital of the world, having some of the most important resources & people.

It’s also pretty notorious for having a lot of rich people living there, some of the richest being the ruler and their family. The Fei family rules the region, although unfortunately, don’t have the best reputation due to how out of touch they are. Though, fortunately, Meilin is trying to learn more about the external world mostly due to boredom, but then realized that it was going to help her lead her region in the future.





Ruler: Procyon Greyford

The only land that is always drowned in the darkness of the night, it is perfect for demons & creatures alike who do not particularly enjoy the overwhelming light from the sun. Despite this, tiny sources of light are very common in its cities & its homes, as a little light is useful at times. Those who need the sun to wake up and to figure out the time can often rely on specialized technologies only sold there, usually in the form of a head accessory (ex. glasses, hat, etc.) or a piece of clothing, which helps with keeping circadian schedules stable.

There is quite a huge market in Osculithe, being one of the richest regions even if it’s the most hidden one due to the amount of demonic business people in the region, especially after the current ruler took his position. Many of Aephiria’s most reputable business people often visit Osculithe in order to gain more riches from its ruler or from the others in general. However, very few can see the truth behind those contracts.


Noctem Mansion

Procyon's home, previously an abandoned mansion that was restored with the help of slaves.


Lenoir Mansion

Maddox's home, while still very-well managed, not as well-known as Noctem.


Leader: Vacant

Considered to be the hottest region, it is also one of Aephiria’s main sources of energy, as it uses heat to provide power to not only the entire area, but also to other regions to lesser extents. Those living there either have very high resistance to fire naturally, have magic that counters the heat or wear specialized clothing to help deal with the general heat of the area. At an isolated area are a few active volcanoes as well as many inactive ones where magic generators are placed to produce energy.

The living areas are actually not very close to volcanoes although there are a few magma puddles that can be exploited to produce weapons & materials for the people’s homes. Magmaledge is also reputable for forging some of the best weapons in the world, to the point of often hosting local blacksmithing competitions for its people to participate. They even have baths that carefully use the magma as heating sources for spas & saunas, which a lot of tourists really enjoy.





Leader: TBD

The largest region in Aephiria, Aquaphonte is a region that is entirely found under the oceans of the world. Despite its location, every city that is under this region is protected by a special magic barrier that allows everyone to breathe, even those who can’t breathe underwater, which makes it a very eccentric place to visit in one’s lifetime. The houses & buildings are mostly made out of corals & oceanic rocks.

It is also home to the notorious Equinox Library, which is one of the biggest libraries in Aephiria, even having one of the largest collections of forbidden books & ancient knowledge.


Equinox Library

One of the biggest libraries in Aephiria which has a lot of books, whether normal or forbidden. It even contains some very ancient knowledge about the world.


Ruler: Isolde

The smallest region that can be found in the north, it is also the one with the least amount of inhabitants. Though, this also means that its community is mostly tight-knit, the region’s different cities and villages being in extremely good terms to the point of constantly trading materials and people. The entire area is covered in snow, sometimes dealing with harsh cold and blizzards. The villages, however, are very prepared for these and typically have magic, as well as extremely solid buildings & homes that take damage from these blizzards extremely well.





Ruler: Primrose

A region overwhelmed with plants, it is nature’s best friend, as everything there is made of wood & anything that nature has gifted to the world. It is a very calm and cozy place for anyone desiring to escape the typical city life. As such, it is not as technologically advanced and typically prefers to stay with traditions. Despite that, there is a firm belief in elders helping out the young building the future of the world, and so everyone is respected no matter what they are. It is also said that Phytolia is the region with the least discrimination.





Ruler: None

A land that no one dares talk about, it is an area lost in time where only the most evil creatures & monsters live. They often like to explore the other regions in an attempt to terrorize others, but they never succeed thanks to the mercenaries & adventurers working hard in slaying them.

It is also said that once one goes there, they are never able to come back…at least not come back as the person they were. It is known that those who do escape these deadlands lose everything they had ever cherished, only being a mindless monster looking for destruction while weeping their lack of purpose.




Code by Aurorean