Officer Penelope Puff



7 years, 5 days ago

Basic Info




Officer Puff (Citizens) Puff (Co-workers)




A cop stationed in Curdling Rock. When she comes across lost children in her jurisdiction, she promises to help take them back home...


October 8th








Rookie police officer recently transferred to the station in the city of Curdling Rock;.






Snow, the color pink/blue, soda (caffeine in general), car chases, helping others.


Runners (running in general), having her hat taken off, mentions of her 'snow spot' on her forehead


Curdling Rock is a city nestled within the Curdling Rockies, a mountain range west of civilization. All but isolated from the outside world, the small community thrives off self-built society. They have their own hospitals, their own banks, their own currency, the town is all but completely detached from the world and self-sustains its people without need of outside aide. The citizens are happy, and live fulfilling lives without strife or malcontent. Business booms within the town, and the economy is stimulated by mining activity (which has proven ever-fruitful since the city's beginning). It's a haven amongst the rockies, and while it prospers undoubtedly, Curdling Rock somehow evades local maps and remains undiscovered to all outside its reach.

Although the city is humble, there must still be a force online to protect the citizens from certain danger. The Curdling Rock Police Force, located in Old Town Curdling, is filled with a small group of dedicated officers who live to serve and save the people. One of the newest transferee's to the CRPD is a young woman by the name of Penelope Puff (or Officer Puff, for short). Patient, steadfast and eager to prove herself, Penelope is always on the job. Even if she's on break, even if she's off-duty, her eye is always turned to the people and serving their needs. When three lost children wander into town, she's the first person to hear about it. More than anything, Penelope wants to help those poor kids, and take them back home, where the belong...

Physical Description:

Officer Penelope Puff is a woman of average height and a hourglass build. Her favorite colors are pink and blue, so she wears a combination of both at all times. Even when she's on duty!

She has piebald hair (primarily black with one white patch at the forefront of the forehead). She has blue eyes, and is the NE Equivalent of White.

Originally from New Temp City, Officer Penelope Puff was transferred to the Curdling Rock PD sometime recently. A young, energetic rookie, it was thought that someone like Penelope could shoot life into the CRPD (which has been more than a little slow due to the overall lack of crime). So far, Penelope's been doing just that! Her energy and determination are proving just what this small team needs to get their jobs done.

Penelope has piebaldism, meaning her hair and skin are lacking melanocytes in a patch on her forehead. Below her white strands of hair is a fragment of discolored, pale skin that she has called her "snow spot". She's self-conscious about it.


Penelope Puff is a young woman with a steadfast heart. New to the area and eager to prove herself in the field, Penelope is an officer of the Curdling Rock Police Department. She gives her all to serve the people. At first, she was stuck at the desk, doing paper work and other logistical jobs. However, now she's finally being allowed out onto the streets, and her excitement is palpable. Even if there's not a lot of crime in Curdling Rock, Penelope finds something to do, be it helping old ladies cross the street or cleaning up litter from the parks. However, when three lost kids come wandering into town, things begin to pick up...

Patient and eager, Penelope is a burst of energy that tends to expend itself before a task is completed. She is a caring and conscientious person who's empathy extends to her job; Penelope will find the glory in helping people cross the road. In the most menial chores, Penelope will enjoy herself, because she believes that in life she should never be bored. She's always doing something, so how could she possibly feel nothing? Penelope is the type to make a mountain out of a molehill, but she comes from a place of caring. She's trying to both psyche herself up and be proactive in her work.

Penelope isn't one to give up, even when she's exhausted herself. If it's a major problem, Penelope will take care of it, and in her world everything is a major problem. She's determined when it comes to helping others; she'll do that even if there's nothing she can do. Which leads to her thinking she's not doing enough. Which leads to her feeling horrible and inadequate about herself. There's so much she should be doing, and so little time to do it! Since she was a child, she wanted to help others--what good is she if she's not?

And this is Penelope's biggest vice. She gives too much, and it exhausts her to the point of unbelievable fatigue. She's normally a patient person, but if things take too long, or aren't going her way, she tries to expedite the process with her overactivity. Sometimes, nothing gets done, or things get worse, and both options leave Penelope feelings worthless about herself. She works so hard, almost as if she's trying to make up for something--as if her job is her repentance. Penelope never stops, and because she never stops, she gets tired and sluggish. She gets moody, irritable, and angry at herself. She thinks she's worthless, she thinks she's horrific, because she can't do the simplest thing...

But she can do this thing, right? Three children wander into town, each with a different story and a different personality. Surely she can do her job! Surely she can help them all; she knows how scary it is to be so far away from home! However, these children seem to be doing their best to not cooperate. It's like they're trying to stress her out! One is alright enough, but he's drawing away from her with each meeting. One wants nothing to do with her, and she cant even find the other one! Are they all conspiring against her? It's really bothering Penelope. All she wants to do is take them home...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Penelope may be a rookie, but she's eager to prove herself in the field. She went through basic training, so she's capable in a pinch. She's physically fit and can chase down perps for miles. She carries a pistol at all times, and she's a decent shot, too! She is determined to get the job done, and steadfast in her mission to serve and protect the people of Curdling Rock. She got transferred because of her young promise, and that wasn't a lie! Penelope is a capable woman who isn't to be underestimated. She'll take you down if you're not careful.

If there's anything amiss with Penelope, it's that she's impatient. She works in spurts of inspiration, and can be easily exhausted by time-consuming processes like filing paperwork or the logistical side of her job. Sitting at a desk was killing her! She is patient when it comes to helping others, but she's always looking to expedite the process. When things go over time, Penelope will want to get it done. She'll put all her effort into something, which fatigues her more than she likes to admit.

Bonus Facts:

- Penelope loves her beanie, as its one of her few reminders of home. She wears it all the time, and hates when it falls off/is taken off of her! In fact, she's usually wearing hats...whether its a nightcap, or a sunhat, or some other type of hat...maybe she's hiding more white patches?

- Her favorite soda is Tab.

- Penelope has only just begun to go out into the field and respond to calls! She's been working behind the desk for a long while, so she's happy she gets to get out there and stretch her legs a little bit. Even if it's just for wrangling lost kids...