Blake "Blank" Bowers



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Blank (Cops and the Media, it's his Thieving name, after all!)



Special Ability

Selective Memory Erasure


February 1st








Don't you wish you knew? (Phantom Thief!)






Cats, camping, long car rides, pumpkin spice lattes, money, writing poetry, CATS, CATS, CATS.


Being told what to do, stressful situations, the smell of gasoline, the very prospect of getting caught


No matter what you do, you will forget people. Strangers on the street will pass you by, and by the end of the day you'll not remember what any of them look like. Unless they do something to really grab your eye, they will leave you, and fade into the obscurity. At most, they'll become extras in a dream that vanishes upon waking. Some people have relatively little presence, some have too much--little is remembered of the phantom thief who can remove his presence entirely. Maybe that's what makes him so alluring to the papers...

To those he has never met, or a selection of his "favorites", they call him what he is. "Blank". A gap in the mind where a void remains, where the mysterious spiral in his eye has scooped the information straight for their brains. Whats known about this elusive thief can be gathered from cameras, notes, and the passing knowledge of people who manage to glimpse him through mirrors or reflections. Those who he's spared--those who are known as his "favorites"--gain more info with each meeting, but they'd never guess who he was behind the mask. A quiet, lover of cats with a serious addiction to seasonal lattes.

Physical Description:

"Blank" is a short man of a relatively toned, but slim build. He wears two barrettes in his hair to try and keep his bangs out of his eyes, but he's failing.

He has white hair that has been dyed from its original color, which was black. His left eye is a bright blue, his right on the other hand? We'll get to that. 

You wish you knew what he was about...and so does every tabloid. A phantom thief in every sense of the word, Blank sneaks out of his apartment at night, stealing money and precious gemstones from banks and stores everywhere. Wearing a black mask that only shows his right eye, his entire costume and persona is that of a void. A dark, incomprehensible space...just like the poetry he writes in his free-time. Most people who come across the thief have no memory of ever encountering him. It's possible some have seen his face, or true identity, and yet have forgotten all about it with but a glance. When he steals, he leaves nothing but a blank in your mind. A memory that should remain, yet it's nowhere to be found. Its as if he reached into your brain with pliers and just took out all thoughts of himself from within your mind--it's some twisted game of operation. 

In Blanks right eye, there lies a curious spiral. Literally. Moving outward from the pupil, a black spiral pattern emerges from Blank's eye, spanning over the white sclera. By day, Blank uses a blue contact to hide the strange mutation. However, its affects on those who see him are evident, and Blank knows to utilize it whenever he fears detection. If he make eye-contact with a person, specifically with that strange eye, and he wishes for them to forget him, they will.


How do you recall the personality of a thief you can't remember yourself? Well, you use a lot of cameras, a lot of he-said she-said, and a lot of educating guessing. The persona of Blank is a deep enigma, an eternal, unspooling thread of mystery and awe. But Blake Bowers? He's pretty simple. At least, at a distance he is. Maybe there's more going on underneath the cool surface of his? Don't ask me, I don't remember anything, and eventually neither will you.

Chill and unfazed by most disasters in life, Blake is a stoic and methodical personality who lives his life by an easily predictable routine. It's inconspicuous, quaint and simple--much like himself. He gets up, gets a latte at his local coffee shop, runs off to do...something of some sort...and then gets back home by 12am. Rarely does he venture from this routine, as it appears that nothing exists to make him stray from it. He's got a perpetual bored look on his face, and he's got the stature of a statue. The only things that seems to crack it is a cat.

Blake is very independent, punctual, and keeps to himself a lot. It doesn't appear that he lives with anyone, and spends the majority of his time inside his small apartment. He's got a cold manner of speaking, and while he is polite, he is far from welcoming to strangers. He seems to never want to be bothered, and tries to keep all interactions as short as humanly possible. Does he act so strange because he doesn't like people? Because he has something to hide? Or just because he wants to hang out with his kittens? Who knows! You don't! (But you do, don't you?)

It's hard to understand him, and hard to get close to him. Blake seems to live a relatively isolated life. He gets no letters, no e-mails, no cards from family, as if he has been forgotten by the world. Blake has self-destructive tendencies, and a past that has destroyed his relationships with even those he was closest with. Completely alone, and forgotten by those he cherished, he has a blank slate in a new place. He views himself as the best at being forgotten, and given what he's done to people he loved, has a terrible view on himself that he'll never forgive himself for. The only person who can never forget who is, is Blake himself.

But the one aspect of Blake that can be remembered by others, that is remembered by others, isn't really "him" at all. Although he began as a small-time crook, the buzz around his strange ability began to feed the lonely man the attention he needed. Blake has lived a life of futility. He would never be remembered, always be forgotten--he even had the means of making it happen to everyone he met. He was desperate, he was broke, he was dejected. He hated himself, and wanted nothing more than to step out of his body. As "Blank", he has the perfect opportunity to turn it all around. Why not become a celebrity in his own way? The only way he knows how? Why not become infamous through what he does best?

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Blanks most handy strength is his ability to remove the memories of himself from other people. How he does this is unknown to people, but the source of that power comes from his right eye. He's good under pressure, and can handle most crisis' with a relatively clear head. He is an "act first" kind of person, and will work fast before even recognizing his fear, or hesitation. He is strong, agile, and while he'll hate himself for it later, he's not above tricking people.

In order to wipe someones mind of his presence, he has to be in their presence physically. He can't do it from far away, and he can't do it with a picture. He has to be looking at the person and be looking at them long enough for the full wipe to take effect. If the spiral is covered, its power is weakened, and it takes longer to wipe someone. Blank also has a real, real weakness for cats. He will easily break for a kitten. 

Bonus Facts:

- Has a British accent (Lancashire dialect).

- Has a unique tattoo on his back. They're the phases of the moon, and they move up his spine.

- He has a (bad) habit of picking up stray cats and bringing them back to his apartment. Somehow, he can afford all of their care...