

A country that can only be considered as a primitive desert. Typically, only the toughest stay there, with everything being decided with fights. While there is an economy, it is very basic which often causes the inhabitants to fight over the prices of things. Schools are not very valued in general, typically only having a few that can be very hard to reach at times and kids grow to become tough fighters who can fend for themselves. A sense of family typically does not exist in the same way it exists in other areas. While Ververg does have a capital, every other living area are villages and are not big enough to be cities.


Ververg is led by the strongest person in the country. Everything in the country is decided with power, and so said ruler typically has to fight other strong people to be able to stay in their position and be able to decide how to organize Ververg. Usually, if someone defeats the ruler, they automatically become the new ruler of all. However, ever since Wolfgang Strausberg had defeated the previous ruler and left, there has not been any new rulers. The people of the world are figuring out how else to organize their country.

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