Archibald Atlatl



6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Archie (Everyone)



Special Ability

No particular special ability, but he's got very good eyesight


December 31st








An archer hailing from a city of prosperity, Archie has a tendency to sneak out at night and take care of his own personal business...






Archery, the color green, tracking and hunting, nature sounds, gets thrilled in intense weather


Crowds and proximity in general (is a firm believer in personal space).


In the city of Sparta, peculiar characters live in an uneasy peace. Humans and animal-hybrids co-exist together in this world of theirs, however, in Sparta, there always seems to be something destructive going on. Whether it be unexplainable explosions, or mysterious murders, Sparta is a town that is rife with crime that is seemingly without origin or purpose. But still, despite this chaos that runs rampant throughout the town, there are people who wish to do good. Masked heroes, super-groups, good samaritans, all of these people together work to clean up the streets, and make Sparta a safe (or at least, tolerable) place to call home.

But not all stories begin in Sparta. Sure, they may end up there, and exist there now, but who says they had to begin in this reckless little town? No, Archie's story begins on an entirely different planet...and on that planet he stays. After an undisclosed, but horrific event in his past, Archie moved to a prosperous city in order to remake himself. He hoped to both disappear and become someone at the same time...funnily enough, he actually managed to achieve that.

Physical Description:

Archibald Atlatl is a smaller than average man with a slim, yet toned build. He is an orange cat, and he has vitiligo--he uses his mask to cover up the noticeable markings on his face while he's out patrolling.

He has medium length ginger hair and very striking green eyes. When he's patrolling, he wears a cute green hat.

"Archie" was born on the planet of Ehatr, a world parallel to the one in which Sparta reside (albeit they're a little behind the times in terms of innovation). Castles, kings, regions and truces, it is a world with both unique creatures and unique stories to be told there. Raised on the outskirts of Tibria in relative poverty, Archie has recently made the move to Jeria in order to start a new life...

For reasons unknown, Archie has a mysterious and large scar that runs from his collarbone down to his navel. 


Archie is someone who doesn't want to be noticed. Although he doesn't mind, and enjoys his new position as a Kings Guard, he does his best work when no one is watching. When given the liberty to move freely, Archie can accomplish amazing things, and (unfortunately) he is determined to achieve these things on his own. Regardless of how much time it takes. He can't trust as freely as he used to anymore.

Patient and level-headed, Archie has only just begun his new life. Only recently did he take up the mantle of a masked archer, in order to protect his new kingdoms borders and remove threats before they manifest in full. Archie is a tenacious sort, yet he knows when to pull back. He knows how to work alone with little issue, preferring the solitude to anything else.

Archie keeps many things within himself, especially after a certain even only a few years prior. Recently burned by someone he loved, Archie has become even more reserved than he was prior to his move. He's thought-driven and focused. He doesn't care too much for social conversation, and tries to avoid tying himself down to people. He knows how dangerous is can be for someone like him.

His tendency to keep secrets and withhold information can cause problems. Although he /can/ work in a team, he's not the best at it, and often goes out on his own anyway. He's disciplined by his own morals, but doesn't bend to anyone else's, making him hard to predict or control if you're working with him.

Luckily, no one has to. He prefers that people don't. He's starting over; becoming someone new; becoming someone stronger. In this new town, he can make a difference, and work harder to remove the weeds before the spread all over the garden. He has to. He wants no one else to suffer as he did...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Archie is strong with any type of a shooting, but especially archery. He could get used to a gun, sure, but he is most comfortable when he has his bow and arrows with him. His sharp eyes and keen sense of awareness aid him in his work. He is ridiculously calm under pressure, and rarely if ever gets worked up. He can make some crazy shots...

Unfortunately, he is mediocre at best in hand to hand combat. He can hold his own, but he finds it easier to run away when he knows the land so well. His quiet and isolated attitude keeps him from asking for help, and a lot of times he never shares what he's planning and acts alone. Sometimes, he'll even blatantly ignore orders if he finds his idea to be best. He understands people logically and emotionally, but doesn't really get himself...

 Bonus Facts:

- His favorite color is green, and he enjoys wearing it everywhere he goes.

- Has a soft spot for tea. He really, really likes tea.

- Archie does not have origins as a Sonic the Hedgehog fan-character. He was inspired from a dream I had.

[ * Ehatr and the subsequent lore belongs to ShadowRose17! * ]