Terrance Pierce



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Terry (Azazel, Locke), Terr-Bear (Lisa)



Manic Despair Type

Type 2 Hybrid


January 30th








Robotics expert and engineer, has a PhD in robotics and has been under the crowns employment for two decades.






Machinery, sketching, the smell of gasoline and soot, reading the newspaper, dangerous tools you're not supposed to use.


Being distracted, being forced to confront his issues, being tricked or being presented false facts, decaf coffee, going in without plans.


A brilliant engineer and robotics expert tasked with creating chaotic machines. A member of King Azazel's Personal Guard.


Physical Description:


Terrance is a medium-sized man of bulky build. His hands are rough and calloused due to working with heavy machinery.

He has dyed blue hair (brown originally) and blue eyes. He wears square-framed glasses for his nearsightedness. 

Terrance is a member of King Azazel's personal guard, a small group of individuals tasked with defending his person and causing the destruction of Tiene Hills. His (adoptive) daughter, Irene Pierce, is a member.

He usually is never seen without a suit when out in public. Sometimes he will bring a big suitcase with him, carrying sketches and plans for his newest inventions.




Terrance is a well known authority in the field of robotic engineering.

Previously a Royal Scientist under the late King William--along with his wife, Lisa--Dr. Terrance Pierce was once a dedicated father and equally dedicated to his work.

When The Happening occured, however, the already emotionally distant Terrance retreated even farther into his shell. Afflicted with a rare hybrid form of Manic Despair, Terrance has little emotional response to anyone or anything anymore, and forces himself into his work in order to cope with the horrors of it all.

He has a conscience, and knows how he feels cannot be right, but refuses to confront his issues and finds it meaningless to do so. Instead, he buries himself in his own head, working to the bone on the only things that make him 'happy'. 

Spurning his wife's terrible attempts at "affection", and abadoning his daughter due to her "distracting" nature, all Terrance has left is his work. To complete his mechs and to recieve the Kings praise is all he looks forward to in life. 


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Terrance is a brilliant mind who has crafted almost all of the robotic contraptions scurrying about throughout Holloway, collecting citizens for the king to harvest. Terrance himself is a weapon, the TH team has to take him seriously if they're ever going to stop the King.

On the contrary, Terrance has little regard for anything human, and it almost seems like he's lost his humanity. He won't care if an ally is in trouble, or put into danger because of his actions--he only cares about his machines and if they work properly.


Bonus Facts:


- Loves prosthetic limbs, and is one of the mastermind behind Alamos' robotic arm! Before King William started to delve into his "project", Terrance was a pioneer in creating and outfitting robotic prosthetics to amputees.

- Was a straight A student throughout college, but didn't really have any friends as a result. Its a miracle Lisa Pierce even looked his way, to be honest.

- Works so hard to the point of exhaustion, there have been many times where he's fallen asleep on the job--sometimes with dangerous caustic chemical around. He's not very responsible anymore.