Eli Emeici



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Eli (everyone)



Special Ability



May 29th








A world-class assassin and spy for a mysterious organization that operates in secrecy...






Games, sound of ripping paper, dim lighting, breaking hearts


Archery, meddlers, sweet things and the color green


In the city of Sparta, peculiar characters live in an uneasy peace. Humans and animal-hybrids co-exist together in this world of theirs, however, in Sparta, there always seems to be something destructive going on. Whether it be unexplainable explosions, or mysterious murders, Sparta is a town that is rife with crime that is seemingly without origin or purpose. But still, despite this chaos that runs rampant throughout the town, there are people who wish to do good. Masked heroes, super-groups, good samaritans, all of these people together work to clean up the streets, and make Sparta a safe (or at least, tolerable) place to call home.

But not all stories begin in Sparta. Sure, they may end up there, and exist there now, but who says they had to begin in this reckless little town? No, Eli's story begins on an entirely different planet...and on that planet he stays. After an undisclosed, but triumphant event, Eli finally came into his own and joined his family in their malicious endeavors. Taught from birth to crave the destruction of others, and to take joy in their suffering, Eli has quickly risen through the ranks of a certain nameless organization...

Physical Description:

Elias Emeici is a tall man with a slim, lanky build. He is a black wolf and his hairstyle often changes depending on his mood. Sometimes he braids it, sometimes he wears it natural, whatever suits him.

He has dark hair that is currently long and frames his face, and striking pink eyes. He's got little tufts of white fur in his ears.

"Eli" was born on the planet of Ehatr, a world parallel to the one in which Sparta reside (albeit they're a little behind the times in terms of innovation). Castles, kings, regions and truces, it is a world with both unique creatures and unique stories to be told there. Raised on the outskirts of Tibria in relative poverty, Eli has come into his own and fulfilled the tasks his family had planned for him. They taught him well, and now he is a terror and official for the malignant organization with no name...

Unlike certain co-workers of his, Eli works in the Ehatr branch of the organization (as it spread to the planet when the portal between worlds opened up). He's world-class there, and if he knew a certain redhead, they'd be fast friends for sure.


Eli isn't someone you want to ever make the acquaintance of, unless you like being hurt. Hurting others is all he really knows how to do, or at least all he enjoys doing. If making people upset is a hobby, it's Eli Emeci's favorite pastime, and he's made an Olympic sport of the entire emotion. He craves power and dominance, and will destroy all in his path for a cheap thrill.

Slippery and like a trickster in nature, Eli works in relative silence, and enjoys bending others. Causing havoc is his main goal, but, unlike a certain redheaded co-worker, Eli takes direct responsibility for his misdeeds. Direct trickery, direct destruction, you name it: Eli likes to get up close and personal with his deeds. Sometimes he even goes undercover himself to lead people to their door. The look on peoples faces when they notice their betrayal is sweet to him; he's been taught to view their suffering that way.

Eli enjoys messing with other people. He's silent by nature, but when he gets worked up, excitement takes him over. He becomes unstoppably giddy, and has a tendency to get carried away with his enjoyment. He doesn't hide how happy it makes him to hurt others, or to break things. He's never been taught to be ashamed in those emotions, rather, he's been made to relish in them! 

He's never felt bad hurting another person before...or rather...that's what he says...but no matter! Eli isn't afraid to break things; he loves to! He loves to get high on the pieces left behind! That's what he was made to do! He can't think too hard on his own emotions, or his past...it starts to make him question. He has to come to hate anything that makes him think twice, only then can he dismiss the weird emotions in his heart.

And so far, his technique of adopted hatred is working. Eli is working his way up the ranks of the nameless organization, and assisting them in their gradual takeover of Ehatr. It's slow, of course. It's subtle and perverse...but if things need to get louder, just give Eli a call. He'll waste no time destroying something beautiful.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Eli is a trickster who enjoys setting up ploys that end in fireworks. He's got a flair for the dramatic and tends to go hard with all his plots, making things more violent than they need to be. His quiet nature makes him secretive and elusive. Once he sets his sights on what he wants, he goes for it, no matter what. What does he have to lose? Just personal enjoyment.

But that's a flaw of his. He laser-focuses too easily. He often gets too in the moment and doesn't realize he's acting out of line, out of character, and must come back to the realm of common sense. Eli hasn't acted "normally" in years. He was taught to view suffering as something sacred and fun...what is it like not to hurt others? He can't fathom that world, or finding enjoyment in it.

 Bonus Facts:

- Has no friends. He had someone very close to him once, but he thinks him dead now. He doesn't even really need friends; his future was planned out for him since before he was born. That relationship had to end sooner or later...

- Although he's a good archer, he hates it. It's so silent and boring...

- Eli does not have origins as a Sonic the Hedgehog fan-character. He was inspired from a dream I had.

[ * Ehatr and the subsequent lore belongs to ShadowRose17! * ]