
Inkmonia Extensive Lore

Species Origins

Inkmonia came into existence at the same time ink was invented. A very important tool, ink was used to spread information to future generations, as well as entertain those who wielded the substance with their own imagination. With every drop of ink came part of a demon-like being. Eventually, a demon appeared, surprising those around them.

The very first ink demon appeared from a papyrus about economics written in Egypt. With the Egyptians accepting the existence of gods, said demon helped around and with their expertise in economics, was able to help those accepting them manage their money better. Unfortunately, said demon had fallen from an unknown disease. Despite this, many more beings like them appeared and, with their curiosity, learned about the world they spawned in.

At first, these beings were called “atramonium” by those who used latin, “atra-” coming from atramentum (latin for ink) & “monium” coming from daemonium (latin for demon). But, as time passed on, the name “inkmonium” became more common and easier to remember, while “atramonium” became lost in time.

And, while humanity was still figuring out a good name for these creatures, inkmonia massively came to the world in many, many, many different shapes and forms. From plain demons, to demon pineapples, the possibilities are endless, as long as there is enough ink in the world.


Life Cycle

An Inkmonium is usually born from any medium with ink on it that has been worked on by either a creator or two Inkmonia who are bonded. The principle of this is that love and soul is put in every creation, and it is that labor that makes the ink magical, allowing an Inkmonium to be born. They, then spend a small amount of time (around 5 years) in a child-like form with black hair. At that stage of life, they are very curious of the world around them to the point they will easily endanger themselves, thus needing older Inkmonia to guide them to the right paths. Once older, a lot of them lose the color of their hair in favor of a different one. By that point, they are wiser and ready to deal with the world they live in. It is also when they are able to reproduce if they find the right person to do so.


Due to Inkmonia being created both from ink and from the love and effort their creator put during their creation, they usually have a preference for human meat & emotions for them to continue using their magic and understanding feelings. However, many of them will instead eat human food or plant out of fear for eating humans, especially if they have befriended them. This takes a lot of adaptation, though. When it comes to humans, Inkmonia can be very fierce in their competition, resulting in things going further than it should.


Inkmonia are typically very healthy, only rarely getting diseases. However, their physical health get very fragile whenever they feel extreme emotion, as they start to melt when it is the case. When this happens, they become weaker and it becomes a lot harder for them to stay in one piece. It can also happen that they ingest too many humans (or emotions) and they end up being too overpowered for what they can handle, which is why the monster type exists. It also happens that incomplete inkmonia are born. While they are not crippled, they are also incomplete, thus they will search for ways to make themselves complete (or at least feel complete).


For reasons still unexplained, many Inkmonia are able to form a bond with each other. This causes them to be inseparable until death do they part. The advantages of this is that they can summon each other for extra assistance without needing a huge amount of ink due to them essentially sharing their pool of ink. If one of them grows very weak, the other can very easily share their ink to make the Inkmonium feel better. In some cases, though, they train hard enough to be able to summon other Inkmonia without having to form a bond.

Bonds are typically formed between two Inkmonia who feel strong positive feelings about each other and are willing to spend the rest of their lives together. Once a bond is formed, it's very hard to remove it, unless the ink demons find their creators and asks them to remove the bond for them. It also happens that one forces a bond on another inkmonium due to them being in a delicate situation (ex. traveling companion one just met is in the brink of death). This type of bond is very difficult to form and is usually not recommended, as most inkmonia fall from trying to form said bond. Those who survive are seen as tough and brave, though.


Inkmonia can reproduce through ink sharing. Two Inkmonia who bonds can mix their ink then write the story they want for their child by using it. Then, with some magic, a very young Inkmonium come out of it. Crossbreeds are not unheard of, but they are difficult to pull off.



Most Inkmonia live in whatever world they were spawned in and will adapt to whatever is being served to them. Some of them, however, will stay in the medium they were created from (ex. book) and will not leave. When this happens, the Inkmonium will live in an imaginary world built by the creator.


Ink demons are considered to be fairly individualists, as they do not like to work together very often due to competition for their food. They will often exploit whatever source of food they have so that others can't have it. Despite this, many Inkmonia do not agree with this way of life and would rather live pacifically by eating human-made food rather than trying to eat human feelings or meat.

Group Organization

Inkmonia will only stick with their family and their friends. They will not form a huge community by themselves, and due to that, there is usually competition between families for food. This being said, it is entirely possible for an inkmonium to be part of a bigger, more diverse community without competing for food.


They mostly speak English, as well as the language of the writing they come from (if applicable) and any other language they've learned during their life. In the case of an Inkmonium born from a drawing, they seem to be much proficient at non-verbal communication.



One of an inkmonium’s most notable ability is to summon anything they know of by using the ink about them. Their curious nature makes it so they’re constantly learning new things to summon with the great power they were bestowed with on birth.

To summon something, they typically use their tail end to either throw ink around the area they’re in or to draw a summoning circle. It is not uncommon for one to use a weapon (ex. staff) for either extra help or for even more potent magic. Then, they think very hard about whatever they want to summon, then voila! Their ability to summon depends entirely on the availability of ink in the world an inkmonium is in.

Ink World Infiltration

Originally being from a world filled with ink, an inkmonium has the natural ability to freely explore any world created with ink. A few examples of this include novels, all and any form of art, paperwork (ex. homework, taxes, electricity bills, etc.), product packaging, and many more!

Unfortunately, certain spells allow one to trap an inkmonium in an ink world by preventing them from leaving. These spells are usually cast as a binding spell on the item the world is in. A few inkmonia managed to escape a world despite these spells, although their means to do so is unknown. (In other words, you decide!)


Being very adaptable ink demons, inkmonia can learn any magic or physical abilities by copying those around them. To do so, they need to spend some of their ink, but once they learn something, they will always remember it. For example, an inkmonia that knows how to summon plants from watching another being do it will always remember how to do so, even if they’re on the brink of death.

This ability is limited by both magic & ink availability, meaning if an inkmonium is in a world filled with magical potential but doesn’t use ink, they cannot copy other people’s abilities as properly. Some inkmonia can attempt to copy others despite this, but won’t be able to remember what they copied as well. The opposite applies: if an inkmonium is in a world with no magic, but is filled with ink, the pool of magical abilities they can learn is extremely limited.

In other words, an inkmonium can learn any ability, as long as they have the means to do so. There is absolutely no limits!

Basic Traits

Demon traits

Being essentially ink demons, they normally have all the traits a demon have, notably: horns, fangs, claws & a tail. They also have darkened limbs, some of them even having darkened ears. Their horns are usually black & white due to them being made of ink, but it is entirely possible to give color to them by using colored ink. Some Inkmonia don't like showing their demonic traits and will look more human than they really are. In addition, since inkmonia can have any shape, animal traits & traits akin to mythical creatures are also not uncommon.

Slit pupils

Most Inkmonia have slit pupils, although many creators choose to customize their Inkmonium to have any type of eyes: from funky pupils to a solid color. Some even have a swirl on the whole sclera!

Black hair/fur/plating

By default, Inkmonia are always born with black hair/fur/plating (depending on the shape) due to them being drenched in ink. But, as they get older, a lot of them lose the extra ink on these, causing them to have a very varied amount of colors. Meaning, many Inkmonia will have red, others will have blue, anything goes! Many also choose to dye their color permanently.

Pen/brush tail tip

Most importantly, Inkmonia have a pen or a brush tip on the tip of their tails. It is one of their main source of power and without one, while they can live without it, they cannot use any sort of magic. Many creators, however, refuse to give their inkmonium a pen/brush tip and instead go with the typical devil tail ending... or anything! These inkmonium may struggle with using their magic more, though!

Types of Inkmonia


A great majority of Inkmonia are put under the regular type. Those are your typical ink demons who spawned from inked products without any complications and are usually living a fairly normal life.


The way crossbreeds are made are unknown for now, but crossbred Inkmonia are not unheard of.


Sometimes, the creator will start writing a story or anything of the sort, but they cannot finish what they've started, leaving the Inkmonium behind. Said Inkmonium will still survive as any Inkmonium would, they will simply miss part of themselves (whether it's a limb, part of their memories or their emotions). Usually, an incomplete Inkmonium will seek a way to make themselves complete, either by ingesting humans and emotions in enormous quantities or by seeking another incomplete Inkmonium then fuse with them to become complete...or they can live together in harmony, no problem!

There are two main types of incomplete Inkmonium:
- Incomplete writing: Those are usually only present in a spirit form and will actively seek for either a body to use or a companion. They are also missing some of their memories or emotions.
- Incomplete drawing: Those are the ones usually missing limbs or anything of the sort.


It can happen that an Inkmonium ingest too much emotions to the point they melt, but they try to keep themselves together, thus turning them into monsters that can even compare to eldritch abominations. Sometimes, it's just the creator who wants a monster, damn monsterlover. By that point, though, they lose all reason and will rampage indiscriminately. If it moves, it will get destroyed or eaten by the Inkmonium.


Normally, an Inkmonium is in pain and agony when they melt, but it can happen that one melts but then manages to stay themselves. Unfortunately, they can't go back to how they used to be, so they're in this half melted state. There isn't much that can be done when one ends up like that aside from trying their best to live. There is no cure to this as of now.


Who knows!