Land organisation

Land organisation

According to the mages who discovered Altale, its territory is very blessed for having many forests and lakes that cover the majority of the country. There are notably 3 forests: Magnolia Forest, Equos Forest & the Forest of the Blessed. Each one of them has different types of wildlife, which makes visiting all three of them worth it in scientists' eyes.

Between Equos Forest & the Forest of the Blessed is the Land of Chaos, a very dark & dry land that has the properties of a desert. The skies there tend to be very dark and cloudy, not to mention storms of magical nature tend to scare visitors off. In the depths of the land is a singular dark village named Beran, where a lot of unusual magical phenomena tend to happen.

Many of Altale’s cities are surrounded by forests, but the way the bracelet system is set up doesn’t prevent anyone from communicating to each other. Magnolia & Myosotis are considered sister cities because they are only separated by Magnolia Forest.

At one of the ends of Magnolia Forest is a mountain, known as Mt. Sindra. Its foot has Marigold, one of the three metropolises. Finally, the forests are separated by dry lands. While they do not quite qualify as deserts, they can potentially turn into some if precipitations are less abundant.

City organisation

Altale has a very particular way of organizing its power. Decisions in the country are mainly taken by a trio of cities that store knowledge about their respective domains.

Magnolia, Altale's capital, specializes in science and is also known as the Metropolis of Innovation. All major meetings regarding science and technology are held in Magnolia. Magnolia is known to have been found along with its sister city, Myosotis.

Myosotis, specialized in arts, is known as the Metropolis of Beauty. Major events regarding arts are all hosted in the city and most important meetings about arts are held there as well.

Marigold is very oriented toward sports and recently gained the name of Metropolis of Progress. The Olympics that’s hosted in Altale are always held there since it has everything needed to host it without struggling with space.

The three metropolises together form a powerhouse that makes Altale a pretty big deal in the world of Gaiatine. To further the amount of stored knowledge in these metropolises, smaller cities are spread all across Altale, specializing in different sciences, arts & sports. This also has a second utility of keeping backups of knowledge in case one of the metropolises has its knowledge stolen by an exterior source.

While Altale runs extremely well with this way of organization, some villages refuse to follow its path due to them sticking to the values they had before the Magic War happened. They believe that technology is a capital sin and that they should stick with their roots: magic. Those villages are excluded from the rest of Altale due to their religious points of views. The biggest one is Panna, which is the village one has to go to if they want to meet Virgo, thus going to Angelheim.

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