Protokeros Traits

Species Traits

This is a compendium of all possible genetic traits of the Protokeros species. Each category has different tiers of rarity, marked by the following color chart:

Trait Chart
  • Standard: The required, or in some cases, default traits exhibited by Protokeros.
  • Common: Traits that are a deviation from the standard, however are so widely occurring that they are not seen as any blessing or boon. These are available for free use in MYO slots.
  • Uncommon: Traits that are not seen as often among individuals, and are seen as a sign of luck. Since these traits are something Protokeros are born with, they are only available to purchase as an upgrade for incomplete MYOs, and slots are limited. These traits cannot be retroactively granted to existing Protokeros.
  • Rare: These traits are also present at the birth of a Protokeros, although they are so rare that they are seen as Divine Blessing. These traits are only obtainable through official adopts.
  • Illegal: These traits are also extremely rare, and while they can appear at birth, they aren't necessarily limited to that circumstance. These traits can be earned through great deeds later in life. It is only possible to obtain these traits directly fromStarkindler according to their discretion, based on a variety of factors related to a Protokeros' deeds and community participation. Certain traits my not be available at all.


There are three body types exhibited among the Protokeros.

  • Lithe: The average build of a Protokeros, and by far the most common body type. It is the standard body type in terms of MYO/Adopts. Heights range from 71in - 82in (180cm to 208cm)
  • Dainty: Frail in body, this is the smallest and usually thinnest frame type. These individuals usually focus on magical or artisan pursuits. Heights range from 69in - 71in (175cm to 180cm)
  • Burly: Extremely muscular and tall body build. These Protokeros are well suited for physical roles. Heights range from 84in - 95in (213cm to 241cm)

Body Types


The eyes of a Protokeros are among its more unique and striking features. Their eyes are almost always multi-colored, and have a luminescent quality (they will glow faintly in dark places). There have been rare mutations of the eyes before, and a Protokeros' eyes will change as it reaches the end of its lifespan, explained below.

  • Dichromatic: The standard eye type are always a dual-colored gradient, and are always bright in nature; seemingly glowing. Colors are unlimited, with the exception of white and black!
  • Heterochromia: It is extremely unusual for this trait to manifest. This is a trait that a Protokeros is born with, and is not granted by Divine Blessing. Each eye is subject to the Dichromatic rule above.
  • Monochromatic: A very rare instance where a Protokeros' iris are a single color, rather than the two-tone gradient standard for the species. This trait is something a Protokeros is born with, and in even rarer instances, can be combined with Heterochromia.
  • Colorless: The eyes are a silvery color, as close to white the iris will ever be (the Fading is the only time a Protokeros' eyes can be white). This is a Divine Blessing, seen as true starlight in the eyes of the bearer, and is a sign of a pure soul. This has only ever been seen once in Protokeran history.
  • Prismatic: The eyes are a blend of three or more colors, with a dark iris. The iris can be any color except black. This is a Divine Blessing, seen as radiant starlight in the eyes of the bearer.
  • The Fading: As a Protokeros nears the end of its life the luminescence of their eyes becomes stronger, turning completely white when the Protokeros is about to pass on to the afterlife.
  • Consumption: The opposite effect as the Fading, a Corrupted Protokeros' eyes will lose their luminescent quality, dulling over time until the iris and sclera are completely black.

Eye Types


Protokeros have large, backswept ears, although a few individuals might have larger ears than others, resulting in drooping and decreased range of motion.

  • Standard: The standard ear type is a long and side-swept ear similar to a goat. This is the default and by far the most common ear trait.
  • Oversized: The second most common ear type is the oversized ear. The ears are large and lopped, and are too heavy to be lifted with the muscles on the head alone.
  • Winged: Similar in size to the Standard ear, this ear has two smaller flaps at the base of the head. This trait is not a blessing or boon, but is still seen as a sign of luck.
  • Oversized Wing: The rarest type, these ears are large and, like their more common counterpart, are too heavy to be lifted with head muscles alone. These ears are slightly larger than the common oversized ear, and there are three smaller flaps along the bottom of the ear, and one smaller one at the top. This trait is seen as Divine Blessing.

Ear Types


The horns of a Protokeros are extremely long and curved. There are a few blessings that alter the appearance or number of horns.

  • Standard: The standard horn type is a long and curved, positioned in the center of the forehead. No Protokeros can survive without their horn, and the absence or mutilation of the horn is unacceptable.
  • Dipped H1 OR H2: The standard horn, but the tip is a different color from the rest of the body, looking as though it is dipped int paint. There are two types of Dipped horn; H1 is a solid line of color, and H2 is a gradient.
  • Crooked: Thought to be a blessing from Verum. Protokeros with this trait are more prone to more powerful magic surges than he average citizen, and are often urged to pursue the path of Priesthood or Sorcery.
  • Bi-Horn: The rarest type, this is thought to be a blessing of Thyra. Most often, these individuals are prone to immense raw magical power that far surpasses their peers. These few are often urged to pursue Warcasting.

Horn Types


Protokeros have long, elegant tails with locks of hair at the end to match the manes on their head. There are two blessings that can alter a Protokeros' tail. It is possible that in rare circumstances, a Protokeros' tail is docked, but this isn't counted as a trait. Docked tails are reserved for adopts byStarkindler.

  • Standard: The standard tail type is a long and lion-like, with a tuft of hair at the end of it.
  • Shaggy: A rare trait in which the tail is much shorter than normal, and is furred all the way to the tip; no locks of hair. It is possible that sometimes the tip of the tail is colored similiarly to the mane, but in most cases the tail is a solid color.
  • Twin Tail: So rare that all instances of this trait are not in living memory. This is seen as a Divine Blessing.

Tail Types


Sloped Snouts: Protokeros snouts slope downward like a deer, and do not exhibit the signature bent shape present in their Wildling cousins.


Straight Back: The backs of Protokeros slop downward like deer, and do not curve back up at the haunches like the Hevonandar.

no curve

Sharp Canines: Protokeros are omnivorous, their diets consisting of fruits, vegetables, grains, and baked goods, fish, and poultry. For this reason they have a mixture of sharp and flat teeth to aid in consumption of these foods. As an aside, many Protokeros are unable to digest dairy after adolescence, but those that can consider cheeses a delicacy.


Beard: Beards are a common trait that can be exhibited by any gender. It is most often the same color as the main body color, but can also take on the color of the Protokeros' mane.


Mantle: A common trait in which excess fur grows from the base of the neck along the shoulders and down towards the leg. It fans out like a collar or cape.


Feathered Lashes: An uncommon trait where the lashes of the Protokeros are large, chunky, and look similar to feathers or teardrops.


Lion Mane: An uncommon trait where the Protokeros sports a thick, lush mane instead of hair.


Face Markings

Pink Nose: Protokeros that have lighter fur colors will have some of their flesh show through on the tip of the nose, there the fur is thinnest. Flesh is commonly pink, but can vary with different undertones. This trait doesn't show up on darker furs.

Bridge OR Half Mask OR Full Mask:These are the only facial markings present on Protokeros, and an individual will only ever exhibit one of these three variations.

Throat Patch: A small patch of fur underneath the jaw that is a different color than the rest of the fur. Can be combined with Throat, Belly, or Underside.

Eye Markings: This trait has only ever been exhibited by Thyra and Verum themselves, and it is believed that only Gods can bear markings such as these.


Ear Stripes (T1, T2, T3): This is a dark-colored stripe running along the outer edge of the ears. There are two main types; a stripe on the outer furred edge of the ear, or the second is a stripe on the inner skin of the ear. In rare cases, the stripe will be displayed on both sides of the ear. The stripe is never white, and is always darker in color than the Protokeros' main coat color, but it is otherwise unlimited.


Throat OR Belly: Throat is a strip of fur from jaw to just past the chest. Belly is a strip of fur from chest to thighs of the Protokeros. You have the option of using one or the other of these traits, but never both on the same Protokeros. Colors are limited to natural coat colors. See color restrictions for more information.


Hood: The neck and throat of the Protokeros is a band of solid color from the crown of the head to the top of the shoulders. Colors are limited to natural coat colors. See color restrictions for more information.

Neck Stripe: A strip of fur down the side of a Protokeros' neck that differs in color from the main coat color. Can be layered over other markings around the neck and throat. Colors are limited to natural coat colors. See color restrictions for more information.

Shoulder Patch OR Back Patch: These are small patches of fur either over the shoulder or the lower back of a Protokeros. You have the option of using one or the other of these traits, but never both on the same Protokeros. These traits can be combined with Back Stripe or Blanket. Colors are limited to natural coat colors. See color restrictions for more information.


Socks: A common trait where the ends of the Protokeros' legs fade to a different color of fur. There are two distinct styles; Half Socks and Full Socks. You may only select one or the other, and never use both on the same Protokeros. Socks can be combined with Hoof Stripe. Colors are limited to natural coat colors. See color restrictions for more information.


Hoof Stripe: A common trait where the very tips of the fur lining the fetlocks are a different color than the rest of the fur. Can be combined with Socks. Color restrictions apply.


Dipped Tail, T1 OR 2: A common trait where the ends of the Protokeros' tail fades to a different color. There are two types, similar to the Dipped Horn trait. You may only select one or the other, and never use both on the same Protokeros. Colors are limited to natural coat colors. See color restrictions for more information.


Back Stripe: A stripe of variable width running along the entire back of a Protokeros that is a different color than their main coat color. Colors are limited to natural coat colors. See color restrictions for more information.

Blanket: A massive mark from horn to rump that is a different color than a Protokeros' main coat color. Colors are limited to natural coat colors. See color restrictions for more information.


Double Patch: An unusual instance of both the Shoulder Patch and Back Patch being present.

Underside: A single mark running from the jawline to the inner thighs. It must all be the same color.



Hooves are always metallic in appearance, shimmering and shifting in the light. Below are the ONLY accptable colors. The rare exception is Prismatic hooves, where the hooves take on an appearance similar to varying types of Vesperian Crystal. This color is not available for MYO.


Coats and Manes: Protokeros can only exhibit the markings listed in the previous section, with the exceptions of markings inherited as cross-species hybrids. Colors are always natural or muted in appearance, with bright coloration only present in nobility or those with Divine Blessing. Below are varying color families (you will need to reference them on your approval sheet). IMPORTANT NOTE: The Tinted Grayscales are the only finite color families that do not allow for experimentation. This means that this is as close to purple, green, or blue as you can get without getting into unnatural territory. The Red color family refers to natural reds, and does not allow for the use of something like fire engine red. Pure black is also not permitted, as you won't be able to see the line art! Browns and Blondes are so varied that they aren't all shown here, so you may experiment more there. If in doubt, just askStarkindler and she can clarify!


Unnatural Coloration: A rare case where a Protokeros' mane or fur are unusually colored. Not quite as rare as the Nebulous hair streaks, but envied and praised as a sign of god-given beauty, and believed to be good luck for the parents of these individuals.

Nebulous Mane: The rarest Divine Blessing to have manifested thus far, individuals who posess this trait are revered by all. Thier magic is the most potent among Protokeros. These few are thought to be destined for greatness, and most often were royal family, or if they were lower class, sent to live with nobility and royalty to learn to hone their powers. Much information has been lost to the ages about this particular power. Until now, Nebulous hair had not been seen for thousands of years; since the reign of Imperatori Rigela Starkindler.


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