


Angelheim, also known as the God’s Realm, is the realm where all gods & angels reside. It is the place where stronger magic (ex. space manipulation, notably used to create the New Earth) is normally used by the gods to administrate the human realm. This realm is normally inaccessible to mortals without a special permission, and even if they do have one, they have to pass Niflheimr before landing in Angelheim.


Angelheim is located somewhere in the Krieschia Realm, although it also has smaller pieces of itself everywhere in the immense universe. Said realm is not visible by the human eye since it exists in a different plane, so the only way of accessing it is by crossing one of the bridge realms. After paying a visit to its only inhabitant, whoever wants to visit Angelheim can notice a huge city with a lot of light & a lot of bright colors, such as white & yellow. Its weather varies in the same way as it does on Earth, meaning those who live in Angelheim experience rain, snow and any other meteorological phenomena just like mortals do.

The realm is composed of an extremely huge city split in many floating islands covered in clouds. Some of these islands have mountains, others have lakes & rivers. There are also a few of them that are desertic. Due to Angelheim being mainly composed of islands, all inhabitants must be able to fly. Those who cannot fly are either assisted by those who can or they ride flying chariots. Generally, the realm’s temperature is considered to be extremely consistent (it’s always 15-20°C), which surprises a lot of the visitors who visit during winters. Overall, Angelheim could be considered a heaven...if it weren’t for its culture.

Important Locations

The most important place to remember in Angelheim is the imposing tower of the Supreme Council. That is where the Higher Gods reside and deal with the most important decisions regarding both Angelheim & the human realm. Not much is known about the inside of the tower, nor the gods residing in it, but one thing’s for sure, you do not want to disrespect its authority.

Each Zodiac God has their own palace, but since most of them have tainted reputations from doing nothing after the New Earth’s creation, most palaces are either unknown to the average angel, or avoided like the plague because of the Zodiac Gods residing in them.

One palace that is very well-known is Virgo’s. It’s best described as a paradise for plants. A lot of exotic plants can be found and are taken care of daily by both Virgo & the human living with her, Syphie Valentine. While it is not as immense as most palaces, it has one of the best reputations because of Virgo’s good standing as a Zodiac God, which is extremely rare these days. Her home has a lot of rooms, but the most important one is the country monitoring room, where Virgo keeps an eye on everything that happens in Altale. Said room can be set to do its work automatically while the Zodiac God goes to her country to look at its wonders by herself.

All around Angelheim, there are teleportation platforms that allow its inhabitants to teleport to not only anywhere they want in the realm, but also to Niflheimr if they want to go to the human realm for their own business. Only gods can use the platforms that directly teleport them to the human realm.

In one of Angelheim’s suburbs, there is a single prison that’s used to imprison angels & gods who attempted to break either Angelheim’s or the human realm’s peace. Usually those who get sent there are sentenced for hundreds of years to atone to their sins. Most of the time, those who get sentenced to prison manage to reintegrate back into Angelheim with restrictions such as a travel ban, magic nullification or both.


While everything about Angelheim sounds heavenly, its not so heavenly. A majority of people in Angelheim take their lives & jobs extremely seriously to the point where a lot of them seem to have the “no fun allowed” mindset. For the sake of Angelheim & the human realm, everyone has to make no mistake or a similar situation to the Old Earth’s destruction will happen again.

Those in the realm also give a lot of importance in the hierarchy, meaning that angels don’t usually get to have too much fun, while the Higher Gods can have fun whenever they want (even if they don’t really have fun). Mocking the Zodiac Gods for what they’ve become also became an extremely common thing, as a lot of them have gotten lazy and used their influence to get whatever they wanted, even if not all Zodiac Gods are like this.

Despite everything, those who follow Virgo tend to be a lot more lax & open to new ways of improving Angelheim. Because Virgo is one of the more influential Zodiac Gods, it is easier for her to implement rules that make Angelheim more enjoyable to live in. Because she is also working as a Country God, managing Altale, Virgo tries to change things in Angelheim at a slow pace. Angels & gods sometimes host festivities to celebrate exceptional work as well.


Everyone in Angelheim has high potential in magic. Everything below shows how strong each type of angels & gods are in terms of magic.


The angels at the lowest piece of the hierarchy only have access to very basic white magic (such as healing minor to mild injuries, buffing themselves or a peer, debuffing a single enemy). As the hierarchy goes higher, the range gets higher. This means an angel who leads others can heal even the most fatal injuries but cannot resurrect the dead due to that being a black magic ability. They can also buff or debuff an entire army if they wish.

Higher Gods

Higher Gods are the strongest type of God in Angelheim (not counting Zacharias, the God of Creation). The things they can do in addition to everything mentioned above include:

  • Space manipulation: With teamwork, they are able to recreate a whole new planet by converting the resources from space into material needed to make a functional planet. They're also the ones who can create portals to other worlds/realms, although this uses a lot of energy and they normally have to be aware of the existence of said world. Rumors say they were the one who organized Angelheim to be the way it is today. But, they did not create Angelheim.
  • Magic nullification: They can prevent an angel or a weak god from using magic by taking away either the core that allows them to use magic or by disabling part of it.
  • Small realm creation: They are able to create realms that people have to go to before traveling between realms. Currently, the only one known is Niflheimr.
  • Mastery of the elements: Unlike a Zodiac God, they are able to control all elements with relative ease.
  • Extended knowledge: They know EVERYTHING about Angelheim, Niflheimr & the human realm. With the help of those under them, they transmitted most of their knowledge through books and scrolls to the future.
  • Traveling: They are able to travel around worlds without needing to go to a “bridge” realm. They also can summon an astral projection (or multiple) of themselves that watches over for them.
  • Shields: Allows them to protect what they want from very strong danger for an extended amount of time.
  • Future Sight: They can also predict the future, but it's pretty limited.
  • Elemental Magic: Typically, they are able to master one element while having decent control over others. Being able to master 2 elements at once is a rare thing in general.

God of Creation


Creation God





Zacharias Maximus

The One who Created the World


No one knows where he came from, although we know that he was behind the creation of the world we know today which is in the form of an explosion of energy, which then caused a series of events which allowed life to happen. Due to the lack of entertainment, he had gone into a very deep slumber for 9 billion years before waking up to many galaxies being formed by the phenomena caused by him.

Since then, Zacharias takes great interest in watching new things happen, including the creation of the Earth which made him create Angelheim. Though clashing with the same world & people he had created caused him to vanish from the radars. Zacharias is still around, however no one can predict where he is now that he completely left Angelheim alone.

The Doll of Knowledge & the Four Beast of Stability


Knowledge storage


Lost in Altale



Priscilla Lamanie

The Creation God's Knowledge Collector


An ancient doll said to have been created by God himself with the goal of learning as much about the world as possible while he was too busy with his other plans. Priscilla is not her true name, as her true name is too difficult to remember. For a certain amount of time after Zacharias' disappearance from Angelheim, Priscilla also spent centuries lifeless, as her creator was not around to help her find a purpose. But, a certain curious goddess got her hands on her and found a way to "revive" her. Due to being in deep slumber for a long time, Priscilla forgot most of the things she learned, as well as the face of her creator. Thus, she is relearning what was lost by staying in the goddess' palace. In the company of a few people looking to gain something back, Priscilla's personal adventure had just started…


Beast of Stability






The Beast That Revives Passion


The strongest Beast of Stability. Much prefers her humanoid form over her beast form and is often seen wearing a very fancy red dress with roses everywhere. She's mostly red with a horn somewhere and her job symbolizes passion, which means she makes sure passion keeps people going even during the hardest of times. Is a bit pretentious and posh, but means well. Cherishes Calypso and Alcyone but fucking hates Sapphire with a passion. Despite that, she forces herself to work with him. Since Zacharias's disappearance, she was shortly sent to another world and her whereabouts are currently unknown. Perhaps one day she'll meet her siblings.


Beast of Stability


Lost in Artherium




The Beast that Remembers


Calypso is a Beast of Stability that used to live in Angelheim before being transported to Aephiria due to an unfortunate event. They have an exceptional memory and tend to be very analytical. As she doesn't want to share her past, Calypso keeps to herself and is usually seen as mysterious. Despite this, they do express emotions through smiling and moving their tail & wings. Calypso tends to stay quiet, especially when she writes down everything that happens around her. Besides being a scribe in Equinox Library, they love to grant wishes for the kids around them with their limited power.


Beast of Stability






The Beast That Stays Realistic


The 3rd strongest Beast of Stability and the 2nd weakest. He's probably the least liked beast due to his job being related to realism. He's a realist and tends to shut down anything that seem too good to be true, which causes him to clash with Ruby a whole lot. Much prefers sitting around in his beast form not because of laziness, but because realistically, it's just easier that way. Isn't too keen on getting along with the other beasts, but does appreciate Priscilla's presence even if she has no idea why he acts the way he is. After Zacharias's disappearance, he was sent to another world and no one knows what happened to him.


Beast of Stability






The Beast that Heals


One of the four Beasts of Stability, Alcyone is the youngest and also the weakest of them all. Along with the other Beasts, Alcyone was created by Zacharias to ensure stability in Angelheim when he was too busy. While the others had important tasks, Alcyone’s main job was to give moral boosts to those in need of some motivation & happiness. For a while, she was Angelheim’s favorite Beast until Zacharias gave up on the realm he worked so hard on.

Since then, without her creator, Alcyone dwelled around places until Earth was destroyed by the gods for being close to its end of life. Despite that, she continued until she was taken in by the Valkyrie family when Gaiatine was being built. Due to her size, she wasn’t allowed to go outside of Angelheim due to “potential dangers” despite the fact she dwelled in different realms for a long time. Being comfy around the family (and later, the last member of the family, Heather Valkyrie), she decided to give up her role of Beast of Stability and spent her time helping people in Angelheim cheer up.

The Seven Lower Gods


Goddess of Kindness





Heather Valkyrie

Goddess of Kindness, formerly Virgo


Pellentesque varius orci metus, vel gravida lorem dictum at. Donec ut malesuada dolor, et mattis sem. Aenean tincidunt dolor eu velit sodales suscipit. Duis sem erat, ultricies ut sem pellentesque, finibus venenatis lacus. Cras non ex ut felis tempus pharetra. Ut lacinia leo vitae ultrices ornare. Sed non maximus massa, ut rutrum orci. Nullam ipsum nulla, luctus nec tincidunt et, blandit id dui. Aenean interdum porttitor gravida. Suspendisse pharetra metus et tristique vehicula. Pellentesque ultrices rhoncus augue non maximus. Nullam fermentum erat eleifend odio congue, ac blandit turpis consequat. Donec tincidunt lorem quis maximus ornare.

Sed aliquet mi vel est consequat feugiat. Curabitur venenatis vulputate dictum. Praesent velit lacus, ornare nec vestibulum ultricies, sodales et libero. Proin nec diam mauris. Vivamus consequat rhoncus nulla, a lobortis eros suscipit id. Cras ligula nibh, varius fringilla est nec, lacinia posuere ex. Suspendisse et tincidunt nibh. Nulla eleifend ligula orci, a feugiat mauris viverra id. Nunc dictum eu leo nec dignissim.








Gods of Charity


One of the seven Higher Gods in Angelheim. Charity is the one who makes sure everyone in Angelheim have the right living conditions. Unfortunately, they tend to miss a few people here and there, which makes them feel bad despite being a Higher God. Charity is actually not a single entity, but rather twins who work together as Charity. However, the twin that's working as Charity changes all the time. One uses he/him and the other one uses she/her, but they love to wear each other's clothes. Because the Higher God is two people in one, this means they aren't as strong as all other Higher Gods, but their heart of gold is what makes them a beloved Higher God of Angelheim. They are also the first one who help those in need during delicate situations, easily being able to sacrifice themselves in times of need.








Goddess of Chastity


One of the seven Higher Gods in Angelheim. Chastity is not her true name, which is [REDACTED]. She is still residing in the tower where all Higher Gods gather and is one of the Higher Gods who help maintain Angelheim's integrity. Full of wisdom & knowledge, Chastity is the one who manages the library where all of Angelheim's knowledge resides in with the help of Diligence. She replaces the previous Chastity, who was nowhere to be found.








Goddess of Diligence


One of the seven Higher Gods in Angelheim. Diligence's true name is not know, however it is known that she is one of the strongest Higher Gods between the seven due to her persistence, especially in battle. She's in charge of Angelheim's army, as well as its protection. Of course with help from Zodiac Gods...the ones that want to do anything. Many will say she is too serious for her own sake and that she should relax. Diligence is also working with Chastity in protecting Angelheim's knowledge.








God of Humility


One of the seven Higher Gods in Angelheim. Humility is the most versatile Higher God, often helping Patience and Diligence with their tasks. Other that that, he's usually seen around Angelheim, observing those who live in the realm. He's often the one taking notes about what's going on and brings them up to the rest of the Higher Gods if he feels changes have to happen to the realm if they want peace to stay.








God of Patience


One of the seven Higher Gods in Angelheim. The current Patience replaced the previous one, who fell and became one of the seven Lords of the Demon Realm. These two did not know each other at all and because of the reputation of the previous one, isn't very liked by the general population. Due to this, Humility is often the one speaking on Patience's behalf. Patience is in charge of making sure the laws and rules of Angelheim aren't too strict and they make sure peace is maintained around the realm.








Deity of Temperance


One of the seven Higher Gods in Angelheim. Temperance's real name is [REDACTED] and is the one in charge of the majority of court cases. Anything related to justice and self-control is directly given to Temperance, who tries their best to judge everything to the best of his abilities. They do not work at the tower, but rather in a fair sized court room where everyone in Angelheim who needs to be judged go to. They are not the type of person to show their face publicly, mainly wearing a veil to make sure no one knows who they really are. Due to this, their gender is not known, and everyone refers to them using they/them no matter what.