Yen Phan



6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Yenny (Nickel, Ora)




Currently working with Detective Nickel and the rest of her department in solving the Royal Family Murders...


March 29th








A beat cop who works in the Northern district of the big city with her partner, Ora.






Coffee, sports (especially baseball), bears, sweet cola and other sources of caffine.


Cigarette smoke, well-off folk (she feels a resentment towards them), stakeouts, night-shifts, paperwork.


Yen Phan is one of the many beat-cops employed in the big city. Assigned to the northern, fancy district full of royal consorts and rich folk, her days are often boring and her nights, somehow, worse. However, her time has just gotten a lot more eventful...

Under the command of the newest detective on the force, Nicholas "Nickel" Brown, Yen works hand in hand with the "Miracle Detective" to try and unravel the mystery of the Royal Family murders. Watching an expert work is both mesmerizing and informative, but she can't let herself grow complacent! A real, bonafide serial killer is roaming her streets. She has to remain vigilant, remain careful, and try to assist her superiors in solving some of the most gruesome killings of their careers...

Physical Description:

Yen Phan is a small woman with a round, boxy build. Her nails are often painted a light blue color, and her long hair is tied up in a high ponytail.

She has dark brown/black hair that goes towards the middle of her back when undone. Her eyes are a dark brown color, and she is of mixed race (NE Equivalent of Japanese and Vietnamese).

A recent graduate from the police academy, Yen Phan was transferred to the big city and works in one of the richest districts of the north. With her partner, Ora, she prowls the streets in search of suspicious activity...although there's never much on this side of the tracks. However, as of recently, life's gotten a ton more eventual. With the Royal Murders in full swing, Yen has placed herself on high alert, and assists the "Miracle Detective" Nicholas Brown in stopping the tenacious serial killer...

Due to her proximity to the castle, Yen is usually one of the first responders to the Royal Murder crime scenes. She takes responsibility to steer people away from the scene to prevent possible contamination--the force is gonna need all the help they can get in stopping this killer. She answers to Nickel's orders, and tries to steer clear of the Commissioner's ire.


Yen Phan is, thankfully, not yet destroyed by her line of work. Despite her long years at the police academy, and her own personal struggles no one can fathom, she keeps a chipper disposition and an altruistic worldview on life. To all who know her, Yen is a burst of energy, an ender of crime, and a valiant officer for the precinct she calls home. Her fellow officers are her family. Ora is like a brother to her. And she'll do whatever it takes to keep that family (and the world around them) safe.

Brave and quick-witted, Yen wastes no time before jumping into action. If you show her an opportunity to succeed, or get any type of work done, she sprints towards it at full speed. She lives her life as if she's in a hurry, or being chased by a demon with a life-ending sickle. Yen works quickly, talks quicker, and doesn't give crime the chance to germinate in the minds of their perpetrators. In this way, she's very proactive in both work and normal life. She's the first to get the paper, the first to wake up in the morning, and is constantly searching for shortcuts to get tasks done quicker.

When it comes to her job, however, she refuses to cut corners. Yen takes her career very seriously, and hopes to move up in the world of law enforcement. She's an altruistic, caring person who hides her outward admiration through jokes and tough love. To her fellow officers, she's a jokester, but on a crime scene she's unwilling to play around for anyones sake. She's there to work. She assists the people and arrests those who disturb the peace. It's almost as if she has two modes: one that solves crime, and one that jokes around the crime.

Her quick personality can, and has been taken for impatience. Often times, Yen jumps to conclusions, and accuses with reckless abandon. She figures herself a prodigy, and this pride can undermine her if she's prove wrong. She looks for approval in the eyes of her peers, and when she doesn't get it she argues her point; deciding to die on the hill she made herself. Yen has the unfortunate tendency to throw herself in harms way without thinking before she acts. It's good she has Ora as a partner, or Yen would have jumped into lethal gunfire by now.

She's got to keep this reckless aspect of her personality in check. With a serial killer on the lose in the big city's richest district, she can't afford to throw her life away. An unruly, dangerous criminal is loose on her streets! Her streets! As a first responder to most of the scenes, she's made it her personal mission to assist the "Miracle Detective" Nickel however she can in the solving of the horrid Royal Murders. She'll banter back and forth with him, offer up some easy solutions--surely he'll value her advice! Surely she'll be able to protect him if he meets with this horrible beast of a killer...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Yen is a young, rookie officer, which mean she's still got her spirit and has yet to have her job jade her. She's an enthusiastic and helpful personality who takes orders well and breaks away from them just as well. She is trained in combat and weaponry from her time at the police academy, and her investigative skills better with every case. When push comes to shove, her eager and pressuring presence can get those unprepared to squeal out of their awkwardness and confusion. She's a oddball, but she loves her work and is a very capable officer with a good head on her shoulders.

But because she's so excitable, it means she's got a but of a hair-trigger temper and reactionary personality. She has a tendency to jump to conclusions, and often acts before thinking. She's impulsive and eager to prove herself, and can at times throw herself into danger. Yen is convinced she's a prodigy, so a lot of times when the detectives come around she's convinced she's already solved it and searches for approval. She's not the most patient, and hates both waiting around and doing paperwork. She'd rather be in her cop car chasing down deadbeats than doing what can only be described as paperwork.

Bonus Facts:

- It's Yen's dream to become Commissioner one day! She's a little naive now, but that's just because she lacks experience. She'll be well on her way to greener pastures soon enough...

- Although she works in the northern part of the city, she lives closer towards the west side. Her family actually comes from the western part of the big city, where a lot of crime is present. Yen doesn't talk about this much, and doesn't like to invite people back to her house.

- Believes in ghosts, aliens, magic and other forms of superstition. She says that believing makes life interesting.