


Status: Semi-open

Homeland: Caquiztli

The Axlotli are a diminuitive, amphibious, sentient race from the southern isle of Caquiztli. They are curious by nature, and a great many are seafaring explorers and merchants, travelling the globe. Their language is a series of chirps, squeaks, and clicking noises at various pitches (some inaudible to most other species' ears). The rami along the sides of their heads act as a crucial part of signaling intention or mood, as another form of communication with one another. As for communing with other races, the Axlotli are able to easily understand other languages, and have developed a unique sign language that they may use to respond.

The traits of Axlotli are all fairly simple, and there are no varying teirs of rarity. As a whole, Axlotli grow to be between 1-2 feet tall, and have a lifespan of 350-500 years. Axlotli, unlike their real-world Axolotl counterparts, have sharp teeth, which are slightly unsettling to other races when an Axlotli grins. They are carnivorous, with their diets consisting mostly of worms, insects, small fish, and sometimes frogs. Axlotli have external gill stalks (rami) running along both sides of the head. They have a fin running along both the top and bottom of the tail up to the base of the spine. Some Axlotli's fins will run the entire length of the back up to the top of the head. Their clawed digits are all webbed, although foot webbing is only visible when the digits are fully spread. Axlotli are incredibly powerful and switft swimmers, and they are also incredibly agile in dry environments as a result of their lifestyle. It pays to be able to climb well when you are small. Below are more details of their physical appearance.


There are three main categories for the coloration of Axlotli: Fair, Dark, and Bright.

  • Fair: Axlotli classified as Fair look similar to real-life Axolotl of the leucistic coloration; meaning they don't have a lot of pigmentation.
  • Dark: These Axlotli have darker and more natural colored pigmentation, ranging from browns, golds, and blacks.
  • Bright: Axlotli with the Bright classification tend to look like tropical fish; vivid colors all over the spectrum.

There are three distinct shapes of rami among the Axlotli.

  • Lace: The main stalks of the rami are wide and pillow-like, and the fimbriae run centered along the sides in a thin, scalloped line, similar to the look of lace trim, hence the name.
  • Fringe: The main stalks of the rami are narrow, and the fimbriae flow freely and look like hair or fur.
  • Fin: The main stalks of the rami are narrow like Fringe type, but are connected via the fimbriae that are one fin-like piece.

Lastly, Axolotli exhibit five pattern variations: Blush, Freckles, Stripes, Spots, and Seal Points.

  • Blush: Every Axlotli exhibits these markings, but for some that is all they have. There are areas of the skin that are slightly more pigmented than the rest of the body, mostly the nose, around the eyes, digits, knees, and shoulders.
  • Freckles: Some Axlotli have a smattering of freckles covering their entire body. Areas of highest freckle concentration are along the back, tail, outside limbs, and the face.
  • Stripes: There are various striping patterns that an Axlotli can exhibit, the above is just an example of one way they can be depicted, and no striping pattern is ever identical between individuals.
  • Spotted: The bodies of Axlotli with this coloration are covered in splotches of a color that doesn't match their natural skin tone. Spot patterns are varied, and never exactly the same between two individuals.
  • Seal Points: This is a more extremely pigmented and pronounced version of Blush. It always affects the same areas of the body.

Axlotli are curious by nature, and a great many are seafaring explorers and merchants, traveling the globe. Like the Magvos, the Axlotli value hard work and dedication, and are considered by many to be hedonistic when it comes to their down-time. That is where the similarities between the two races end. Axlotli are known tinkerers and engineers, pioneering new technology and often building on commission for other races.

The Axlotli are incapable of magic use, with or without Aether-bound artifcats, however this doesn't stop them from trying to harness the power of magic and magical items in their tinkering...

Names of the Axlotli as translated to the common speech, tend to be either virtue-names or merit-based, and clan names denote their current domestic situation. For instance, an Axlotli belonging to a ship will use the name of the ship as their clan name. "Storm Runner of The Hurricane". Location of stationary clans back home is what determines clan name. "Serenity of The Northern Falls".

The continent the Axlotli live on is protected by Ulani and the Meyeri, as the Axlotli are her chosen people. They often refer to her as "Mother". The Axlotli are the only species that the Meyeri aren't hostile towards.

The Axlotli were the first in the world to develop steam machinery, as an alternative to Atuannar's Vesperian Crystals. The price of Crystals has been astronomically high outside Atuannar, and so the much cheaper and more readily available energy source was quite welcome. Currently, the Axlotli are experimenting with combustion engines to varying degrees of success. It was only a matter of time, really, as where there is an Axlotli, there's usually an explosion not far off.

Their architecture and clothing are all based on mesoamerican styles, predominantly Mayan and Aztec. Their society is a kind of utopian; they don't have any central form of government, and operate under a bartering system that doesn't rely on any specific currency. There is no need for prisons, as everyone believes in collective resources and sharing. The clan is more important than the individual, and knowledge is more important than profit. Profit just happens to be a very nice side-effect of being the best in the ship-building business.

The Axlotli's technology are highly sought after in the world at large, and the species has garnered a great deal of respect from the various other peoples they interact with. Huizon sailors in particular almost always have an Axlotli in their crew to handle the various ropes and fastenings where a jaw would be impractical.

The special sign language they developed to communicate with other races was developed thousands of years ago. While it took a long time to catch on, in the present, most everyone around the world can understand signs and gestures from the Axlotli. It has become almost a second form of common tongue and is so prevalent, that some scientists have been able to teach a few signs to various species of primeate in captivity for research.

Total Value (Date 00, 2020): $00


Owner Name Type Registration # Gift/Trade/Sell?
Starkindler Storm Runner Official AX001 Y/Y/Y
kourabiedes NAME Official AX002 Y/Y/N
Starkindler NAME Official AX003 Y/Y/Y
@User NAME Official/MYO/Custom AX--- Y/Y/N
@User NAME Official/MYO/Custom AX--- Y/Y/N
@User NAME Official/MYO/Custom AX--- Y/Y/N
@User NAME Official/MYO/Custom AX--- Y/Y/N
@User NAME Official/MYO/Custom AX--- Y/Y/N
@User NAME Official/MYO/Custom AX--- Y/Y/N
@User NAME Official/MYO/Custom AX--- Y/Y/N
@User NAME Official/MYO/Custom AX--- Y/Y/N

The Axlotli are a semi-open species by Starkindler. You have permission to make as many as you like on your own, but you do NOT have permission to make adoptables or customs. Customs and adoptables are obtained from Starkindler. You may not make hybrid characters using this species.

You may gift or trade any of your Axlotli, but only adopts and customs from Starkindler may be resold.

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