

Marigold was founded 50 years ago, making it the youngest metropolis in Altale. It is also known as the Metropolis of Progress because with sports, the city can only progress. It is currently being improved in order to be the hub for sports. Most sports-related meetings are held in Marigold, although some of them are still held in Magnolia, due to how new Marigold is. There are currently a few stadia, but Marigold currently plans on building more stadia so that the equivalent of Olympics can be held in Marigold every year. Because Marigold is relatively new, there aren't as many people as in the other metropolises, which is why there are only around 1 million people in Marigold.


Marigold is a metropolis that sits at around 500 ft over sea level on Mt. Sindra, Altale's tallest mountain. Said mountain is at the north of Magnolia Forest. With Marigold being the top, the Metropolis Trio form a triangle with each other. Due to how far the city is compared to the closest lake, inhabitants have developed a substantial way of feeding the city with clean water with the help of Magnolia's genius. Even with this, frequent rain help people gather water that can be filtered for daily use as well. The city is organized in the way it has a roundish shape, kind of like a soccer ball.


Because the Metropolis of Progress is a new city, there are very few places to visit. The only well-known place to visit is Second Nya, a cat café. It has some rivalry with Magnolia's Starpug.


People in Marigold are usually physically strong (due to less oxygen in the air) and very determined to reach their goals. Because of their relatively small population, the city's inhabitants are closer to each other and love to help each other improve in the sport(s) they practice. There is a better sense of community in Marigold than in other cities, which contributes to the city's title of Metropolis of Progress. To them, teaming up helps accelerate progress.

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