World Map





Athándul is known as the home of the Gods. The Greater Gods all live on other planes, with Mar's whereabouts unknown. The Lesser Gods mostly prefer to roam the planet, with only Antrum taking up residence on the lonely isle in his smithy.

Spirits remain here to tend the dwellings of those who choose to live abroad, in the event a council should ever need to be held again. A council is the rare gathering of all the Gods in one place, here on Athándul. Such a meeting hasn't happened since Ventus' installment as the replacment of the former Goddess of Storms, Tempest. No mortals have ever dared to step foot here.




Homeland of the Niarus, only a small portion of land along the coast is remotely habitable. It is a harsh tundra, and as a result, many Niarus travel the world to seek a living in warmer climes. Imports from other countries are very expensive, if they ever become available; very few trade ships want to risk navigating those waters.




The home to five of the six Wildling Unicorn clans, the Polar Wilds is a vast country hosting several different climates and terrains, like its eastern neighbor, Atuannar. The artwork and excerpts below are originally by Rannarbananar, and I simply recorded them here (with minor edits) for convenience. Please check out the Wildling Unicorns species!


Map by Rannarbananar


A massive expanse of forest, more than likely the largest of their world. The Nerensis clan have proudly called it their home ever since records began. It stretches halfway across the Polar Wilds, meeting with the Pennine Peninsula. The Nerensis owe their natural swagger and pride down to their standing as the largest territory owners in the Wilds; a fact that has been taught to every young foal, even after the disputes were but legends.


Arguably the largest expanse of fields in the Polar Wilds, but technically remnants of unclaimed land that is now taken care of by the Philoden clan. Travelers by nature, many branches of the clan choose caravan-like lifestyles, moving from place to place in order to farm and grow their favoured foods and plants they treasure. The Peninsula is hilly in areas, but otherwise largely flat and abundant in wild flowers and fresh streams.


Ajoining section of the Tverra Mountains, Snowdon Falls is the area where a large waterfall cascades, the mouth of which is rendered in two by the elements. The water below the falls are surprisingly warm. The Melursus call the area around this spectacle their home, and share good relationships with the Tarandus clan, who aid in their protection. In the past, this relationship was once quite the opposite.


The large mountain to which the proud, stoic Tarandus clan dwell. The strong icy winds and almost permanently snowy habitat makes it an unforgiving place to live, but the warrior clan takes it in their stride. Their home is shared with the Melursus clan to the east, and also the wolves who reside near the mountain top.


The unknown and unexplored desert to the south east. Only sandstorms and deadly cold nights meet unsuspecting travelers. Imagine the surprise that some Wildlings wish to call this their home, then! The Echinoden enjoy exploring the old ruins that scatter their landscape - those were recently discovered to belong to the long-forgotten Vesperian Empire.


Although this island is part of Atuannar, the sixth and final Wildling Clan, the Aegede, claimed this land as their home some time ago. It is a lush tropical region, host to all manner of bright flora and fauna. (More to come)




Direcly east of the Polar Wilds is the country of Atuannar. It is home to several civilizations: Protokeros, Netikari, Magvos, Spirits, and remnants of scattered Hevonandar tribes whose ancestors didn't return to their homeland after the Great Upheaval. Below you will find an outline of the current balance of power and territory, including the territory of the Wildlings and the monsters who've begun to spread over the continent. The Polar Wilds is still largely safe from monster influence, as they seem to be isolated mostly to Atuannar. Occasionally, however, one will slip across the border.



  • Vesperia- The capital city, situated in the center of the southern portion of the landmass of Atuannar. In its heyday, it was a vast, bustling metropolis and major economic and political hub. It is not as vast as it once was, much of it having been reclaimed by nature over time, but the current generation has made great strides in the restoration of the city.
  • Erethalia- A major outlying city established in the present-day Serrano Terra region of the Polar Wilds. It was once a colorful and thriving city rivaling the size of the Empire's capital of Vesperia. Now all that remains are the ruins left in the wake of the civil war.
  • Feroxis Tantari- The Vast Wilds, in the common tongue. The untamed wilderness in the northernmost part of Atuanarr. A majority of large monsters and predators inhabit this area. During the Empire's peak, these beasts rarely ventured out from the wilds south into any towns or settlements. Since the crumbling of the Empire and the disappearance of the Protokeros, however, monsters have run rampant over the entire continent and have begun to shift westward.
  • Port Luminastéri- The largest harbor in the Vesperian Empire's history, it was one of the few Imperial locations to remain intact during and after the war. It is a major fishing port, and to this day remains the central distribution center for large ocean-dwelling fish and imports and exports to and from the Polar Wilds.
  • Port Luminastéri- The largest harbor in the Vesperian Empire's history, it was one of the few Imperial locations to remain intact during and after the war. It is a major fishing port, and to this day remains the central distribution center for large ocean-dwelling fish and imports and exports to and from the Polar Wilds.
  • Southport- The southernmost harbor on the continent, this once thriving city is now only inhabited by a few who wish to preserve its history. There is a major trade road leading from Southport to Vesperia proper, however, over the centuries, it has fallen into disrepair and is overrun with predators. This is the ending point for Élanto Eflumari.
  • Nymphíliki- A holy city, entirely devoted to temples and shrines of the entire Protokeran pantheon. It boasted a unique combination of natural and architectural beauty rivaled only by the capital city of Vesperia. Spirits and mortals dwelt side by side here in harmony. Although it survived the civil war, it is not as vast and glorious as it once was. It is now mostly inhabited only by spirits.
  • Amphione- A small port village on the northern edge of modern day Serrano Terra in Wildling territory, it served as a quick transfer point from Port Luminastéri for caravans to take goods to Erethalia. It was solely a trade-town, out of the way of most of the rest of civilization. It somehow survived the civil war, but there is hardly any trace of Protokeran influence here beyond its ancient name.
  • Edaseia- A southern port town in modern-day Enchi Forest. It had the least Protokeran influence in all the conquered cities, only ever having its name changed. It was mostly a way to ferry resources from the southern Polar Wilds directly to Atuanarr, and was among the first and easiest to overthrow during the civil war. There is no current trace of the ancient empire left in this city.
  • Kamarymna- The only Protokeran stronghold in the frosty region between the Tverra Mountains and the Snowden Falls, it was a small settlement that, for the most part, got on well with non-Protokeran citizens. The civil war was especially hard for this settlement as a result of this inclusive nature. It was one of the only safe havens for a Protokeros during this turbulent period, and many of them assimilated into Tarandus and Melursus culture in the end, becoming less like themselves and much more like the Wildlings.
  • Thyrissos- A conquered city renamed in honor of the goddess Thyra, it was another major holy destination following the construction of its temple to Thyra, as well as being the only waypoint between Erethalia and Ptelera. As a result, the city thrived on the coin of travelers and was also a bustling trade hub. It is unknown by the remnants of today's Empire if this city still stands as it once was thousands of years ago.
  • Ptelera- Another port city, situated on the far northwestern side of what is currently known as the Enchi Forest in Wildling territory. It is unknown whether this city survived the civil war, as no living Protokeros still with the Empire's remnants has ventured far enough to find out. If the city does remain, the Protokeran inhabitants were either left for dead, or found a way to assimilate into the new society.
  • Rizurias- A moderately sized town in the eastern region of Atuanarr, it served as a waypoint on the way to Naxanos for weary travelers.
  • Élanto Eflumari- The River of Life; the major river running the length of the continent from north to south.


The figures below illustrate the extent to which the Vesperian Empire extended thousands of years ago, compared to Protokeran influence today. You'll notice that monster and spirit territories are also vastly different.






The Dragonhome, origin of all dragonkind. This vast continent is a mess of magical climates, all stemming from the dragon's lairs. The land is an ever-changing landscape, and there are only loose landmarks and territories, as dragons come and go. It is too harsh and chaotic for other species to dwell here. Some smaller or lesser drakes might choose to establish their lair on another continent, in hopes to roost uncontested.




Home to the birdfolk, the Hitori, Torishiima is split into five islands. The two easternmost isles host small tribes of Huizon refugees from Maizuul. The larger eastern isle is more industrialized, while the largest and westernmost isle is still fairly rural. The territory as a whole experiences four seasons, although the southernmost regions are more subtropical, while the north is subarctic.




Maizuul has been embroiled in conflict since the end of the Great Upheaval, and the only civilization, the Huizon, are living their own unique apocalypse. Very little land is suitable for farming or livestock, and much of the forests that once stood were brought down centuries ago in a calamity with conflicting historical records. All streams of Aether have also been diverted away from the island since the Great Upheaval, and as the Huizon are unable to use magic, their island is strictly barred off to those who do.




The lush and tropical island of Caquiztli is the home to the Axlotli clans. It is surrounded by magic and Meyeri alike, all as a protective measure from Ulani against the outside world to safeguard her chosen children.




A small island where the Algari and Eshalra Hevonandar tribes hail from. The island's climate ranges from mild temperate to subtropics.Before the age of the Vesperian Empire, several small groups ventured across the sea to the Polar Wilds and Atuannar, roaming as nomad clans for centuries before the rise of Imperatori Rigela. Those that lived in the Wilds and Atuannar were victims of imperialism and all its evils. When the end of the Great Upheaval was upon them, those who still had some semblance of unity made their way across the sea to their ancestors' home. Those who remained were either isolated or their line was bred out into the Wildlings.




Sceilia is home to the Zevaar Hevonandar tribe. The island's climate ranges from desert to tropics. Like their Amiran neighbors, several small groups ventured across the sea before the age of the Vesperian Empire to the Polar Wilds and Atuannar, roaming as nomad clans for centuries before the rise of Imperatori Rigela. Those that lived in the Wilds and Atuannar were victims of imperialism and all its evils. When the end of the Great Upheaval was upon them, those who still had some semblance of unity made their way across the sea to their ancestors' home. Those who remained were either isolated or their line was bred out into the Wildlings.




The island home of both the Ulvik and the Attan. The Ulvik live in pack-like settlements in the more mountainous regions, while the Attan tend to live around coasts and rivers. (More to come!)




One of the broken portions of the Friiga Isles, this island was named for its shape; likened to Ulani's Meyeri. Like the rest of the Friiga Isles, this place is uninhabited, and stands only as a unique landmark. (More to come!)




The site of the greatest battle between the Gods during the Terrible War. It was once all one landmass, but was broken into various portions during the struggle. Remnants of the awful aura surrounding those years still lingers, and not even wildlife inhabit this area.




The arctic southernmost landmasses on the planet, it is frigid and only wildlife suitable for the cold temperatures make their home here.




A strange and extremly dangerous storm cell that has stood over the ocean between Atuannar and Veluzoth for centuries. None return once they enter, and sailors always navigate the long way around to avoid it.
