General information


Generally, Aephiria has a culture centered around the thrill of adventuring & learning new things; and so walking and vehicles such as magical flying cars are extremely common. There is also an international train system that can easily help people travel to the different regions, although many adventurers choose to walk around the world rather than using something “easy” due to the desire of exploring the world.

Land organisation

Each region represents an element in particular and excels in everything related to it. They also need to collaborate with each other in order to keep Aephiria running as smoothly as possible. Despite constant arguments between the rulers of the lands, peace was mostly an option…until Osculithe’s new ruler was crowned, which caused the ruler of Magmaledge to leave his region behind. Since then, the world of Aephiria had been a little unstable.

The rulers are considered to be the top of Aephiria, as there are no gods or ruler of all. It’s extremely rare to see the gods from Angelheim interact with it at all. In fact, this land is considered to be completely forgotten by the higher ups, and so a very special item is required for travelers seeking to explore worlds outside of Aephiria.


At an early age, kids are sent to school in their respective region to learn the basics while also slowly gaining life skills, such as cooking, learning about taxes & more. After finishing classes at around 16 years old with general knowledge (history, sciences, etc.), students are able to either continue their education in a general program covering everything or in a specialized program which covers their favorite subjects while preparing them for work.

During their time at school, everyone is given opportunities to travel to the other regions as part of a student exchange program which allows kids to learn about the other regions, as well as important values such as teamwork and open-mindedness.

Despite this system, though, there is always a small amount of kids who are being homeschooled rather than being introduced into the public system. Kids who are parentless also get introduced into this system when possible.

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