Gaiatine Timeline

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14 billion years BC

  • The universe was created through a Big Bang by Zacharias Maximus, the God of Creation. He, then went in a deep slumber for billions of years out of boredom.

4 billion years BC

  • Zacharias found out the existence of the Milky Way and decided to explore it. He witnessed the creation of a new planet and decided to watch it form from a separate realm. While watching the planet's development, he took inspiration from it to make his own realm fun to live in. Said realm was later given the name of Angelheim.

200 000 BC

  • Zacharias kept a close eye on a species called Homo sapiens and saw them socialize, then make groups, then civiliation/society. This inspired him to create a few people who kept him company. Thus, the seven Higher Gods were created, each representing a virtue.

14 BC

  • Zacharias learned the existence of Zodiacs and decided to create twelve gods, each of them themed after a Zodiac. To accompany them, he also created several angels who will later become the common people in Angelheim.


  • After a lot of clashes with the Higher Gods in Angelheim, Zacharias left Angelheim to explore other worlds. He came across the Demon Realm, a realm so old not even he can pinpoint when it was created. The God of Creation stayed there for a long time to learn black magic.


  • At that time, climate change was only getting worse and this had a massive inpact on the Earth. Despite all the red flags, the powerhouses refused to do anything about climate change and instead decided to produce even more CO2 out of spite against everyone who told them to not do that.


  • Teleportation was finally made publicly accessible, causing everyone to use that instead of using green means of transportation. Powering up the technology needed for that used a lot of resources, causing an even higher increase of temperature.


  • (2035) The gods in Angelheim, who were hands off until then assuming everything was going fine, noticed that the Earth was in fact not doing fine and decided to monitor the planet a lot more actively.
  • More tornadoes & more hurricanes started to affect areas that normally do not get those at all, which caused a ton of deaths due to those areas not being prepared for those. Millions of lives were taken away by these events, not to mention smogs were happening more often due to frequent fires & overall, it was extremely hard to see the sky due to the amount of pollution created from those giants who did that out of spite.


  • The Higher Gods came to the conclusion that the Earth's life is going to end extremely soon considering the amount of casualties from everything that happened because of business men doing things out of spite for money. They destroyed the Earth that was deemed unlivable by most living beings. With the help of all the "lesser" gods, they wiped out the memory of a few selected people from the old Earth, brought them to Angelheim then destroyed the Earth in a way everyone living there would be dying a painless death.
  • Time is reset by this point.
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A pact was made between Angelheim & the Demon Realm for the creation of a new planet Earth.
One of the Demon Lords, Sanya, escaped the Demon Realm with her army of Felimps to reside in the new Earth and cause chaos.
A new Earth was created. How was it created?
  • It was a combined effort between Angelheim & the Demon Realm. It started by the Higher Gods making the Earth as we know it, including all the components & the magnetic field. But, since that kind of stuff uses a fuckton of energy, others have to help them complete its creation.
  • Then, the Zodiac Gods split the Earth in continents and by using their combined powers, shaped them in a way that was viable for life. Unfortunately, a few things were forgotten, notably the creation of things from tectonic plates and making them move, because despite the core working its magic, nothing was moving because things were not properly separated.
  • This is where the demons come in. Their main job was to split the crust (and the upper mantle to some extent) in a way there would be a beginning of a tectonic movement. Sometimes, they needed to force some movements to create volcanoes and mountains, things needed for a lively Earth.
  • Once everything was ready, the humans taken by the Gods were placed on the new Earth and did their own thing. The gods decided to name the new planet Gaiatine, so that they can distinguish this Earth from the one they had to destroy.


  • Angelheim & the Demon Realm had a major conflict after the former refused to help the latter win against some invaders. This caused a war that Angelheim won, which forced the Demon Realm to retreat and hide, with no way to go between realms.


  • A limbo realm was created between the human realm and Angelheim named Niflheimr. A demon, Axel Krieger, was appointed as the gatekeeper between Gaiatine & Angelheim.


  • Cytus, one of the very few countries that didn't rely on magic was founded.


  • Wars in Cytus started to become more fierce, causing many (normally peaceful) kingdoms to have to fight for their existence as well. The very few things that kept the country somewhat stable disappeared, the last thing being Cytus' hope for peace, Sirius Greyford.


  • Cytus was considered a fallen country by that point. There were very few survivors from the intense amount of wars that were happening in the country. They ended up escaping the country to live in another one, terrified of death.


  • (November 7th) A group of mages found Altale and decided to live there after seeing its potential in resources and in magic capabilities. They also took particular interest in the different mythical beings that live in Altale, such as Spirit Foxes & Felimps and wanted to study them. The mages formed a symbiotic relationship with the Spirit Foxes in order to defeat (and learn more) about the Felimps. With their help, Altale was built and was considered as the Magical Paradise. Anyone who wanted to practice magic was welcomed in Altale.
  • Aries, one of the Zodiac Gods, took the job as a country god for Altale.


  • The infamous Magic War happened between white magic users & black magic users after several disagreements between them. It lasted 5 years and it resulted in all magic users being wiped out from existence, leaving the normal citizens as the only survivors. Most mythical beings were also wiped out during said war. (War ended on August 15th 1505)
  • Sanya, the Goddess of the Felimps, was sealed in a statue located in Beran by Virgo and a few lesser gods, with extra help from Axel.
  • Shortly after the Magic War, those who couldn't use magic were very lost, as they were too used to being lead by those who mastered magic. The previous god who watched over Altale quit during the Magic War, so no one could guide the citizens. None of the gods in Angelheim, the Gods' Realm, wanted to replaced the previous watcher and restore the country. Altale was a lost cause until Virgo, an inexperienced goddess, decided to take over the job of Altale's Goddess. With the help of a tutor, Virgo managed to guide her people and rebuilt Altale with them. (Virgo was bestowed the role of country goddess of Altale on April 17th 1506)


  • The brightest minds of Altale assembled to figure out how to reorganize Altale to prevent wars like the Magic War from happening again. They figured that having a group of bigger cities would be the best way to organize Altale, as those cities would be home to the most important aspects of life according to them. With the help of the engineers who were working on the newest technologies, they founded Magnolia, the Metropolis of Innovation. Magnolia was known to be the hub of science, which means that every major decision regarding science were decided there.


  • The people of Altale figured that they also needed a city where the finest art would assemble while being relatively close to Magnolia. Thus, Myosotis, the Metropolis of Beauty, was founded in a zone that was close to Magnolia Forest. These two cities together were leading the smaller cities and did most of the decisions for them.


  • The Altalians figured that something was missing, and so they founded a third metropolis: Marigold. Marigold was a very new city that was known to be the Metropolis of Progress. It was the city where everything sports-related were thriving. It joins the other two important cities, Magnolia & Myosotis, to form the Metropolis Trio. This trio rules over Altale with very little obstacles due to how the country is organized.


  • Altale's bracelet system was released by the public. It is said that everything about it was stolen by a company from an engineer. They took full credits for the innovation.
  • The first Android was created.


  • A group consisting of two humans, a vampire & a demon took down the Sanya statue in Beran and banished her back to the Demon Realm with the help of Axel.
  • A demon invasion occured in Altale. More on that at one point. :)
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